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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Glad you're back and especially back home again. Can't help with the not a python problem though.
  2. I love my free snails, all these pedigree ones seem like hard work
  3. Sorry about that bad day, I've traveled with open buckets without thinking about it before now. But as with all cautionary tales there is a lesson for us all here. Hope you still got your shrimp.
  4. https://www.livescience.com/fossil-farm-fish-uk A unique fossil with a rare amount of detail.
  5. Seems like a good amount of stuff for the money hope it's that clean when you get there.
  6. I believe you pick up where you left, but only from what I've heard no experience.
  7. I only wipe if they are dusty, not that I get brand new very often
  8. Most dechlorinators work but the question you have was ( your spouse excluded) it always added and was it used correctly. I'd test it before binning it I have used so many different brands over the years often non brand and cheap and never had an issues.
  9. Is this tank in front of the window? If so you could black out the back and sides of the tank (assuming not already done) which will reduce the amount of sunlight entering the tank. Throw us some pictures they always help the thinking. Algae is good for the fish just not very pretty so it's all about finding a balance. I don't think my early fish keeping would have been half as successful without the stuff
  10. I wonder if this is an cunning plan by the fish shops to sift extra tanks. I'm jealous I'd love a fry surprise. Probably end up in crazy where to keep them panic to
  11. Well I ain't joining their data base (it's free to read but only if we can sell your email address). I love the idea that living in the wild is eutopia and not full of nasty sharp things, nasty toxic things and many many things that think you might be tasty, I refuse to feel bad about removing something from a food chain or from an evaporating water source. My fish are aware of the room and I would generally discribe them as curious rather than stressed or afraid. Who would keep fish if it was big box of angst
  12. Just remember a narrow tube will produce a more powerful pull. Dean makes an attachment for a python to use air line to suck up cyno. Tried to find a link but failed 😔
  13. Looks good, this has taken a dramatic turn, good luck. I borrow hardscape from my existing tanks to help with the cycling (as well as the tank water). It also buys a bit of time to choose some good stuff or go on a forage.
  14. Devastating news, you tried so hard. Great you are taking the fish home. Silver dollars like a long tank in my experience but that's not going to be a revelation. I'm sure someone will give a suggestion from the US standard sizes
  15. In the UK a lot of LFS are based at garden centres often incorporating nice restaurants (or at least darn good tea and cake). It like they know what's happening at home. Big hint don't question the flower choices until the fish are literally in the bag. I've got people to drive me to nice out of town LFS on the cake assurance alone. And it's silly not to check out the fish while we're here isn't it. 😜 It's nearer the fish isn't it.
  16. I'm not an expert but looks like Ich to me. If you see spots on the fishes eyes then you may have to rethink. If you haven't encountered Ich before this might help https://aquariumscience.org/index.php/1-1-11-ich/ And this helps define the differences between Ich and epistylis
  17. To give you an idea of time to cycle I would be thinking 4 to 6 weeks if things go well. Pest snails only eating algae shouldn't be producing to much waste unless there are 100s so try to live with the mess until the cycle kicks in. The less you mess the quicker and more stable the cycle. Betta and shrimp work pretty well as in my experience Bettas aren't that fussy about hunting down the shrimp tetras can be a bit more focused on rooting things out. Shrimp like well established tanks so I'd get the Betta first and then after a few months add the shrimp.
  18. I don't stress about algae (life is to short). I only clean the glass I look through which is only the front on the main tank as it in a recess. Basically if it bothers you remove it if it doesn't leave it be. Fish eat it and it uses nitrates so it's only failing is not being as pretty as the plants we buy.
  19. My tank must just be full of wimps glad it works out for you, mine is just murderous. It is amazing how many more fish I see now she's out of the community tank
  20. Keep an eye on the krib I have had to isolate one that ruled my tank like a tyrant. I didn't see much I think she got nasty after lights out. But slowly all my fish had become really reclusive. Hopefully yours will live up to the peaceful nature I keep reading that that they have. Oh and a tank is only overcrowd if you spend more time changing water than watching your fish. Basically if you can manage the parameters (with wibble room for emergencies)and the fish have room to swim your ok.
  21. Just cut a piece of foam to size (ppi 20 or30 ish) cut it sightly to wide and wedge it over the intake it will act the same and the pre-intake sponges. Cut a couple though so you can keep it covered even when you are rinsing the sponge
  22. Took the scenic route to a lfs today. Butterflies and dragonflies oh my
  23. I'd worry about the tank cracking if any ice started forming. I'm pretty sure freezing isn't in the expected range of temps that fish tank manufacturers would consider. For winter I would think you'd need to insulate that tank really well. Does it have to be a tank? I know someone who uses an old chest freezer as a keep tank for eel fishing. That would provide you with a potentially huge water volume and insulation (remove the lid for safety and the plug). Admittedly this is just an indoor pond and might not be what you are looking for as you already have out door ponds. And it would take some dressing up to look good. But you'd get some recycling kudos to.
  24. Love the octopus. Not sure if you can get them but some marimo mossballs can be unrolled and you could then cut and use that. It will fluff out but don't get unruly. And pretty close to unkillable
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