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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I like the rock position in the first picture. I would try the tree to just behind the rocks near the middle of the tanks just to distract from that bare truck while it grows in It will look quite cool when the anubias roots are dangling from the branches
  2. You do get to work on some great projects, I wish my budget would allow for such things.
  3. I hatch mine at room temp so it's 48 hrs in winter 24 hrs in summer.
  4. So glad we don't use those tubs to sell Betta's here they are generally just in with the other fish, there is a big box pet type store 10 mins walk from my house and next to a pub. I dread to think what could lead to if they were being illtreated. Good luck with the new fishes
  5. So it seems I have been here for whole year ! So thank you all for the help, entertainment, inspiration and putting up with me.🥳 Thanks to you, I have 3 tanks not one, have manged to keep shrimp alive for 6 months, started keeping snails not just having snails, gained a better grasp of water chemistry and most importantly that it is possible to have a safe place to talk fish. Thanks again gang
  6. Stay safe and take care, remember that all things can now wait for this to be over and stay in doors.
  7. What are you using to treat the cyanobacteria? It might be a reaction to something strange being in the water Betta's are more susceptible to things that form a surface film than other fish. Hopefully the a bit of time in clean water will let it recover. If it does I wouldn't put it back in the other tank until the treatment is over.
  8. Not a fish story but my terrapin used to wander around the house every now and then and it liked to climb up the inside of people's trouser legs. It wasn't fussed if you were family or a visitor. A great test of a salesman's nerve. We thought it hilarious so no warnings were ever given.
  9. My thoughts though are not based on dealing with power outs but a combo of keeping no filter tanks and randomly forgetting to plug things back in. I suffered no side effects after turning my canister on after about 36 hours of standing, if it goes longer maybe play it safe and rinse those sponges before turning back on. Feed lightly or not at all until this has passed, less pressure on the water if filtration does stop and you if things get busy the last thing you'll need to be thinking about is water changes. Gas exchange happens at the surface no matter what agitation increases it, take the lid off (unless you need to keep heat in) so that drafts can cause ripples . Maybe a wind up bath toy could be deployed to assist. Make sure there are drop loops or check valves on any airhoses in case of back flow. Most importantly keep yourself and your loved ones safe. It's not a perfect scenario but fish can be replaced you can not. Take care.
  10. So have I and I've no idea and it was from a really random topic This is the email address it was sent from noreply@invisioncloudcommunity.com
  11. Try dropping some vinegar on there should help clear some clogs. Then rinse. I've got a JBL one of came with my hatchery it's ok but I have no basis for comparison to claim if it is good or not.
  12. Just stop mixing, softeners use things that fish like a lot less than a bit of cold water. You could always let the water change water stand to get to room temp if you wish. Or use the kettle to warn some up to take the chill off. If it's practical rain water could be considered.
  13. What are your tank parameters and tap parameters? How often do you water change? How often do you to up the tanks? Do the same things happen in all the tanks?
  14. It's awful to see a fish struggle and know there is not much you can do, moving her will at least protect her from the others and let her go in peace. How old is she? She might have just reached the end of her swim.
  15. I think it's because they are territorial. They have just been and checked out the 2.5 made sure there is no enemy hiding in the bushes and then woosh they are somewhere new. So your Betta is on high alert going eep how did I get here can I get back to my bit nope I'm lost. Right no idea who's patch this is best look big till I can check it out and know I'm safe. Once he's found out he's boss fish again I would expect him to calm down. I had to move my female betta to my 60gal (from a 15gal) community it took her weeks to start acting normally nothing in there is bothering her she just needs to find her way around.
  16. I was thinking sucking loach (Chinese algae eater). They are generally ok while they are small but if you house with large slower moving fish you might have issues down the road. Maybe see about returning it if you can. That picture you found seems to show the same almost row of diamonds stripe
  17. Just home from watching Don McLean in Manchester and back to the city tomorrow for a very long awaited(covid postponed) blackcrowes gig tomorrow. This is a good weekend.
  18. I had a cracked heater that caused stray current no idea how long it was in the tank it think it may have caused the loss of a rosy barb but they were new fish so hard to call. I have had this happen once in over 30 years of fish keeping and the heater in question was over 10 years old. I'm not sure a grounding probe would have reduced the risk to fish as it remained local to heater and the current would travel to the probe to be grounded. I have never really looked into these though.
  19. Lot of small mouths there are you going to chop the maggots? I figure they are fine if eaten quickly but I wouldn't want them rotting in there
  20. I suppose it depends who's in the tank. Are the fish big enough to eat the maggots?
  21. I do the same but my numbers are not as impressive
  22. The ceramics don't get as clogged as foam so potentially can provide bacterial for longer. As once flow is diminished the aerobic will die off I use a mix of both in my canister because, well that's what came with it so why not and ceramic is much quicker to rinse than foam so it cuts down the maintenance time. I use foam to catch the worst then ceramic, then foam. I think it's about 3/5ths foam overall
  23. We had a boil notice on our water for months a few years ago because of a bacterial contamination. It was harmless to aquatics I stuck to minimal water changes in that time to be safe (Bottled water was in great demand so impossible to bulk buy). The water authority fitted UV to the plant to resolve it. And we all got compensated. The thing to bare in mind that is that a positive test is enough to issue a boil notice but does not necessarily mean it is in your tap and is generally only a trace amount that been detected. E.coli is dangerous to certain groups (elderly, infants, immune compromised) so they have to be cautious but it is very common bacteria in nature so most things can deal with it. I would let the tank finish cycling do a big water change when the boil notice is lifted and then add the fish.
  24. Their site does ship to the USA and its only 5euro's more than shipping to the UK so probably cheaper to buy direct than international pass the parcel. I haven't seen it in shops here
  25. I got mollies to keep with my murderous Krib so far they are fair to boisterous to take much notice of the krib and therefore made that tank more enjoyable, I have similar debates as you over my rosy barbs and SAE's in my main tank periodically but suspect I'd miss the movement if I moved them. I am hoping the krib will help with population control ( or maybe I'll move the Barbs)
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