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Everything posted by Guppysnail

  1. Did you dechlorinate the resting water in the glass? If it’s chloramine it will leave an ammonia residue. Try again using your dechlorinator rest and test again. Food grade plastics do not leech ammonia so it’s something not plastic related.
  2. Try resting tap water for 24 hours in a glass. It’s most likely coming from your tap.
  3. They are considered “armored” and are not part of the scaleless fish category. That is a myth. They tolerate salt quite well. Maybe feed more so he has the calorie resources to heal. Just like we tell humans you have to eat to keep up your strength when they are sick. I hope he feels better soon.
  4. My weekends are for all the fish projects I do not get done with normal maintenance…you know the fun ones 😄 Its also the time I just sit and watch and enjoy.
  5. That is fantastic. It always amazes me how tiny fry can hide so well. We go to such lengths to hatch fish yet in the wild they can and do survive.
  6. When I was raising Bristlenose pleco babie I used a flat bamboo skewer and dipped it this allow the maximum number of babies to all eat at once.
  7. Very much looks like fish poo adhered to biofilm on the glass.
  8. I looked for this exact combination for years. Having tried dozens I hated them all. I finally tried Carib-Sea Jungle river sand. It looks like sand vacuums like gravel. I switch 16 tanks to this and set up 5 more with this. I love it.
  9. @KaitieG I don’t use tidals but my Marineland do this also. I use my python or I have a short 1 inch hose to vacuum the HOBs when I clean media. A turkey baster would not handle mine either.
  10. Guppysnail


    I have combined the two topics to keep continuity of information
  11. The conditioner you are using contains aloe Vera. That can change the viscosity of the water and cause bubbles. I prefer conditioners with no aloe Vera like Fritz , prime, or AmQuel. Your tank is lovely. I believe your leaning plant is only semi-aquatic. This means the top or at least some portion of the new growth should be above water and the roots in the water. I agree with @mountaintoppufferkeeper I do not chase parameters. If my kh goes low I do a water change. If I’m dealing with low kh from my source water I use crushed coral to keep the tank stable.
  12. Well this was fast even for my tanks. One girl has dropped at least 3 fry 🤣 I’m rescuing them as I find them but the adults do not seem interested in eating them. so in the future once I have the line established I may not need to net the fry.
  13. I do have a divider if needed. Two trios were shipped. Intention was two tanks. I am overrun with other fish babies right now so both trios went into a 15. 🤷‍♀️
  14. Several folks at my club a few months ago got Albino yellow metal lace guppies (that’s a mouthful) imported from Vietnam. No one had luck with them. My friend Jen S from Smallworld Aquatics asked if I would give them a go if she imported more. I said sure so she had her importer bring more over. Of course there was a fed ex delay 😣 They arrived today. Ammonia was high but ph was low. I had lowered tank temp to 76 because I knew they would be cooler. They floated to temp them dumped in the net and in the tank they went. I’ll raise the temp tomorrow to 78 I fed some live bbs and all ate greedily. I’ve got them in with reef salt. My understanding is most imported guppies were raised with some measure of sea water. @Colu @Odd Duck any thoughts? Maybe recommend an amount of reef salt to add? Right now it’s a small pinch in my insanely hard water. I was going to add a small pinch of epsom for the extra magnesium but figured I would ask first. NO LAUGHING AT FAKE PLANTS 🤣 I knew I was using reef salt so only used some moss which should tolerate the salt and some hornwort for cover which should fall apart on me 😝 They needed structure to feel safe so @dasaltemelosguy was kind enough to send me some he had in storage Wish me luck
  15. I hope you do find a source of the missing ones. Please share where you found them if you do.
  16. First canister filters are intimidating. I do not have this type so cannot help. If I recall I believe @dasaltemelosguy and @NOLANANO have of these.
  17. Worms are such a natural part of fish diet. Even the frozen bloodworms move in the current simulating live food. I agree blood worms are nutritionally lacking. I culture white worms. I feed my white worms whole grain whole wheat bread, whole milk yogurt and nutritional yeast. Fish go insane for them and they stay alive for a week in the tank. It’s great environmental enrichment also allowing them to hunt more like they would in nature vs scavenge.
  18. I’ve had Pygmy who breed for about 3 years. Love them. Habrosus are next on my list. For awhile they were at my lfs often. But the past few years they have not been readily available.
  19. The first time I saw a Pygmy come out on its own I about fell over. Those little ones survived a melini / CPD/pleco tank. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve been looking for a few years for these. They are in a species only set up so I can really get the breeding going.
  20. I’m stupid excited. I have a baby hastatus 🥰 their eggs are so tiny I only saw one egg on the front glass a few weeks ago.
  21. I’m moving this to the disease section for you. @Colu?
  22. Can you tell us more? Does it move? If so how?
  23. Not necessarily more just looser. Not hanging in the thick clump normal mops hang. They go inside this one easily. So they are sort of hidden under the first layers
  24. I changed up my mop. My friend tried making a “skirt” to make his fluffier. His luminatus went crazy being able to get deep in the mop. I tried several things but this one is a winner. They are in and out all the time and I’m getting tons of eggs. blue is pool noodle.
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