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HH Morant

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Everything posted by HH Morant

  1. There are no rules Whatever rings your bell. Your tank looks great. I think the plastic will age as you hope.
  2. I am feeding Tetra Min flake food to several hundred baby angelfish right now. They eat it like crazy. But I think they would eat anything. It has 46% protein, which is good.
  3. My apologies to the Columbus Catfish. I did not know! The volleyball catfish mascot looks a little like an alien.
  4. Los Angeles means "the angels," so I am going to count it as a fish mascot. I would like to see the Carolina Catfish. The Carolina Fighting Catfish.
  5. I agree with @Guppysnail that 30 ppi foam is the best filter media. Better by far than the expensive media sold commercially. See aquariumscience.org articles regarding filtration. My Eheim cannisters now contain 100% 30 ppi foam and my water is clearer than it has ever been.
  6. Mine stayed alive for 48 hours after hatching. With aeration. After that, I just poured them in a glass container and put them in the fridge (no aeration), where they lasted another couple of days. When I say "lasted," I mean I could take the BBS out with a turkey baster (they go to the bottom) and feed them, and the angelfish fry would eat them. I am not 100% sure they were still alive because when they get cold there is not a lot of movement. Using this method, I am sure I fed BBS 3 days after hatching and I think even four days.
  7. Beautiful angels! I see you have 8. Where did you get them? How did the seller describe them? Some sellers have several categories of high coverage angels - "red koi," "high color red koi," "super red" "high coverage red," etc. The pictures that sellers use on their websites always look so perfect, but I suspect they are enhancing the appearance of the fish by using red light to illuminate them. I am planning to get some high-coverage angels when I can free up some tank space. I want to get 2-4 angels from 3 different sellers so that when they pair up, I will have a chance of getting a pair that are not related to each other. Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.
  8. In inches : Length x width x height = cubic inches Then convert cubic inches to gallons. About 231 cubic inches to the gallon. If you want to be super-accurate, you can use inside dimensions rather than outside dimensions.
  9. "I now have a 40 breeder, 29 g and two 20 Ls in my cart on Petco.com, thanks a lot @GeorgeJ! Haha my name is Beardedbillygoat and I have MTS!" Yes, you do.
  10. Like @Beardedbillygoat1975 and @HotTunaCartel, I like Eheim, primarily because it has one big chamber which allows me to use whatever media I like. I cut 30 ppi foam to fit and fill the cannister with it - and nothing else. Works great. Aquariumscience.org has some great articles on filter media which describe the benefits of 30 ppi foam and the shortcomings of most commercial filter media. I have occasionally had difficulty getting the cannisters re-started, but it is usually something simple I have overlooked. This has become less of a problem now that I only open the cannisters to clean them if flow has noticeably decreased, which is every 2-3 months or so.
  11. I recently removed two batches of angelfish eggs from my 120. The eldest is now 2-3 months old, and the next batch is 2 weeks younger. As @gardenman intimates, what I considered an interesting experiment was actually a months-long commitment, including a fairly long period of hatching brine shrimp and daily water changes. By coincidence I was getting ready to start up a new 115-gallon tank. I recently moved 229 baby angels from a 20-gallon to the 115, so my new tank's first assignment is to act as a grow-out tank. Simultaneously I moved the second spawn from a 10-gallon into the 20-gallon. This is not what I planned to do with the 115-gallon tank, and not what I really want to do with it. It has been an interesting experience and I have learned some things, but I look forward to selling the little angels and using the 115 as a display tank. I have not saved any eggs recently. My ex-wives might say that is because I am afraid of commitment.
  12. HH Morant


    Most folks agree that antibiotics like Maracyn are more effective if given in the food. Some (see aquariumscience.org) believe they have no effect if administered in the water column. I think it is likely that the fish died from the ailments that caused them to be moved to the hospital tank, rather than from the medication.
  13. There are teams named the Sharks. Probably because the sharks are dangerous and aggressive. I would like to see the NFL Jacksonville Guppies. Or the New York Pets.
  14. Hey, that looks a lot like the filter I was using in 1981!
  15. I have had similar experience to yours - nitrite problems not preceded by ammonia. Also, I recently cycled an aquarium and found that the ammonia level reached zero 4 or 5 days before the nitrite level reached zero. I was doing a fishless cycle using the aquariumscience.org "what I do" method, adding ammonia and nitrite every day from the beginning. So the nitrite-consuming bacteria took longer to develop than the ammonia-consuming bacteria.
  16. It appears to me that both eyes are abnormal, just one worse than the other.
  17. I think the air stones are adjustable, so you might try that. If that is not the problem, try switching air pumps to see if one of them is underperforming.. Cleaning a filter too often is a bad idea. A clean filter does not work because the beneficial bacteria is washed away with the filter gunk. I have a black background tank and I plasti-dipped my sponge filter black so it did not stand out so much. Plasti-dip is an aquarium-safe spray-on plastic coating you can get at Lowes or Home Depot.
  18. Baby angels also like decapsulated brine shrimp eggs. The decapsulated eggs are not the kind that hatch. I started feeding my angels the eggs after a couple of weeks, but they may have been able to eat them earlier. The decapsulated eggs are very small. They like them almost as much as live brine shrimp.
  19. "If you wait a month with no fish won’t the cycle crash?" Good point, @Saltinthedesert. I am not sure how long beneficial bacteria can live without ammonia. But if you are concerned about that you can add ammonia to the tank every day to maintain, and maybe strengthen, the bacteria. You would need to test periodically to make sure the bacteria is converting the ammonia and nitrite.
  20. I think for adult fish one feeding per day is preferable to multiple small feedings. Some fish compete for food better than others. They can be quicker, eat faster, or bully other fish in order to get a bigger share of the food. If you put the food in a little at a time, the more competitive eaters will get more of it, maybe all of it. A timid or slower fish has a better chance if all the food goes in at once, and not all in one spot. Same for bottom feeders - more food gets to the bottom if it all goes in at once. But on the subject of auto feeders, what is the best one? I know my fish can go a few days without eating, but I think I need a feeder for longer absences. But if feeders are not reliable, it might be better to get a neighbor to come in every 2 or 3 days to put in some pre-measured food.
  21. I put my baby angelfish into the new 115 gallon tank. I used the "what I do" cycling method from aquariumscience.org. It took about 18 days. I estimated that I had 150 baby angel fish in this 1st batch. But when I moved them from the 20 gallon tank to the 115, I counted them. There are actually 229. I put some plastic plants in for now, just so the fish feel more comfortable. Real plants will come later.
  22. Wow, @Struggle, those are some beautiful fish. Where did you get them?
  23. Your tank looks great. I have a lot of plants in planters and attached to rocks/wood (nothing planted in the substrate) I have 13 angels, one electric blue acara, 7 cories, 5 catfish, and 4 plecos in a 120-gallon tank, That is much more heavily stocked than yours. My nitrates range from 30 ppm to 80 ppm. I do not think that is harmful to the fish. See aquariumscience,org articles regarding nitrates. As for the plants, I assume that more nitrates is good.
  24. Today I finally put fish In my new upstairs tank - about 115 gallons. I put 41 baby angels in. Got tired of catching them. May put more in before I go to bed.
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