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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Do it, you might be in limited time to get their weight up before a cold spell but as long as it's doesn't freeze to deep they should be fine. Keep just make sure to keep breaking the surface ice up. My dad has some fish in a bathtub in the back field (rescue fish but the pond never got dug). They have survived about 5 winters. Your tub sounds like goldy paradise. They are going to eat your plants though.
  2. Squished box wouldn't bother me but the leaked bottles need to be replaced.
  3. I'm now pondering things on chains or framework so you open them all in one move. Like a crazy bespoke Venetian blind.
  4. never considered low tanks ( fool I am ) to be fair it was late but I had a very basic thought was if it could drop to the side you wouldn't need to fiddle around securing things when you wanted access. I think you have the measure of my idea and side space is crucial as well.
  5. I run my garden hose from the outside tap. I actually have a tiny garden but bought a huge hose so it would reach. There are a few designs of tap connectors that something can be found for most taps .
  6. Instead of hinging up for access could you do have them pivot at one corner (down and to the side) with a magnet to hold them in the up position.
  7. I've split them in the past without problem. And I currently have one producing a runner so I get to try that as well my current challenge is getting the runner to stop floating about. And my general issue of algae on plant leaves.
  8. I would keep trying to re-home the fish and only invest in the bigger tank if you can do something you really want with it.
  9. Yay metric, welcome. Beautiful Betta. And your pond looks great.
  10. @Patrick_G this is what I what I was thinking. It might just have to be a snail for now.
  11. As I understand it newly hatched have the most nutrition as @Guppysnailsays after that they will grow but they are using up their egg sack reserves to do so but also to swim about. They can't eat straight away so adding food will just foul the water. If I remember rightly they can eat after a couple of days but by then the water would be getting very nasty depending on the amount hatched. Some people restore raise them separately in tank and feed but you would need to take them out of the hatchery. I feel keeping it in the tank is just extra faff as I never heat or light my hatchery. Handling a wet hatchery to harvest will just make things harder
  12. Latest baby out and about being a big brave fish and joining in the feeding time kerfuffle
  13. So glad the shop has stepped up to help you. You must have been close to tears when he said he'd take them all.
  14. I use a gravel vac into 14l (approx 3.5 us gal) buckets or sometimes into 10l watering cans. The water always goes on the garden. Refill with the garden hose on the shower setting.
  15. Or get a snail trap but not sure if fry could get in them.
  16. Great photo so cute. I don't really advocate what I'm about to say but I'm trying to re establish a pest snail population in my community tank as it was pretty much wiped out by an ich treatment. This predominately contained malachite green and copper so is toxic to snails but ok for most fish. So maybe a water treatment is an option but you'll have to do research on how whatever product is available to you will do to your fish and fry. You will also need to keep in top of the water changes if you have a truly large population a lot of dead bodies might throw your balance. Can't promise that the removal of snails won't just mean you have another issue though their population has increased because of the uneaten food so you'll still have to deal with that or something else could appear to deal with it for you.
  17. Fish them out with a shrimp net just trawl it gently along the surface of the substrate the sand(or whatever) should easily sake though retaining the shells inside. Shouldn't disrupt the substrate any more than vaccing does.
  18. So I had to remove my krib from my community tank as she was causing havoc. In set up a 60 litre (approx 15G) for her, I tried adding my female betta but she got moved last week as she was showing signs of damage. The Betta is now sulking in my community tank she isn't happy with this many other fish but at least she's is in one piece. So what on can live with a krib ? She went nuts when I tried some rosy barbs, she has killed two male kribs so no breeding for this girl. I'm also blaming her for loss of some corys. I hate having a lone fish in the tank especially as she is now mainly hiding or glaring at the shrimp tank next door. I don't think trying to get a LFS to take the little sociopath is fair and I probably wouldn't be able to use that shop again.
  19. Could you tidy them up using that plastic canvas stuff either force them into a tube of it or just use it as a tank divider and have a kinda false wall to contain them you can trim some of the roots without causing harm they are going to grow back. If you did the false wall thing you could get some aquaponic beads to roots the plants into and provide additional surface for bio filtration
  20. Classic countryside patchwork and couple of other views from Warton cragg
  21. As long as your tap water is drinkable I'd say it's fine, the volume to volume amount of any chlorine left would be insignificant.
  22. Just a point I should add, they are carnivorous so I wouldn't use live ones in a tank with fry or eggs. If the tiny ones stay tiny I'd doubt they'd be a threat to anything we want to feed.
  23. Always good to share a learning curve. You probably had a perfectly cycled bucket there with all its nooks and crannies filled with the beneficial bacterial. At least you caught it up as long as there is some bacteria about it generally gets itself sorted eventually.
  24. I saw a school of big glass cats the other day I thought they were rather striking. But only if you can fit at least 4 for impact. Opaline gourami might look good as you have the colour from the cardinals. I'm currently using rosy barbs as center piece fish bit they are really manic .
  25. Can't offer much help with the medication but I'll second @Mike that temp drop won't have been the cause, they like it warmer but they can handle a bit a drop and it doesn't sound like it got crazy cold. So don't beat yourself up just focus on keeping that water tip top clean to help the little guy get better.
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