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Everything posted by Wingman12r

  1. P. Velifera Very active, get 4"-5" and have cool mating displays.
  2. @Zenzo, not sure if this is the right place, but I'd like to suggest Dr John Lyons or Omar Dominguez experts in Goodeied live-bearers.
  3. Journey to the microcosms is an awesome channel.
  4. It shouldn't have much affect in regards to the health of either species; however some of the smallest shrimplets will get eaten by the guppies. The shrimp population will continue to rise, just a bit slower.
  5. I'm not sure how long they live in the tank. It shouldn't be an issue unless you are way over feeding them. I take the extra brine shrimp and rinse them in tap water then freeze them in these ice trays. Then feed the cubes throughout the week.
  6. Maybe a case of old tank syndrome. What is your water change schedule? Was 60% necessary?
  7. I found this, maybe it will be better than the stuff I have now. I'm not worried about nutrient depletion or tannins. I used about a 1/3rd of the bag after sifting just to get a 1/2" layer of dirt in a 10g. I used earth worm castings to make up a good portion of what I used. The usable volume vs purchased volume would be a better description.
  8. How can the species be added to the cares program so hobbyist can preserve it for the future?
  9. No heaters, but I live in S. Texas where its mostly hot. For instance today we're expecting a high of 91f(33c). I keep my ac set warmer than most at 77f(25c). My tanks are usually at 73f(23c) to 75f(24c). My livestock are mostly Live-bearers, Goodeieds, P. Velifera, endlers, a few white clouds, scarlet Badis, and a trio of Pygmy Sunfish. Everyone seems happy and are breeding.
  10. Narrow leaf Anachris grows crazy in my 20H with a Walmart LED shop light. I toss hand fulls every couple of weeks.
  11. Here is a thread we had earlier this week on the same subject. There are a bunch of information.
  12. You are all northerners. From Laredo here.
  13. Living in Minnesota you probably have a bag of sidewalk deicer. If it's Calcium Chloride based it has an exothermic reaction when mixed with water. You could put some in a water bottle and float it in the tank while the bottle is still warm.
  14. Did the tank complete it's cycle? Nitrite poisoning would better explain the death.
  15. @JettsPapaSame water here and I throw out handfuls of guppy grass every week. I also have lots of dwarf water lettuce, narrow leaf Anachris, various Anubius species, Java Fern, Java Moss. In my dirted tank I have several crypts growing. What I've found is that most of the plants take a while before they start growing. The guppy grass, Java moss and Anachris sat for 2+months before anything really happened.
  16. @Hobbit I used a colandar for a different tank and found that I have 75% wood chips.
  17. @Irene Most recent upload she carries on a Betta.
  18. I found the wood to create a lot of tannins, not that they are bad. It's just not the look I was going for.
  19. What soil to use for planting a tank? I see many on the forum here use miracle grow performance organics. I have a bag however its mostly pieces of wood, more like dirty mulch than soil. I can order from Home Depot, Lowes or Tractor Supply but I don't want to get another bag of sticks.
  20. As long a the lid is tight so it doesn't dry out, it should several years. Stuff may fall out of suspension so give it good shake before use.
  21. I've done it both ways with no issues. Either way no treat the water with enough dechlorinator for the tank volume, not just the amount of water changed.
  22. If possible you may want to try and slow the filter output. Give the BB on the other surfaces a chance to build up a bit.
  23. @Ken I have the same issue with my hard water and those air stones.
  24. I'm an avid fan. First UFC I ever watched was UFC 67, where Frankie Edgar made his debut. It's tough seeing him now.
  25. Benjamin Tod https://youtu.be/4ErHNWzJPI4 https://youtu.be/RNgGX_8Vn2A Colter Wall https://youtu.be/4l4gdhPqh3E https://youtu.be/qSYkikkitS0
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