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Everything posted by ange

  1. Generally speaking less vacuuming is better for planted tanks. Mulm is good for plant growth even if it is unappealing. If you ever want to try removing larger pieces of detritus, some people will use a turkey baster to suck it up instead of busting out the vac.
  2. That's a cool solution! I ended up using poly tubing + a lighter for mine but now I want to try this and compare.
  3. ange

    Is this ich?

    9/21 UPDATE: The white spot is gone and I've taken some macro photos (one for each baby). I honestly have no idea what the white spot was. The babies will be quarantined with the adults once they've grown out some more. ORIGINAL: I noticed a white spot on one of my pleco fry that my LFS gave me and I'm wondering if it's possible that it has ich? The babies are about a week old and this is the only one with the white spot. When I brought them home I just netted them out of the bag and put them in my 5.5g, I didn't add any store water but there were of course droplets on the net. I have one of the parents + another fish from the same tank at the LFS in my quarantine setup and neither have any symptoms, though they are also receiving salt. I didn't want to salt the babies since I was concerned about harming them. I attached photo of the fry with the spot + both adults that are in quarantine. 6.4 pH 0 ammonia+nitrite ~35 nitrate The tank is unheated so ranges from 79-82F. I haven't tested hardness but it's a soft water tank (remineralized RO).
  4. I've never thought about the diet difference GBR and Bolivian may have. What would you change between the two species to make it higher calorie? In the past I fed my Bolivians Xtreme 1.5mm sinking pellets, misc. Hikari frozen foods, mosquito larvae, and cut up earth worms. They didn't require target feeding for the most part.
  5. Luckily I'm not restricted to the plants that I mentioned so there's some room to play around. The visual you provided helps a ton. We'll see where I'm at when I'm ready to drown the tank.
  6. Do you know what temp plants would start to struggle at? That's my main concern with raising the temp and I neglected to mention it in my original post. Plants are Amazon sword, jungle and leopard val, Java fern, Java moss, azolla, Amazon frogbit, and red root floaters.
  7. I'm adding rams to my 50g but both of my LFS have run into issues with getting Bolivian rams from their wholesaler (I'm unsure if they use the same or different wholesalers) but both have always had German blues in stock. I've kept Bolivians with angels before several years ago and had zero issues. Both stores said I should be able to keep the Germans with angels instead but I'm concerned about temp in the tank since I had the impression that they prefer much higher temperatures à la Discus? My ambient water temperature (no heater) is 80 degrees. During the cooler months I keep it at about 78. I don't want to chase one specific number but I'm unsure what's a realistic range that they'll tolerate and I should prepare for in the event I'm still unable to find a Bolivian locally in a few months. Thanks for the advice, this is my first "real" tank in 5 years. Tank mates: 2 angelfish (nickel size), 2 bristlenose plecos (3-4"), 1 bristlenose pleco (under 1", though it's staying in its grow-out tank for awhile longer)
  8. Yeah that's a ton to give 😂 I bet your water cows are fat and happy though
  9. That's the fun of skittles tanks! I personally prefer Caridina shrimp so haven't gotten to keep one myself.
  10. With Repashy, a little bit goes a LONG way. Personally I only feed it to bottom feeders or fish that take a longer time to eat than goldfish do. 1 teaspoon of the SG gel lasts nearly a month for my shrimp colony (fed 1-2x/week). Repashy has a "Super Gold" formula for goldfish if you want to try that in the future. I personally only know Soilent Green (for shrimp and bottom feeders) and Morning Wood (for plecos).
  11. I get nasty hands from my job so I always wash with Dawn and rinse thoroughly for my smaller tanks. It's less important to me to do that for the larger ones unless I've been handling something that I know would be harmful (hand sanitizer, lotion, strong cleaners, car stuff, etc)
  12. My understanding of neo genetics is that the colors are a result of a single mutation causing the pigment on the exoskeleton to be a different color than normal (excludes lines such as bloody mary where it isn't just the exoskeleton that is pigmented), and since the mutations are recessive it's more likely that mixing strains will result in wild types.
  13. Skittles tanks can be a lot of fun!
  14. Salt dosage really varies with what your water is like but generally speaking 1tbs/3 gallons will be safe for most species. If your corys don't show signs of improvement with this dosage I'd suggest either upping the salinity or using a different medication. I've got no experience using meds in conjunction with salt so can't really speak for whether it's a good idea or not.
  15. Neocaridinas typically revert to wild type when color mutations mix.
  16. My favorite masks are made out of grooming bandannas for dogs. They always have really cute patterns and I'm able to get a bunch of them for pennies because of my job 😂
  17. ange

    Tv shows

    Stargate SG-1 is my absolute favorite show of all time and I'm planning to start watching it again with a friend soon.
  18. Unlucky for me. None of my Java ferns are large enough to really conceal the white epoxy so I may have to wait for algae/moss to grow in over it.
  19. I've got some monte carlo growing in my shrimp tank so it wouldn't hurt to try.
  20. I generally don't recommend half dosing anything just because it's a lot more likely that the protozoans will make a resurgence and your fish will be re-infected. Ich is difficult to treat in a display tank because you need to make sure that the free-swimming protozoans die in addition to the organisms attached to the fish, separating affected fish and treating them doesn't really cut it. Irene has made a video on the subject last month. Cory also has a less recent video on the Aquarium Co-Op channel.
  21. I'm looking for a sizable plant that can grow in low-med lighting, preferably attached to driftwood. My goal is concealing the reef epoxy that I used to attach these separate pieces of driftwood. I will have some Java ferns but I was curious if anyone had other suggestions that I haven't already thought of. One thing that I kind of have in mind is crypt wendtii but I have zero experience with crypts in general so I'm not sure how well the roots can attach to driftwood.
  22. More stickers hitting the store makes me a happy lass. Great choices!
  23. Ich-X is a plant-safe antifungal. If you're running a sponge filter in your planted tank you can transfer it to a hospital tank and wait a couple of days to make sure that your BB are still alive and your quarantine tank is cycled. Some people run an extra sponge filter for this purpose. You can also use filter media from your main tank to try cycling a quarantine tank quickly, but personally I have best results with transferring a sponge filter between tanks. Personally I wouldn't dose any salt in a planted tank. If you aren't able to cycle a quarantine tank, I'd suggest salt dipping your corys rather than quarantining them with salt.
  24. My favorite background plant of all time is the Amazon sword. It's so easy to care for and grows to an impressive size. They do really well with root tabs. I know you weren't huge on the idea due to the size, but there are several varieties that may provide the difference in texture/appearance that you desire.
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