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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I use 3% hydrogen peroxide solution you add it directly to your tank leave the fliter running it will break over 24hr into H20 and oxygen
  2. bristlenose have got to one of my favorites followed by licorice gourami's
  3. I would definitely do another course of kanaplex and Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's and add a small amount of aquarium salt 1 table for 5 gallons that will aid Gill function and add essential electrolytes to give your fish more energy to fight off the infection the lump on the side of your rainbow fish could be a lipoma I would just monitor the one with the lump more closely from my experience two full courses of treatment with kanaplex and Jungle fungus is enough to deal with persistent columnaris @Mahi27
  4. Glad am doing my bit he another beautiful licorice gourami's
  5. Possible gas bubble disease caused by supersaturation of desloved oxygen or a possible encapsulated sporozoa am no a 100% sure that what's going on what I would do is add some aquarium salt 1 table for 2 gallons if you don't have live plants and monitor for a week and give an update if it's get worse just remember to only add back in the amount of salt you take out so if you do a 1 gallon water change put 1 table spoon back of salt back in
  6. A little information would be helpful what are your water parameters have you notice any rapid breathing hanging near the surface is it eating ok
  7. If she not eating I would dose the tank with kanaplex then follow up with a course of metroplex and keep doing the salt baths @honeydew
  8. With pineconing your more than likely dealing with dropsy the most effective treatment I have found is kanaplex in food to treat any possible internal bacteria infection metroplex to treat the tank as it treats aeromonas bacteria a common cause of dropsy and salt that will help reduce some of the fluid buildup @honeydew
  9. Focus binds the medication to food so you don't lose as much of the medication to the water though diffusion you can make the medicated food with out it @ab1990
  10. It's more effective in food and it less likely to harm your benefial bacteria you can use frozen food with the recipe I provided i usually make a new batch of medicated food every 48 when using frozen you can store let over medicated food in the fridge
  11. I no How can you not go down that NERM-hole they are stunning fish a lot of species are endangered though draining of the peat swamps so captive breeding to increase there numbers is important so we can hopefully get there numbers back to what there were
  12. Jungle fungus clear fizz tab's are one of only few medication still available containing nitrofurazone I use that in conjunction with kanaplex to treat more severe bacterial infection such as columnaris body rot subborn cases of fin rot
  13. I use a cooper Atkins' temperature probe been using it for two years not had any problem very accurate
  14. White or clear poop can be poop with no food in it just the mucus lining if your seeing any of these symptoms rapid breathing hanging near the surface listlessness weight loss spitting food out flashing than I would treat for parasites I don't think you have anything to worry about I would just monitor for any of the symptoms I described
  15. Yes so the antibiotic's essential starve the Epistylis of it's food source the causes can be lack of water circulation and poor aeration causing higher bacterial concentration in the substrate other causes can be bacterial infection such as columnaris hemorrhagic septicemia Epistylis often occurs in fish with fin rot the bacteria infecting the fins feed's the Epistylis when Epistylis gets a foothold on your fish then Epistylis secrets an enzyme at it's base that attacks the slime coat this attack allows bacteria to get into the fish's body causing secondary bacteria infections that feed's the Epistylis
  16. Ick x treats ich and opportunistic fungal infection's jungle fungus clear fizz tab's treat's gram negative and some some gram positive bacteria and also treats dermal fungus
  17. salt in combination with the antibiotic medications it more effective salt at higher level 10g a liter can be effective Epistylis @Chris
  18. It's looks familiar something telling me native American fish maybe @Fish Folkwould be able to give a positive I.D
  19. It could be caused by an injury or possible ulcer I think doing a course of kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days and add some aquarium salt 1 table for 3 gallons for one week
  20. It could be Epistylis he's how you tell the difference between ich and Epistylis if it's Epistylis you want to treat with kanaplex in food feeding a small amount twice a day for 7 days as Epistylis feed's off the gram negative bacteria on your fish and spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and I would also leave the salt at 1 table for 2 gallons @Chris
  21. I would say it's more than likely a fluid filled cyst as you have live plants I would do salt baths 1 table for 2 gallons for no more than 15 minutes for a couple of days the salt will help reduce the fluid buildup @Rita
  22. What I would do is sterilize the aquarium with a 3 % hydrogen peroxide solution after 24hr it break's down into H20 and oxygen to can add directly to the tank leaving the fliter running to circulate the hydrogen peroxide solution around the tank then I wouldn't add fish to that tank for a couple of weeks I wouldn't throw out your plants and rocks just leave them in the tank with the hydrogen peroxide solution @SimplySwimming
  23. Sorry to hear that he didn't make it
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