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Everything posted by Flumpweesel

  1. I changed my substrate with the fish in just always worked on one half at a time so I wasn't chasing them about. This was move from big gravel to fine gravel so it didn't cloud the water like sand can. My corys where and are fine on both. But they can move the gravel more. I don't believe it bothered them more than gravel vaccing does
  2. Sometimes it's like they are testing us.
  3. Got ya. I would still be tempted to keep it liftable using the silicone to make it grip should suffice especially when substrate had been added around it. I used I similar method for some back panels on my tank and they did not budge
  4. Soooo many to choose from. Dog soldiers, American werewolf in London, woman in black and I really enjoyed all the conjuring films. And Tremors that's a great film proper family monster horror
  5. Silicone sealant can removed with a razor blade. What I would do is run a thick bead of silicone around the rim of the bowl and let it dry it should then act like a non slip rubbery grip so bowl won't move unless you lift it. Which will make cleaning easier How are you going to deal with water under it going iffy because it won't have any flow?
  6. It would be a large prefilter sponge, test strips and the little coop tank ornament and repashy or fry food. I wouldn't stand a chance of getting live plants or fish on the long haul flight home.
  7. Just been looking at buying some of these, not much available at the moment might have to see if an LFS will order me some.
  8. I had issues with danios where they all developed bent spines (bought 12 a mix of zebra, pearl and leopard) they were my first not goldfish and this experience put me off them forever. 12 "L" shaped fish struggling around the tank did not bring joy.
  9. Cyno lives in still water so flow does hamper it, I started to get it in my community tank when the stocking no longer required extra filtration. As I don't have access to antibiotics it was a case of manually cleaning it off anything and adding airstones keeps it out. I do still get patches on the damp places on the lid frame but wiping down with vinegar keeps that down. Somewhere on you tube Dean creates an attachment for his python to make it easier to remove.
  10. I wouldn't have thought the bamboo shrimp (don't think anything eats that stuff) would fix cyno, best I can suggest is increase surface agitation (airstone). And manually remove as much of it as possible
  11. I second the rosy barbs they are also a low temp fish so you could go without a heater, I have a gang of three males in my community tank and they are pretty always up to something but don't bother any of the other fish . I've even had pigmy cory fry survive with them. Garra rufa or Panda garras are surprisingly cute in small groups and eat algae and any sinking food readily. They kinda cuddle when resting I only suggest going heater free because my granny's sheltered place was always very warm and the fewer things plugged in is fewer things to go wrong when your not there
  12. Describe the smell (pondy, sewery, eggy) Do a water change and add an airstone, there are many things test don't show my thinking is the bacteria in you're substrate got all mixed up so the anaerobic and aerobic are in the wrong places and dieing back it will sort itself out but the bad gases will be hard on the fishes for little bit. Clean water will up the O2 and well airstones always help
  13. I think the best bet would be the reverse respiration method (see pinned thread on the topic) Anything that chemically kills algae is going to kill the bacteria especially HP as that is used as an antiseptic to clean wounds and to teach children the importance of not falling over. (It stings like crazy)
  14. I would reduce my feeding a few weeks before I travel and do a big water change the day before then ask someone to nip in and feed the fish about twice each week having portioned out the food for them. If not auto feeders are fine but get it set up while you are home so you get get it fine tuned
  15. @Stef yes pretty much fine sponges don't last as long as coarse ones. @Pitafish wow that is a lot of filtration, it's very unlikely that old media is behind your tetra issues I would work out a cleaning rota so only one filter is cleaned each water change and just monitor the water parameters. Yes tetras will hunt down shrimp let and anything else they can fit in there mouths although there are plenty of hiding places so nature might surprise you. Seems like you're tank is taking its time settling (ammonia spike) so maybe letting the filters build up a bit more bacteria will help in the long run. Sadly sometimes we lose fish and we can't find the answer it might be something they came with or something we can't see. Hopefully what you have left are the strong ones and will make it through. Nice tank though hope it brings more joy then worry soon
  16. Those white scales look a bit like my lady bettas colouring I the tank lights have just gone out so we on archive photos. When she is happy they are almost blue but when she is in a sulk (see photo with the krib) they are pale. Hope if it looks similar to your eye these photos help reduce your worry. And before you worry about mine with that krib she is currently in the community tank still a little sulky but doing fine
  17. I would move the Ender's and leave the shrimp unless you really just want one tank and don't mind them potentially being food. Depending on hiding spots in the 20 they might be ok. I wouldn't expect trouble but you could always move them back if there is. In my experience fin rot is caused by bad water so keep on top of your changes and things should be fine.
  18. So what filters do you have?(sorry if already mentioned I've got confused in this thread). If you test your water and the parameters are in order and the water isn't full of floaty bits then your filters are most likely fine. I've had the same sponges in my canisters for over 10 years I only replace them when they don't bounce back correctly anymore. If you have multiple sponge filters remember to clean them alternately (as one this week the other next week) as that helps keep things stable. Sorry if this isn't helping you find the answer to your lost neons sometimes we don't find the answer.
  19. Are you sure they are albino paleatus sorry for the detail but somewhere in the back of my busy and totally unverified brain is that albino corys are albino bronze corys which would explain your issue as bronze and paleatus don't cross breed (I have them both in my community tank and they barely even talk let alone anything else)
  20. Those big tails do get a bit bashed at times so don't worry they should heal up pretty quickly in clean water. Same goes for occasional white lumps Ick looks like salt grains on their bodies at first not lumps on tails in my experience. If you get better pics of the area then do post. She looks healthy me
  21. Those fins look ethereal, very pretty fish. Well done on spotting the dodgy decor piece they often paint over the glazed surfaces to make them more commercial. Doesn't necessarily mean the paint would be harmful just unable to stick to glazed surfaces so don't panic keep an eye on it and find the stuff you like. Is this your first fish?
  22. I had two in 60g for 10 years prior you that one of them had lived in a variety of glass boxes (out lived a few). So you have a bit of time the 2.5 won't last you any longer than the crystal punch bowl that housed my fair prize Goldy did but it will do while you negotiate. Bigger is best but if you don't think your parents will go for that straight away they'll probably agree to upgrades as it grows. Don't panic about friends yet it is always more fun to have a group but maybe let your sister be the driving force there. (Then your helping them with her thing) On my 60 with two very big fish I had a fluval 306 and smaller internal filter from their prior tank. Two filters just allows for alternate week cleaning my water changes were generally 25% weekly but I if needed I could do a bigger change and it would last a couple of weeks. They are fun and friendly fish place somewhere where the family notice that and it will again help your cause for an upgrade. Good luck. I'd never have kept fish if I hadn't hooked that duck so I have a fair to thank for a 30 year hobby. That goldfish of mine died in 2018 after being my pet for more than 25years.
  23. Congratulations on the life changes, I'm sure you'll have that fish room ticking over nicely in no time
  24. I would say it's fine, personally I wouldn't stand it next to my tank but if you are using it at recommended concentrations it should be safe for you and your fish. I have one and never gave it a second thought. As with all air freshening always ensure their is good airflow
  25. Who else is in the tank, I find occasional new corys, and pygmy corys in my community tank the rest of occupants will hunt out eggs so unless the parents are sneaky the odds are very much against them. But this at least prevents problematic population explosions. Minnow's are egg scatters so probably picked off by any bottom feeders you have.
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