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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. The national anthem isn't going to sound right.
  2. They are super cute, did he find them on his own? Different time period but this thread might inspire/help https://forum.aquariumcoop.com/topic/400-1930s-historically-accurate-planted-aquarium/?do=findComment&comment=2529
  3. Don't push your luck and let that shoulder heal. The fish love a messy tank you might not be able to see them but they'll be up to all their fish business behind that algae.
  4. Check your water temp and parameters if you can add an air stone. Maybe do a water change and see if that helps. Is it near the surface? I associate gulping or gasping as low oxygen same as us panting. If you can't add an airstone then try and increase the amount of ripples caused by the filter.
  5. Could be a bacterial bloom, they can occur after a deep clean and normally just sort themselves out.
  6. Mine is mainly confused by live baby brine, but loves a blood worm . Eats pretty much any small pellet and has mainly been fed bug bites. She's currently a podgey moody 9 month old
  7. Yes it's very sad news she was an amazing woman who have her freedom to be our monarch. She will be missed. The Queen has been a constant through out my life her picture is on my money my stamps. She served her country to her very best. As a British citizen I'd say it feels both sad and odd I never met her (my mum took my to wave at her driving past when I was little). She has just always been there seems strange that she won't be. But she will get quite the send off for those who love pageantry there is going to be a lot coming up.
  8. I suppose the temp drop would depend on what you are trying to recreate but I would have it significantly cooler think how even summer rain feels cold so at least 5 degrees different maybe more.
  9. I would try a bigish water change to drop the temp use cold water that has had air stones in it to really oxygenate it (like rain water). Deliver via a watering can with a rose to provide the rain drops. Unless fish are in very shallow water I don't think they'll notice the rain in the sense of drops from the sky as much as they will notice the change in temp and chem. Aside from surface feeders who will just be really disappointed all those new ripples aren't food. Shower head and pump will do the same but pay attention to the water
  10. I think I would get annoyed with bits breaking off it (or their potential to). But I suppose fishing those beads out would be the same as keeping the pond weed in check
  11. Ok not science fiction but lovely gothic fantasy The Sandman series is most enjoyable. Love a bit Gaiman. Although American Gods stick with book and avoid the series.
  12. I just use a cheap wired digital probably not the most accurate but I kept fish for 20 years without checking temp so I'm not too worried. I can't see a problem with the unwired ones as long as the place you want the reading from is ok for viewing. I put mine at the opposite side to the heater about 2 thirds down the tank I like being able to lift the thermometer to check it without moving the sensor
  13. So after the big shop on Sunday, I'm now monitoring the mollys as they are in the tank with the murder krib so far so good but the krib is back in full colour and currently it's rage is focused on the big ramshorn. After removing a big chunk of anubias from the shrimp tank (nicely cleaned by the inhabitants) it seems they may have finally bred as there are definitely some much smaller than the rest. Increased feeding just to be on the safe side . The rest of my time is currently being spent pondering the following. How many fish are in the community tank I think I've lost two corys but no bodies to found so they could just have some Houdini skills. Do I need to buy some more corys? if yes do I get bronze to replace the missing/hiding ones or peppered to increase my little breeding family. Can the Betta go back in the krib tank now the mollys and snail are there to divide the aggression. She isn't enjoying the big tank. Do I want to breed the mollys can I cope if I do. I think I have LBAS (livebearer anxiety syndrome) Not much happening that I haven't already talked about somewhere on here so I won't prattle on to much. I'll tag @lefty o just to see what they have been up to.
  14. I'd probably stick with the 5 and only buy more if I decided I wanted a lot more. But 5 is generally a reasonable group
  15. 48 hrs min drying time and please test carefully. I used to work in home emergencies (buildings not people) and the electricians always insisted on things having 48 hrs to dry before they attended.
  16. That orange splotch is adorable. Don't panic they grow fast but you have plenty of time source for them. Sorry the big box trip was such a nightmare and followed by such a disappointment. But yay what an adventure you went on after. Did you stay for BBQ?
  17. I was running a bit low on fish food and we fancied drive so three LFS later and a piece of incredibly gooey treacle tart. Finds me back home with ... Two smallish pieces of bog wood currently soaking in a bucket. This is to tie some of my surplus plants to. A piece of water lettuce to try in my dad's bathtub pond. 3 maybe 4 ramshorn snails 2 red one black and maybe something hiding in the roots of the water lettuce. Some algae wafers and tetra wafers and some shrimp food. Didn't forget that at least. And the impluse buy of 5 black Molly's Oh and one of the shops had this outside, sorry I didn't take advantage of the photo op.
  18. 3 rams horn snails and a small piece of water lettuce for £1.50 all with a sprinkling of free duck weed.
  19. Keep the water as clean as you can to melt it easier for him to heal. Think of it like a burn, you have to stop the problem then keep it clean while the new skin grows and the dead skin falls away. That's very similar to what you fish needs to do. It's not quick but you help by keeping the tank is water nice. If he's eating just carry on. I can't give any advice on meds but I'm sure someone will
  20. Well gives me an excuse not to tidy up the plants
  21. Great way to learn, wish I'd had something like this with my first fish.
  22. Yeah, I think I had both once ( time faded memory) I think three or six of each and they just schooled together I never observed them in separate groups so I don't think the pattern morphs bother them to much. It will be happier their than alone regardless.
  23. Probably yes, if I refer back to the bathtub pond that has no filter. I know lots of successful filter free ponds. I'm keeping my out a reasonable solar air pump for it. Don't go crazy on your stock keep feeding light they are going to eat that duck weed no matter what you do so you don't want to giving them to much extra. Are you keeping air running all winter? I'm planning a pond in my tiny yard but it has to wait for now to many other jobs to do first.
  24. That to me just looks like a ruff and tumble insident and I completely agree with @CJs Aquatics. The only thing I'm adding is that fin rot if you ever encounter it looks sore and progresses quite fast often the fins have red veins or edging to them. I love how diligent you are so I thought giving you some things to look out for might help reassure you . Enjoy your goldies
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