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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I use white vinegar to get rid of calcium buildup
  2. it could be a benign growth or a cyst or a cancerous growth as your in Canada and your treatment options are limited what I would do is add some Indian almond leaves as they have antibacterial and antifungal properties you might have to add one leaf per gallon to get a benefial effective and I would also add aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons to his tank and leave it at that level for a week you could contact a fish vet to see if you could get holed of minocycline as it has anti-inflammatory properties and has proven effective at shrinking some types of lumps
  3. The first one is Anubis not sure what type the second one looks like wisteria or bolbitis
  4. Just caught up you have some stunning tanks loving the kribs and apistogramma colour's are amazing
  5. It doesn't look like a damage or a deformity I think it's more than likely internal parasites it's also possible something else is going on I would treat with Expel p Once a week for 3 week
  6. To me it looks like a fungus that growing on the wood am not sure what type
  7. I used image's because it's easier to identify a disease if you have some picture for comparison I looked on a lot of different web sites the fish vet.com and aquarium sciencen.org have some useful information on dropsy @Traumfahrer
  8. I would say a 75 gallon or bigger would be better in the long term for a comet I would also recommend a external canister filter you can use a combination of hob and sponge filter I use a fluval 307 external canister filter and a ziss 300f bubble filter and I do 25-50% water change once a week that works well for me no nirites or ammonia the smaller the tank the more water changes you will have to do
  9. I think 10-12 would be ok in 20L as bristlenose produce a lot of waste I wouldn't put more than that unless your prepared to do extra water changes
  10. Is it only going to white clouds in this tank or are you having some bottom dwelling fish
  11. Pearl scales can get to 8in it can work in the in the short term I would look to upgrade to at least a 29 or bigger goldfish are very messy fish and produce a lot of waste I use fluval 307 external canister filter and a ziss 300f bubble filter for my 12 in comet goldfish hob and sponge filter would be a good combination
  12. You can use salt 1 table for 5 gallon will add some essential electrolytes to give them more energy to fight of the infection
  13. High levels of nitrites will effect your fishs immune system and eventually kill your fish you want to do 50%daily water changes and I would add prime in emergency you can add up to 5x the amount to help detoxify any ammonia or nitrites till your nitrite and ammonia are constantly at zero I would also add some aquarium salt 1 table for 1 gallon that will prevent mathemoglobin toxicity by blocking nitrite adsorption though the Gills @seamstome
  14. As levamisole hasn't worked what I would do is a course of fenbendazole in food feeding a small amount twice a day for up to 3 weeks
  15. You can use both if am leaving it in the tank I use aquarium salt to help reduce the fluid buildup I only use Epsom in a bath as it will raise your GH by adding magnesium to your water I would say both are effective at reducing the fluid buildup caused by dropsy
  16. A little more information would be helpful what are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate KH GH any rapid breathing sunken belly spitting food out listlessness flashing when you treated with Expel p did you do three course of treatment 1 week apart and when treating paracleanse did you do a second course in two weeks after the first@IronmanMK54
  17. You could add some Malaysian trumpet snails they will borrow though the sand preventing any dead spots
  18. Colu

    What Is This?

    What are your water parameters ammonia nitrite nitrate etc any rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness not eating rubbing on things in the tank @LisaM
  19. I think that tank is on the small side for Dwarf neon rainbow they can get up to 3in and are a really active fish that likes a lot of swimming room
  20. I little information would be helpful what filtration are you using how often are you doing water changes and how often do you feed and if you have cloudy water it can be a sign of ammonia or nitrites what are your water parameters
  21. white lumps or spots on there mouth can be a sign of columnaris you can get these spots on the mouth with neon tetra disease it can affect rasbora barbs danios angelfish if it's columnaris you want to treat with kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan
  22. Welcome to the forum beautiful tank
  23. If your referencing to the Bent tail high levels of nitrate can cause skeletal deformity in the later stages of nitrate poisoning I would increase water changes add some aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallon that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes ideally you should aim to have your nitrates below 40ppm I would add some floating plants such as water lettuce Amazonian frogbit to help keep your nitrates in check
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