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Biotope Biologist

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Everything posted by Biotope Biologist

  1. Yup I boil rocks locally. No harm in it. Unless there is a specific aesthetic I am going for where I have bought specific stones from a yard. Also depending on your locality be aware some rocks also have iron deposits in them. Not typically harmful but they will rust. Pretty easy to spot they have a rust brown/orange spot that can easily be wiped away it likely has iron in it.
  2. Can’t believe I just caught up with all of this now! Without the mention would I have gone months again?!? Suppose there is no way of knowing. I digress… I am excited to see how this turns out! I’m also far too lazy to watch to see what they mean by biome cycling. I really like your fish assortment! If I did marine I would definitely stock those fish! Also I’m not to well versed in tropical corals but I am aware that some are rather aggressive about their territories and might attack and kill your slower moving peaceful pieces. That’s all I got im just along for the ride.
  3. @Starr22 I found a best if both worlds solution as I too hate lids from an aesthetic point of view. A competitor offers clear screen that allows light penetration but keeps fishies in. You can buy a kit or buy in bulk and DIY it. I did the second option and it cost me 1/3 the price. You can also go to an acrylic supply store and have them cut you a piece. If your tank is rimmed it can be flush fit.
  4. Update time! The plants are coming in very nicely and my nitrates have plummeted to barely registered on the test strips. I was worried that the water willow was not going to make it but I have 14-16 leaflets popping out of the ground. The gobies have all moved to a nocturnal schedule. So I have changed my feedings as such. They have become aggressive eaters launching themselves at the trout to get their share of food. It’s quite entertaining. I always see all of them hanging out in this corner before lights on. And by time I come back they are all hiding.
  5. I’d monitor the injury before moving. Fish cut themselves all the time and as long as it doesn’t get infected it’ll be fine. You can add aquarium salt to the display tank if you would like. It’ll serve to increase slime coat production and make the healing process faster. just watch for any browning or whitening of the area around the cut during feedings. It should stay red until it scabs over and heals if it’s a healthy cut.
  6. We in the biology field almost exclusively use Fork Length. Total length for sharks. And standard/ventral length for rays and skates as some species can have 4 foot tails. Reason being is some species of fish have modified caudal fins ie: swordtails that would make it very inaccurate to measure total length. Also interesting tidbit is the sport fisheries use total length for legal lengths but we still use fork length for data purposes. Also depending on if the caudal fin is stretched or squished you can squeeze a few centimeters out of it. Saw it all the time with people trying to convince fishery enforcement that “it was bigger when they caught it.”
  7. I’d say all of them! But yeah cichlids and gouramis do interact with their handlers more so they are a good choice! Even my white clouds have loads of personality. You would think a schooling fish would just school but nope! I have 1 loaner that thinks she is a trout and hangs out with them. While my group of 5 follows me around the tank begging for food. Even right after eating. They’ll even pretend to pick at stuff like they are using reverse psychology on me or something. My roundabout way of saying you can’t go wrong.
  8. An air check valve is designed to let air pass while trapping liquids. If you are trying to reduce airflow you need a gate valve and an exhaust. air can flow both ways through a check valve. If it has no arrow to show direction make sure the rubber stopper is facing the aquarium. This is what prevents water from siphoning into your air pump. If it does have an arrow it is imperative that that arrow faces the direction the air is pumping.
  9. Came here to say the same thing as @Fish Folk. I think the smallest geophagus species still gets to about 8.75” in length so you are better off with a different cichlid with similar characteristics… if size is an issue.
  10. Females gobies are in the display tank. They arrived healthy and ready to eat from tongs. That is if the trout don’t get to it first…. The other gobies have been a bit less shy since their inclusion and I catch them all hanging out in this corner at around dusk. Not sure what they discuss. I hope they aren’t plotting a coup.
  11. Good luck with the saltwater! I find that being able to adapt to yours and your fishes changing needs is a good fish owner quality. Even though it sucks to feel that way. I look forward to the marine conversion.
  12. I had chili rasbora in college. They were always shy even around feeding time. More couldnt hurt they dont produce much of a bioload at all as long as your diligent about cleaning up spare food
  13. I failed to get pics of it, but I have exciting news! The gobies have started displaying breeding behavior. The male and female got on a rock and started, best I can describe it, yawning at eachother. The male turned vibrant red on his gill covers. They did a little dance and disappeared into the males cave. Now they each take turns guarding the entrance. Seems about 12 hour shifts. I don’t want to jinx it, but I do also have 2 more females coming to bolster the harem.
  14. Oh yeah and I bought orange fin hill trout! Took some pics of the sun on the tank. Now that I don’t live in a ravine I get some really nice shimmer. I have to say I think this might be some of my best work yet. Now I wait for the plant island to grow in.
  15. Sump pieces arrived and siliconed them in and spent yesterday and today doing flow rate tests and leak tests. This is quite possibly the most basic refugium setup, but it works. The middle chamber will be where the snails and scuds breed. Hoping the amazon frogbit joins the land of the living again. The snails ate their roots to the nub.
  16. Do you know if doadrioi is the new latin name and eiseni is the dead name? I’ve seen it written as both or either. Maybe that will help @Adam Swarbrick find them easier, I’m not certain how prevalent these fish are or were in the UK.
  17. They are so cute! Congratulations and good luck!
  18. Just here to confirm both @Adam Swarbrick and @Rellad Top images: Xenotoca eiseni Bottom images: Heterandria formosa Don’t see goodeids very often anymore but they used to be quite popular livebearers. They are relatives of the pupfish too!
  19. Barbs get a bad rep but they are quite a fun fish in any tank. Their colors really pop against planted backgrounds!
  20. I agree with @mountaintoppufferkeeper on further inspection, thanks for the I.D!
  21. They appear to be very stressed figure 8’s. If they are, marine salt will be necessary for happy healthy lives. Fun puffer species I hope to devote a tank to one day. Puffers need mental stimulation, all of them whether that’s toys or a nicely scaped tank. You should also try to interact with them ☺️
  22. Yeah I was about to buy a kessil a160 for my current tank as I saved money on the whole project. But ACO came through with a cheap AND nice light with a really nice return policy, even for a prototype. They gave me no choice… ADA is expensive for the sake of being expensive. I really like their products. Especially the amazonia soil, but some things are just outrageous. Their “lowboy” is $700 and it’s just glass. Acrylic maybe I cough up that money, glass, hard pass. @StiggyAzalea sounds like you have good options here. Personally I would look at any thing you can program with a phone or app. People with expensive tastes in my experience like to have their phone be a universal remote.
  23. Shameless plug of my tank for ideas? I have a 50g lowboy setup as a sub-alpine creek with whiteclouds and riverine gobies.No heater lots of flow. can go with white clouds, danio, hillstream loaches, rubberlip plecos, rainbow shiners. Truly lots of fish in the market now that enjoy upper 60’s. Even with this flow and no heater my tank stays around 68-72 year round. dojo’s only get about 6” in tanks. In ponds they can get a foot or more if you live in zones 6-8.
  24. I am using ACO’s prototype and it is very nice. Having a dimmer switch means I don’t shock my plants and fish in the morning and evening. Mine is also mounted 3 feet above the tank as I have a riparian setup and I still get full coverage and maximum penetration. Having that been said the Kessil lighting suite is far superior to most on the market. If I had unlimited budget I would be looking at their tuna sun lineup. I’m no photophile but as far as sleek design and truly natural looking lights I have seen nothing come close on the market.
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