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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. It looks amazing there. I always feel like you're looking back in time when you meet gaze of a moray eel.
  2. Fingers crossed about the fry that will take some of the sting out of the resent guppy experience
  3. It feels like it would take more fresh water to provide the same mix of old and new as you are removing some new water with the old water all the time. But I agree with @lefty o that does sound like a punishing water change schedule have looked at ways of reducing frequency or volume instead, I only do larges changes (30% or more ) if there has been a problem or I'm planning to be away for awhile, I generally do a 25% every 6 to 8 weeks on my 60 us gal if the parameters tell me to.
  4. Honestly I don't worry about the exact numbers but if they look more than I want I change water. Any sign of ammonia or nitrite I do a change and like @Pepere anything looking darker than 40 Nitrate . I've been in the same boat with goldfish and one of the fish has severe fin rot from the ammonia burn. I was water changing before work each morning and often again when I got home from work to keep the ammonia down, turned into the longest cycle ever because I couldn't leave it to let the bacteria kick in. If you have a spare filter set it up in a bucket full of dirty tank water and leave that to cycle then when media has established it's bacteria swap it with the media in the tank you can even readd the now cycled bucket water. It might speed up the process a bit.
  5. Anything that sinks that contains proteins not just algae. There are a lot of catfish omnivore pellets about. I like tetra and hikari but I'm currently trying some by king British that are going down well. But don't forget they'll get some of everything you put in their. Mine used to really go nuts for goldfish flakes.
  6. Only Pokémon Go. Still playing but casually. Vague memories of the cartoon series and card collection but I wasn't into that stuff. Magikarp
  7. pH 8 Nitrate 10 Nitrite 1 Ammonia 4 This is your goldfish fish in cycle isn't it? If so I would be doing a massive water change just based on the ammonia for me it needs to stay as low as possible but definitely below one all the time to stop damage. I would suggest only testing ammonia for awhile as it's presence alone is going to make you have to do water change and you'll be testing a lot so this will save you some money if you only need to replace the ammonia bottles down the road a bit when the other tests are more important when the cycle kicks in. So when you see low or no ammonia start testing the other things again. If you are still only half filling your tank you may want to re think that as filling it all the way up will dilute the waste a little more.
  8. It was one of those days at LFS and they have loads of cool fish you'd normally have to talk them into.
  9. I was looking at those on Sunday at an LFS but I'm maxed out species space for the time being.
  10. 1.) Favourite fish? Goldfish definitely the most fun fish I've kept. 2.) Least favourite fish? Hard to say so many I haven't met but I can't imagine me ever owning a Parrot Fish 3.) Favourite fish YouTuber? I only listen to Cory regularly 4.) Favourite non-fish YouTuber? That changes on all the time but "Ask a Mortician" or "Tom Scott" I seem to regularly recommend "how to cook that" is also trying to make the world a better place 5.) Favourite food? Mum's roast dinner always a treat and always perfect. 6.) What fish would you like to be the most? A beloved Koi in a big pond 7.) What was your scariest moment? This is a tough one but I suppose anytime I've been in a hospital waiting room waiting for news about a loved one. oh and watching my friends top fuel drag car explode ok on track running to the control with his wife and kids and keeping his boys calm while she went in for news. (He was incredibly lucky was completely unharmed) 8.) What country do you want to visit the most? Nearly everywhere but the historical sites of Egypt and Turkey are high on the list at the moment. 9.) Cats or dogs? Dogs, cats are nice enough but I'm allergic. 10) Describe yourself in 3 words. Pragmatic, honest, tired 11) Pancakes or Waffles? Pancakes 12) What is your favorite song? Again very hard ask but let's go with this. 13) What do you dislike most about the aquarium hobby, and why? Miss selling and the treatment of fish as almost disposable. 14) What is your favorite TV show? Currently The Sandman, but Black Adder or The Goodies as all time greats. 15) What is your greatest fear? Frailty or loss of independence. 16) What is or was your favorite subject in school, and why? Art or science both excellent ways of learning how to understand the world but in different ways. 17) Do you keep live aquarium plants? If so, what types? Yes easy ones I have tonnes of Anubias and Java fern. My Amazon sword is dropping babies like crazy. I also have marimo mossballs in all my tanks 18) Do you love or hate pest snails? Love them but so do my fish so they rarely make it to useful numbers let alone plague levels. 19) Do you enjoy gardening? Yes but I've not really put enough time into that this year 20) What do you love most about the aquarium hobby? Fish pets and their fishy antics 21) What was the biggest mistake you've made so far in the hobby, and what has it taught you? Learning about cycling the hard way with brand new tank and filter with beloved family pet. Twice daily water changes for weeks to keep the water safe and let the fish grow back it's tail where heavy going. As well as the fact I'd let that fish down 22) Burgers or Pizza? Burgers don't like pizza. 23) What is your favorite aquatic animal? Platypus or otter ( they always look like they are having fun) 24) What is your dream tank or something you want to accomplish in this hobby? For now it's a pond but I want to incorporate a long (relatively in my small yard) stream which I'd hope would be a nice bird bath. 25) Favorite candy? chocolate, possibly Terry's chocolate orange. 26) What is your favorite book? William Gibson's Neuromancer 27) What other things do you do for fun outside of the hobby? Live music, theatre, comedy, walking, reading, random antics with friends (often pub based) BONUS: 28) Most useful non-fish item in an aquarium My big metal sieve from IKEA great for rinsing gravel. Or sorting through plants 29) (most important) cereal before, or after the milk. Cereal first it makes no sense the other way round
  11. She's smaller than my girl. Who is she in with ? I worry more about mine not getting enough food since I've moved her to the community tank ( she sulked not really moving round for weeks at first) so competing with the tetras will have been a challenge for her . But back to your fish unless she is having issues I wouldn't put her through the stress of moving and fasting.
  12. I've been enjoying these so I suppose I should contribute. I'll do one.
  13. I have soft water is cuttle bone a good idea for the shrimp and snail populations?
  14. I ( as of today) have two one is a fluval had it about 10 years got given it by someone who's new tank was to tall for it to be practical. And the one I got to today was cheap tiny extendable one which I got because quick tidies round plants are impossible with the larger one
  15. I'm terrible at photo's but I'll play, best start cleaning the glass.
  16. Mine would knock everything over, plants were a none starter, unless you really enjoy replanting things. You probably have time as they are still rather small. I got away with some fake plants that had very heavy weights at the bottom and big drift wood that couldn't fall over
  17. Just be mindful of those stacked pots goldfish can be a bit thuggish with decor and that might make a mess if they knock it down. Love the basil bet it will smell amazing. Using them to grow things is the really cool thing with hang on backs. They are a relatively new thing in they shops here so I've never run one.
  18. I have no idea how many fish are in my community tank. I thought I'd lost all my Ottos as there hadn't been a sighting in over a month and then came home one night to see 5 on the front glass. Similar thing going on with my bronze corys only ever see one but no bodies have been found. This only annoys because I have no idea if my stocking levels
  19. No idea if they would be suitable with the shell dwellers but would trumpet snails help?
  20. https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/26685-tank-background/?do=findComment&comment=245958 this is a link to a similar question where added picks of the same tank ( 60Gal ) with blue, black and no background. Same fish and lighting in each pic
  21. I am sure you'll be happy with either look at what you need to achieve and see which county fits the bill the research is half the fun. But remember its your trip not your brothers.
  22. There might be secret fish tower at Balmoral. (Better water than London)
  23. Good plan, watch the tank as it well you might get clues from behaviour. Fingers crossed for you
  24. Yep I watch him, I was very amused that the only time he treats Highland cattle he's visiting a farm near me in soggy Lancashire
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