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Everything posted by CorydorasEthan

  1. So that's what you call them! It's always so satisfying to see my endler and guppy females like this, because you know that they will give birth to a bunch of healthy babies. Also, I'm curious what happened with the 5th grade classroom tank. Did they commission you to do it, or what it a project for school when you were an elementary student, or did you do it for a younger siblings class, or something else?
  2. Sorry I just discovered this post, but I figured I'd just respond anyway. I'm a teen as well. I currently have a 29 gallon community and a 10 gallon guppy breeding setup.
  3. It depends. How big is your other filter you are going to move? How many plants do you have and how many fish do you plan on keeping. Any pictures?
  4. All great ideas! I have a couple more suggestions: 1. Fish debates. Forum member would participate in fish-related debates on the forum. A topic would be presented (i.e best community fish, best fish food, best beginner fish, etc.), and two contestants would get 3 minutes (or whatever time is decided on, maybe 5 minutes) to write an argument. After each argument presented, other members will vote on who's was most convincing. You get a total of 5 posts (one for each argument), and whoever gets the most votes in the end wins. I don't know what the reward would be though... To make sure everyone who wants to participate gets to, multiple rounds will be held. 2. Articles. Would any forum members like to write articles for the forum on Nerm Day? I posted a topic earlier, and was wondering if anyone was interested. Of course, only write an article if you have had a lot of experience, done sufficient research, and actually want to. Also, members or administrators should check articles before they are posted (personal messaging?) to ensure accurate information. 3. Mockumentary: Make an aquarium-related mockumentary ahead of time, and post it on a mockumentary thread on Nerm Day. Whoever has the funniest mockumentary wins! What do you guys think?
  5. Wow those are some amazing looking aquariums! Yes I think the Java ferns would be enough, but if you wanted more plants just in case, @Catfish_Lover_Jane made some good suggestions.
  6. Make tacos for your fish, and then everyone post pictures/videos of the tacos and the fish reactions.
  7. Poop will increase ammonia. Thankfully, bacteria in the filter will consume ammonia and nitrites. Plants and water changes will get rid of nitrates. You will have to get a siphon to perform water changes, as it is very hard to maintain a healthy ecosystem without either water changes or a ton of plants.
  8. No the poop will naturally break down and will serve as fertilizer for the plants. It can also be removed when you water change (sucked up by the siphon). Shrimp and snails will also eat it.
  9. Yes that would work. I'd say a nerite snail is the best match, but both would certainly work.
  10. It is best not to mix and match Corydoras species. Although they are perfectly fine together, they require same species schools to thrive. So I would only do 5 or 6 of only one species.
  11. I wouldn't do panda cories, as they get a little too big to house a school in a 5.5 gallon. I would do five or six pygmy cories/dwarf cories in the tank. Although they are snail/shrimp safe, there is limited space and bioload for a 5.5 gallon tank. So I would only do the cories and maybe one nerite snail OR amano shrimp.
  12. Personally, I wouldn't do more than 5 black skirt tetras in a 10 gallon. This is not due to a limited bioload, but mainly because black skirt tetras will get pretty big, reaching just about 3 inches long, and also quite tall. Make sure you have some live plants as well. Not only do they look good, but they also provide cover for the fish, provide oxygen, filter out CO2, and most importantly, reduce the nitrates in the aquarium. I think that the males will have longer fins. Paler color is a sign of older age (skirt tetras are fish that actually show signs of aging).
  13. Yeah I think a group of pygmy cories would work out fine. If you really wanted a couple more hiding spots, just add some driftwood or some rocks. The coconut hut that Aquarium Co-Op sells would also work great.
  14. Honestly, now that I consider it, I would do a school of 5 pygmy cories like you are considering. Thinking about it again, they would actually work pretty well in your tank, provided that they have some hiding spots.
  15. Then you might be able to full it off. Species I would recommend are the pygmy cory (Corydoras pygmaeus) and the dwarf venezuelan cory (Corydoras habrosus).
  16. I personally would not do Corydoras in a 5 gallon tank (even the dwarf species), as they prefer larger groups and need good swimming space. I feel that the tank would be a little overstocked or crowded if there is a betta as well as school of cory catfish. There is also the chance that the betta might attack the catfish (if he is aggressive). Lastly, your tank has gravel, and in my experience, Corydoras prefer sand, although for pygmy cories it does not matter as much (they don't root around a lot in the substrate). Of course, there are many people who have done Corydoras and bettas in a 5 gallon and had success with it, so in the end it is your decision on whether or not you think Corydoras are suited for your aquarium. Remember to also check your water parameters to make sure you can house more fish though.
  17. You could certainly use the med trio. I think that it wouldn't be necessary to medicate either of the two species. Same goes for the nerite snail.
  18. Algae wafers, sinking pellets, repashy... Pretty much anything that sinks to the bottom. They will also eat the leftovers that the betta has not eaten, as long as it sinks to the bottom.
  19. Ghost shrimp are carnivorous while Amano shrimp are primarily algae eaters. Either species will do fine in your aquarium, though ghost shrimp might reproduce if you get several.
  20. Both Amano shrimp and nerite snails are unable to reproduce in freshwater.
  21. I personally wouldn't do fish in a 5 gallon with a betta fish. But you could probably do both an Amano shrimp and a nerite snail together with the betta.
  22. I would say get a large sponge filter. This would help to increase the bioload. Lots of live plants will also help. The only problem I see with more fish is that not everyone might have enough room to swim around comfortably. The angelfish and plecos (depending on the species) could get pretty big.
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