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Everything posted by xXInkedPhoenixX

  1. Kanaplex has worked very well for me in the past. Even if your other fish have contact with it- it SHOULD be fine. Don't forget to let your temp go down again.
  2. Yeah @FrozenFinsI actually searched the forum for an appropriate thread to post this pic on but was surprised there wasn't one already!
  3. Haha I love @FrozenFins that they posed with it like that- amazing! ๐Ÿ˜„
  4. Well, if said container (like a specimen container) was only as big as a breeder box it's possible. Doesn't look pretty but could work. Can you bring infected fish upstairs? Is it warmer there?
  5. Do you think it might be lack of food? If they can keep up with the algae in the tank I don't mind keeping the light intensity up for them, I mess with the lights to try and find that balance for them. Your nerite to space seems correct- but it really is all about the available food. For example I have 3 in a 20 gallon that is spotless (they are helped by bladder snails) and I have 5 in another 20 gallon because of the OVERABUNDANCE of food. Sometimes snails will go dormant if something in the tank changed they didn't like. I hesitate to say it's the wondershell but maybe they didn't like it for some reason. Also know that Nerites are actually NOT freshwater creatures- they live in brackish water- so their lifespans are often not as long as we'd like because we put them in a different environment (this is also why they can't have babies in our tanks).
  6. What you can do is find a suitable workable container and put water from their tank into the container for treatment, the temp will of course slowly go down, add an airstone or small filter if you have one. As far as heater, do you have a warm room? I run tanks with no heaters and they maintain 75-77 degrees because the room they are in is warm. I see mollies can tolerate temps as low as 71 I think that can easily be maintained in a container....also bacteria which is a concern with an injured fish doesn't grow quite as well and will be easier to treat.
  7. @Dallasp your gravel vac'ing should not distrupt the cycle if you're only doiing 1/3 changes. Leave your filters alone unless they REALLY need it. I believe ich x doesn't disrupt the cycle. Kanaplex can be dosed in the water column***per Seachem it can be absorbed through both skin and gills- ingestion is not required. I've used it in the water column for my Otos as they won't eat it either.
  8. @Colu you think so? Can @Dallasp continue with the Ich-X and treat with kanaplex in food? (also LOWER the temp) odd duck had posted that this is one way to cure Epistylus and it would cover any Ich possibilities. I agree they look raised but that's the only characteristic I can see that matches really.
  9. No, you're doing nothinig wrong as far as I can tell. Just keep at it- I know it's stressful to see your fish friends suffer. I've not yet treated with Ich-X (I've used API Super Ick) so I had to look up the directions. It says to dose every 24 hours AFTER 1/3 water change. So you can vacuum the substrate during that 1/3 water change then dose. If you think your fish are showing signs of stress because of the heat you can lower it- just know if it's not that sweet spot it may take longer to treat. I treated a tank with no heat and it did take me longer (water was around 75 degrees). Only you can see what is going on in your tank and there are several ways to approach a lot of things- this sucks but you do have to go with your gut. Well @Dallasp this is one of those lessons you learn the hard way. No judgement, we ALL make mistakes and it really does suck and it IS super stressful- but what you can say for yourself at the end of this- with hopefully everyone alive and well again- that you WON'T do that again!! ๐Ÿ™ƒ
  10. Ah ok that's what I remember with your first post I just wanted to make sure. It still looks like Ich to me, no don't raise the temp it should be fine. 85 is plenty hot enough. What is really happening is that the metro did nothing to help you- so that 1 week of treament can be totally thrown out. You've been treating it properly for only a week. I've had cases it takes 14 days or so, sometimes longer when you don't use heat (I've done that too). When you raise the temp what you are doing is just speeding up the lifecycle of the Ich- it does nothing to kill it. The spots you see are scabs where the parasite has laid eggs and the scab protects them from meds, then the scab falls of (making you think the ich is gone but it is not, it has fallen in egg form into your substrate, which is why you continue to treat for at least a few days after the last spots are seen as long as fish aren't showing signs of stress) the eggs hatch faster with the heat the ONLY time the Ich is vunerable to the meds is when the little swimmers come out and try and find one of your fish to start the whole process over again. Your poor puffer has spots but thankfully not as many as I've seen in very bad cases, this is mid to mild. Just keep the tank where it is and keep following the Ich X instructions. Just make sure your parameters are good 0 ammonia and nitrites if there are any change some water and add conditioner THEN dose the meds. ***also make sure your fish have plenty of air movement in the tank, higher temps- less oxygen- also more ammonia if you have any dying plants or uneaten food.
  11. Well thankfully not as bad as I expected. So just to clarify you were already treating for ich, following dosage exactly for Ich X, and in the 2nd week you added new fish?
  12. Just going on my experience, any time something is late, wrong, missing, unavailable. pricier or broken covid has been blamed.
  13. If it's epistylus you'll need to SLOWLY lower the temp and treat with Kanaplex (in food if they're eating) and continue with Ich X....if you post a pic of the current state of your fish that could help.
  14. I'm sorry @Dallasp. Usually Ich will respond to this sort of treatment so I'm wondering if it's not Ich or it's Stress Ich which supposedly reacts in a different way. Take a look at this chart that our friend @Colu uses to help people, I'm wondering if you have Epistylis: : If it is the treatment is different and heat makes it worse not better. It would be weird as it's been 2 weeks or maybe the Ich opened the door to this illness.
  15. Hi Teri. NO, you can run it as is. Some say they are more efficient with an airstone- IME I've seen no difference and I run them both ways. The one thing it absolutely does for most people is makes the bubbles "quieter" as a sponge filter without an airstone has larger bubbles- but I've found adjusting it so it's running at optimal creates almost no noise- at least nothing that bothers me.
  16. There are some potential issues you can explore. You didn't mention how big your tank is and how many nerites you have. Nerites don't eat commercial foods (it's very rare) so whatever is in your tank is what they eat. On that note, how long was your tank running before you added them- sometimes adding an algae eater in a not yet fully matured tank they also run out of food fast. So how many Nerites and how much food available can make a difference. Often when a snail closes up like that there could have been something done recently to the tank that effected them. Have you done anything to change the tank? Since your other snails are acting normal it may not be that- but I might add a Wondershell to the tank and see if that helps- regardless everyone in the snail world will appreciate it. Your other snails eat left over food and detrius so it wouldn't be unusual for them to be fine and Nerites not so much.
  17. Maybe I'm just weird but I don't mind the plainer guppies (or fish for that matter) in fact I usually just let the LFS net out the number I want and don't bother picking them out- sometimes I tell them to pick the ones they don't think other people would. The reason for that is that as we all know fish are not their best colors at the LFS- they usually color up when they're happy and often surprise us. Baby fish aren't always pretty- but it looks like you definitely got the surprise ending- I think they are gorgeous.
  18. Friend of mine in FL is on a little road trip in Ft Lauderdale. She took this picture for me, it's gorgeous IMO and on the side of the Westin Hotel
  19. Auburn is such an interesting colored fish- in your pic last night bright red- in that video a brown-red. So neat! Like the lead singer in that trio there with the 2 blue fish behind. Very nice find. They'll be so much happier with you.
  20. HOW many empty tanks did you say you have.....๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™ƒ
  21. Plants you're ok soaking in their own bucket as a mini QT changing out water. One post here says they bombed them with meds which could work. IME a couple/few weeks with water changes on their own has worked fine. Whatever you are comfortable with!
  22. Wow, so much prettier than I thought. What a great looking fish!
  23. I am honored Sir, for having named an official Fish Folk fish!! ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿฅ‡
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