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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. They are pretty fun and it will be the only way to be sure if they can food. I look forward to updates and forming the European arm of "Puffer Pro Snax"
  2. I suppose some of the more similar colour and pattern morphs would make it more likely. I do feel sorry for my laser but I can never find anywhere with them locally to either find her a friend or donate her to. She gets on with the Aeneus female it's only when eggs are involved it seems to matter.
  3. So many year's ago in a less informed time I added 3 very orange avenue corys to my community tank that already had a little family of 5 peppered corys. All was kinda well a red herring in the mix is that one of the aeneus is really an orange laser but mistakes happen. Anyway these groups did their thing and I had a few more aeneus and a few more peppered. Then as time went on I lost the original males for the peppered and they stopped breeding. I got no more off spring until I added a new male in June and I have now got a pepper baby in there. It is now the last because I lost the female (krib violence) at the start of July. I hear people worrying about having "mutt" fry if you have multiple groups but I have never seen them cross breed they only follow their own females around. The orange laser has been very determined at times but all the males avoid her. So that's what is going on in my glass box has anyone had cross overs in their tanks?
  4. I wonder if they would be the answer the pea puffer people are looking for
  5. Well you can't see them without at least passing through England. The route between Scotland and Wales has some great countryside no matter what route you take. If you have questions at the planning stage feel free to ask. I've never been to Ireland but I do have family there.
  6. Not sure what I had just a sachet of triop eggs. They definitely have a survive anything vibe.
  7. I'm sure New Zealand is much nicer although our geology is much more stable. And a welcome isn't meant if tea isn't offered. And a good brew biscuit can turn a day around. I find escape to country hilarious I always wonder how long they will last. (The revisit shows are fun to).
  8. Evaporation is an issue with the chi because of the waterfall filter thingy and not quite complete lid. But that waterfall forms some of the bio filtration so it's kinda clever.
  9. When you check all new tops to make sure you can roll/ push the sleeves up and thay they will stay in position before purchase. (I will not end up topless again)
  10. I kept them once a very long time ago ( sold as an alternative to sea monkeys) but they grew quite large and that shell might make them problematic. But they are interesting and easy they reproduce readily that was issue with them, I went from 3 to 30 in weeks.
  11. Things in thinking tankwise at the moment . 1) tank maintenance is little and often better than lots now and then. 2) how many fish do I own, I know I'm up one pygmy and one peppered Cory. I spotted what looked like a tiny Otto the other week with the five I remember purchasing but I haven't seen a single Otto in two weeks. And where are my two male bronze/anus hiding. 3) what to do about the angry krib is anything going to safe in a tank with her 4) will the Betta ever stop sulking in the community tank 5) are my shrimp breeding I have to much cover in that tank to tell what's going on
  12. Power in the UK and I believe most of Europe is getting very expensive at the moment I'm flying under the radar on random old tariff at the moment (by accident rather then shrewd moves on my part ) at 28 pence per kWh but some people are paying twice that or more right now. So its worth having a plan in mind at the moment.
  13. I just leave my corys to themselves and I gain an extra one every now and then depending on how hungry the tank mates are. I have recently spotted a peppered fry and I lost my only female peppered back in June so that is currently a confusing surprise must have been a parting gift from her. I keep meaning to start a thread about my community corys and what I've observed ( maybe later ). I did raise one fry separately once because it got removed with some moss balls. The eggs are pretty easy to move to breeder box if you want to I think its about 72 hrs till they hatch if they are viable, there is a slight colour change after awhile on the fertilized ones.
  14. I had a cat who sulked if you didn't appreciate his gifts. We lived on farm the gifts were often rats and rabbits - thankfully always dead. But we had to play a game of big fuss thanking kitty and being interested in the copse then getting rid of it while he was distracted by breakfast. Nearly planting your barefoot on fluffy dead thing before sun up is not something I miss about cat ownership.
  15. If the fish has enough room to swim and you can keep the water good I think you can get 2 years out of this. Do not over feed! He'll just grow faster.
  16. I throw in something algae based and something protein based. I might switch time when shopping but if I find something they go nuts for I stick until the LFS stops stocking it (inevitable). I throw in live or frozen as whim takes me generally have some in. Lots of different foods are risky of waste as they don't last forever and you will find yourself and the fish flavouring some do others might get thrown away. Food shopping is my LFS excuse so I don't want to much stock on hand or I'll never get to visit them.
  17. I'd keep rice fish, I just like them and there are fewer in shops so should be easier to sell. Guppies I feel you have to get a good looking strain going before you'll get any money for them. Let's face how many people are over run with the flashy little things
  18. At the points I came into the hobby here it was all power filters or canisters. This held true for decades I assume that was what the shops wanted you to have. I love the sound of under gravel and would be tempted to try it if my canister ever dies. These box filters you mentioned are a revelation. I think probably you brought them up in an earlier thread so I looked them up. I like the idea of reducing the power to run a tank so air driven is going to be the answer . Although I've not been using air pumps for very long. Perhaps power consumption should be a factor on the spread sheet (while we live in interesting times anyway)
  19. You've made that tank look a lot bigger than 5.5 it looks great.
  20. I had to stop myself buying a koi Betta last weekend they are so striking. But no tank space. Anyway I can just enjoy yours now.
  21. I loved this project couldn't play at the time (clashed with to much busy). But I will do something one day just for me and the inevitable snails
  22. I have two fluval complete kit tanks, my 240l (approx 60 US gal) came with a 307 canister pipework some tetra water conditioner (got to be the worst value dechlorinator on the market) and some kinda quick start also tetra. It also had good tube lighting built into the lid (now replaced with led "tubes"). It was about £300 10 years ago. Same kit now comes with blue tooth led lighting for £450. I think that kit takes a lot of stress out of larger tanks. I would advocate a kit for anyone starting you can adjust later but they generally set you up for a good start. Love that your kit had a real thermometer, mine came with a stick on thing . My other kit is a fluval chi love it light could be stronger but it's a great nano tank that really holds its cycle well
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