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HH Morant

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Everything posted by HH Morant

  1. On my upstairs tank, changed the water, put in the wood, took out the plastic plants, added the lights. Baby angels don't care. They just want more food.
  2. To make sure it is not a water quality problem, I think you need to test for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate.
  3. The effectiveness of the filter is a lot higher if you use 30 ppi foam, as @Guppysnail suggests. You could use the media that comes with the filter or you could spend a lot of money on the latest new super-porous media,, but neither will be as good for biological filtration as 30 ppi foam. See aquariumscience.org articles regarding filtration and fiilter media. The canister pump performance depends a lot on how far up the pump is having to push the water. The shorter the vertical distance from the pump to the top of the tank, the more gallons per hour the pump will move.
  4. Thanks, @Guppysnail. It is actually two pieces of wood. I am trying to find the best way to stack them. And I am about to start peddling the angels to various pet stores in the vicinity. It is difficult for me to do now that I have named them.
  5. I started experimenting (on the bar) with postioning the wood for my upstairs aquarium. Also trying different settings for lights. It is taking me forever but I think I am going to like it.
  6. I would recommend that you not clean the filters unless the flow is obstructed, and when you clean them you should not clean them thoroughly. If you remove all the brown gunk, you are removing your beneficial bacteria. A truly clean filter is bad. At a pH of 7.2-7.4, 0.5 ppm ammonia is not toxic, so you have that going for you. Below is a ammonia toxicity chart from aquariumscience.org: The most accurate way to illustrate the toxicity of ammonia is a chart derived from the University of Florida ammonia toxicity chart (Publication #FA16, “Ammonia in Aquatic Systems”, Ruth Francis-Floyd).
  7. Opened the blinds today and the upstairs aquarium had a few minutes of sunlight.
  8. I keep my canisters in plastic storage containers from Walmart. It is good for small leaks, but not enough volume if the leak siphons out two thirds of the water in the aquarium. I have seen recommendations to put a small hole in the siphon tube a couple of inches below the water line so that in the event of a canister leak siphoning out your water, the siphon will be lost when the water level gets down to the hole. The motor on the canister would burn out, but maybe you wouldn't have to replace your hardwood floors. This would prevent a catastrophic siphon event, but it would also mean you would lose the siphon every time the water level gets below the small hole. Like when you do a water change. I have not done that with my canisters yet. Is it a good idea?
  9. Thanks for the video, @WillC. I thought bending the pvc was a good idea for an application that is not under pressure. A bend creates less resistance to flow than an elbow would. And it seems there would be less chance of a leak. And it looks better.
  10. Yes, you are insane. Multiple Huge Tank Syndrome. Bad case.
  11. Wow. Very small surface area on the staircase tank, and I don't see any flow. Aeration must be in the sump. But where is the sump? I can't see an overflow or a return. That is true of most of the tanks in the video. The equipment - filtration, heaters, aeration - is almost completely hidden. And as @Fish Folk points out, how do you reach the bottom of the staircase tank when you need to? Water changes would be interesting. With no substrate, maybe most of the waste goes right to the bottom. All the tanks look great though.
  12. I like bristlenose plecos. The albinos or reds look good. There are now white bristlenose for sale (the "albinos" are actually yellow) but I don't have any white ones. I have some otos, but it is really hard to enjoy fish that I never see.
  13. No, @smoore, I had it built by a carpenter. I'm afraid I lack the competence and the tools to build a stand. I'd never had a peninsula tank before, so I looked at a few peninsula stands in stores and showed the carpenter what I wanted. There are big doors on both sides, which allow easier access to the sump. I am still in the process of getting the tank set up, but it is cycled and the sump is working well.
  14. Thanks, @Patrick_G! That is good of you to say. The pic that looks like a vertical tank is the end of a 54 x 20 x 27H, The end of the tank is where there was the least glare. I like @Fish Folk's koi angels. I really like angels. I am going to get some red (OK, red-ish) ones if I ever get any tank space.
  15. I don't think plants speed up the cycle. Plants consume ammonia and nitrite, the same things that beneficial bacteria need. If beneficial bacteria is in the pot the plant came in, just put in the pot. If you are doing a fish-in cycle, you might want plants to cushion any ammonia or nitrite spike, possibly keeping ammonia/nitrite concentrations to levels that the fish can survive. Nitrite-eating bacteria always lags ammonia eating bacteria when only ammonia is added to the tank. No nitrite is present in the tank until the ammonia-eating bacteria is already working. You can give the nitrite a head-start by also adding sodium nitrite daily in the beginning. See aquariumscience.org "How I Cycle" article. I recently cycled a tank using the "How I Cycle" method and the nitrite-eating bacteria still lagged by 2 or 3 days, even though I added sodium nitrite daily from the beginning.
  16. I would try putting ammonia in every day, not just when ammonia reading is zero. Nitrite-eating bacteria always lags ammonia-eating bacteria because nitrite is not present until ammonia-eating bacteria is already working.
  17. I think you can pull out those brackets on each end of the light and put them away. Might make the line a little cleaner.
  18. Eheim for me. As already pointed out, the Eheim classics have one big open area for media. I use 30 ppi foam and nothing else, so I cut the foam to fit and put in all the foam that it will hold. I don't have mechanical filtration, so I only open the canisters once every 2 or 3 months. Pumps are reliable.
  19. The mother is the adult fish pictured. The father is a pure platinum. The juveniles right now are kind of platinum gold. Are they going to change in appearance to look like their mom? Or will they stay the color they are now?
  20. I see that Angelsplus sells beefheart flakes and has a recipe for a paste food that includes beefheart.
  21. I have angelfish, but I don't feed beef heart. You would need to defrost it and cut it into pieces small enough for the angels to eat. I know some people feed beef heart to discus, but I have never heard of it being fed to angels. Angels will eat most anything and they can be healthy and breed without beef heart. But go ahead and let us know how it goes!
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