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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. Seems like very different places to choose between, is it placement opportunities or something they have in common (struggling to think of anything). I'd pick Japan but then Ireland is only a ferry ride for me.
  2. I'm a crochet, taught by my granny she did the most beautiful stuff. I go through fads with it though and haven't picked up my hooks for at least a year. I'm pretty much at the scarf level in knitting. The internet has been a game changer in the hobbies. I'll have to see if I can find a fishy project to share.
  3. I believe there is but I never figured it out with mine . I found guides on line but they never seemed to fit with my fish. They used to chase each other but it was always fairly playful and always seemed like friends when they settled down
  4. Last time I had random deaths it was due to stray current from a cracked heater . So maybe check for that. They occurred mainly after adding new fish. No idea how long it was damaged before I realised.
  5. My Betta enjoyed bug bites almost exclusively for it's first year with no issues it's has now been moved into the big community tank so it's getting more variety I would have probably stayed with big bites had it stayed in its own blood worms are an occasional treat for all my tanks. You can leave the Indian Almond leaf in until it breaks down and only replace when gone I believe. The shrimps will really enjoy the biofilm that develops as it goes and they'll tidy that away for you. The only thing I routinely add to my water is dechlorinator (prime normally because it's one of the better value options). Healthy fish in good water don't really need help with their slime coat. I have used products like quick start but I don't believe they are necessary once you have a cycled tank. And to agree with @Scapexghost if everyone is happy and healthy don't worry your doing great.
  6. Interesting, I have just checked and no articles mention them in the UK yet but by the sounds of things without improved quarantine of plant and soil products it's just a matter of time. Apparently 17 of the 20 flatworm species we have here are invasive species see the rabbit hole in about to fall down.
  7. I would advocate converting everything to you tap if (as you said it's reasonable for what you want to keep) just because in the long run this will probably be easier and cheaper than RO.
  8. So jumping worms? Also the carp gardening sounds fun. You do make lakeside life sound fun. I might be an over feeder to.
  9. Your corys are probably finding there food at night probably continue to add a bit more after lights out. Distracting the tetras with floaty food might buy the corys more time The cory that is getting bigger than three others is probably a female there is quite the size difference between sexes. I'm an overfeeder so no they best at giving advice. Do throw the sinking and floating foods at the same time and I cover the tank with fine food so there will always be something to be snuffled out
  10. Sooo I've decided I'm not ready for this and I've not idea how I would get it in my house as there is 90 degree turn one metre as you walk through the front door. If anyone in the UK is interested DM me and I'll send you the link it's currently advertised at £300
  11. I'd pick something that could sit on a window sill therefore generate the algae the snail want to go nuts. Look at some of the "scapes from scraps" projects for inspiration
  12. Ground floor but it might need leveling My other half is not on board with this idea. But I'm thinking cold water either comets or koi with lily pads.
  13. So killing a bit a time before bed and looked at the second hand listings for local tanks and a crazy bargain of 1000l tank and stand appear. It has been used for marine is it an issue switching tanks to fresh? It also has a sump and I'm slightly intimidated by those (unfamiliar with them). Currently no idea if it will even fit in my house I'll have to get rid of furniture.
  14. How confident are you with removing and resealing? Could be an expensive experiment. If you had a tank that already needed a new side I'd say nothing to lose but I'd be reluctant to play about with a new tank. My thought would be look at alternatives to drilling first.
  15. Just had this land in my news feed. https://www.reef2rainforest.com/2022/09/06/in-the-trade-glofish-corydoras-steal-the-spotlight/ They are all illegal here so I do think the images are strange when I see them
  16. Love the idea of bathroom buddy for toilet training. And cunning way to get extra tanks in the house. You don't have to be 2 and a half to throw a strop if you don't get to see fishes I'm with her on that. You promise fishes you'd best deliver. So to the tank, I kept my goldfish (see avatar) without filtration or air for at least ten years. So it's doable and bonus about bathroom water changes are easy. Other bonus you have a Betta which is much smaller bioload and won't destroy your plants. So I would give it a go with the expectation that small regular water changes are going to be involved. And that some algae is your friend (that's what kept my goldfish alive). Keep an eye on the water temp and consider (because they exist now) maybe the nano air pump so you charge it else where then run it on battery. Then you can use a sponge filter if you fancy it . The lack of water movement means that gas exchange is minimal. You could always look at solar options I think there was a thread somewhere. I have considered doing a filterless tank again but using swan mussels as part of the process but they don't seem popular in the US
  17. Done fish do (the ones that ready seeds and things in the wild the often have visible teeth) but a lot of fish just seen to swallow food whole and don't seem to worry about it.
  18. Always think of a bacterial bloom is like when your clearing out your wardrobe and pull all the clothes out. Your wardrobe is empty but you still have all your clothes. Same with the bloom the tank is cycled but the bacteria is the water not the surfaces or your sponge. Sadly you can rehang the bacteria you just need to wait for it to re-home itself
  19. The eggs normally float so if you turn off the air and let it stand should be easy. Using a light a the bottom (dark room or cover the top.)will draw all the BBS towards the tap once you have drained those off the eggs should remain in the hatchery.
  20. They have a lot more energy. Well done you. I hope relationships are still good at the bar. Now you can relax and enjoy them. I'd be tempted to risk plants with them (start with one see how it goes). How is the tank behaving did you have a lot of trouble getting the cycle ? It all looks great.
  21. Hmmm to be honest I like both. But if it helps here is my tank with each colour. The blue is glass panels placed inside the tank. the black is a piece of floor protector placed behind the tank. And just for completeness here is the same tank without a background. Same lights and algae in each pic
  22. Probably fine they sometimes have a droopy fin, if he's not worried then I wouldn't worry.
  23. I love a good drunk team project.
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