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Everything posted by Colu

  1. How long have to had them before you start to see symptoms any weight loss and have you treated with any medication if so did you see any improvement
  2. Looks like Epistylis the most effective treatment is kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days as epistylis feed's off the gram negative bacteria on your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and I would add aquarium salt 1 table for 1 gallon as well as it will add essential electrolytes in conjunction with kanaplex is good treatment for Epistylis the weight loss Could be caused by wasting disease so I would follow up with a course of Fritz Expel p after you have finished treatment for Epistylis @SimplySwimming
  3. It's very unlikely that the plastic bag damage the eye it's more than likely it injured the eye on something in the tank
  4. Looks an eye injury causing fluid buildup in the eye that level of salt should be fine and it will help to reduce fluid buildup in the eye and I would also do a cause of maracyn to cover against any possible bacteria infection in the eye
  5. For me it would have to be licorice gourami's in a biotope aquarium lots of leaf litter wood natural cave's the colors are stunning
  6. It could have been a reaction to the medication it's difficult to no for sure you could add paracleanse to his food feeding once a day for up to 3 weeks it's more effective in food or switch to a different medication such as levamisole
  7. Their not what I would call beginner fish I like to spend a lot of time researching any species of fish I haven't kept before
  8. Colu


    The extra course is only if you haven't seen any improvement after the first 5 day course of treatment after first course of treatment I would add 1 table for 1 gallon of aquarium salt and Methylene blue which should be available in Canada for one week don't add Methylene blue to your main aquarium it will kill your benefial bacteria I would only use in a quarantine tank or you can use it as a bath
  9. I have been researching them for a while now would like to get some further down the road some of my favorites are parosphromenus ornaticauda parosphromenus juelinae and parosphromenus kishii I think the key to keeping and breeding them is a pH below 5 tannin rich water plenty of leaf litter lots of small caves as most species of licorice gourami's are cave spawners
  10. If am using medication i take necessary precautions antibiotic medications and antiparasitic are are fine powder so I wear a mask and gloves to avoid inhaling any of powder or getting any on my skin a lot of medication such as Malachite green active ingredient in ick x is carcinogenic so I would always wear gloves when handling it to limit the risk it more about prolonged exposure with a lot of these medication as it build's up in your body over time with frequent exposure @FirstClassFish
  11. Colu


    Yes use a full daily dose of kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's following this treatment plan @BCGirl
  12. I order mine from Germany
  13. It some of best quality food for L number pleco on the make most algae wafers you can buy only have about 6% spirulina EBO algae tab's have 30% it same for most of their food top quality ingredients since I have been feeding my bristlenose pleco fry EBO youngster grow paste EBO veg sticks they have 50% pumpkin and 50% peas I have noticed increase growth and my adult spawn more frequently and have larger spawn's
  14. EBO youngster grow paste and EBO plankton tab's are great for hypancistrus they like more protein in there diet the grow paste has a protein content of 60%
  15. A little information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness loss of appetite and picture would help with a diagnosis
  16. It's difficult to tell as fish start to decay really quickly after death the color change could have happened after he died or it could be a sign of a bacterial infection such as columnaris @broodmetbeleg
  17. If your ammonia at 2ppm I would do is test daily and do 50% daily water changes and add a double dose of prime to help detoxify any ammonia till it constantly stays at zero it's possible the ammonia spike was caused by over feeding have you used any medication that could have harmed your benefial bacteria if you water company could have flushed the pipes leading to an ammonia spike
  18. It's possible it broke it's jaw at some point and it's not healed well
  19. The best treatment for a prolapse are Epsom salt baths 1 table for 1 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a couple of days as Epsom salt acts as a muscle relaxant to help your fish reabsorb the prolapse @NotDaleGribble
  20. Aquarium salt good at treating some types of external bacteria infections you can fluid buildup behind the fish's eye when they have Popeye the salt will help to reduce any fluid buildup
  21. You can if your using lots of different medication almond leaves and salt 1 table for 3 gallons and antibiotic treatment are fine to use together
  22. It looks like a possible hemorrhaging of the eye I would follow @xXInkedPhoenixX advice and treat with a broad spectrum antibiotic treatment such as kanaplex or maracyn2 you can also add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties depending on the quality of leaves you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a benefial effect and some aquarium salt that will help reduce any possible fluid buildup in the eye
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