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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @nabokovfan87 It’s smart business to sell PSO because it’ll make a beginner feel like they can grow anything. With that said, I agree Erectus would be awesome, but probably can’t be bought in the volume they would need to make it viable or even profitable. I ripped it out 2 days ago and no crash or even change in water parameters. There are a ton of other plants in there but they were just covered up with the PSO.
  2. @nabokovfan87 I just got super annoyed at the mess that the PSO was creating so I pulled it out and replaced it with a bunch of dwarf sag I had on hand. That stuff will take over like nothing I’ve seen. The epiphytes are basically the only plant that can be used with geo’s, they’ll uproot everything. Luckily it’s worked out thus far.
  3. The less sections, the higher the pressure. Using 2/3 and you will be fine. Using 1/3 is a bad idea unless you want a really high flow.
  4. A little over 6 months back, I purchased a used 180 gallon. I resealed it, sanded and repainted the stand, and spray painted the background and bottom black. It has been running with no issues whatsoever. It is actually my easiest aquarium maintenance wise. The stocking I decided to go with is: 1 Blue Pinoy Paraiba Angelfish 7 Geophagus Pyrocephalus 1 Albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus 6 males, 7 females Congo Tetra 7 Denison Barb 1 Gold Denison Barb 9 Rainbow shiners 1 Long Fin Green Dragon Bristlenose pleco I was going to add an Oscar, but decided to go with a school of rainbow shiners instead. In the future, I plan to add 3 albino Congo tetras. Since it is a sand bottom, my plant options are limited so I went with random anubias, Java fern, and Val. Hopefully the Val takes over and the geo’s haven’t uprooted any of it as of yet. A pair of geo’s have formed and laid eggs, but by the next morning they were gone. My assumption was the pleco saw it as an easy caviar meal. I have no plans to breed them so it’s all good with me. Here are some photos and I’ll also add some photos of the 75 gallon shellie tank and my 75 gallon jungle tank. Hope all is well y’all.
  5. @Lennie Hahaha shipping would probably be $70,000. No worries dude, just figured I’d toss that out there.
  6. @Lennie I have a pair of Ultimate coverage koi angels and a pair of Blue pinoy paraiba angels. I was going to sell them, but if you want them, I’ll gift you whichever pair you’d like. The only problem is shipping. I’ve never done it and don’t really have confidence in doing so. I’m in Florida, where are you? Here are some photos but these are NOT my photos. It’ll just give you an idea of what they’ll look like as adults, they are juvies currently.
  7. @BlueLineAquaticsSC a hair pick will work too, but a duckweed rake has much less space between the picks so it removes every piece of duckweed. Same concept just a bit more efficient. If you have nothing, I’d buy the rake, but if you already have a pick then you’re doing better than most as it is.
  8. Sounds good, but for around $10 you can buy a duckweed rake on Etsy and scoop out however much duckweed you want without disturbing anything. Literally changed how I use and reuse duckweed.
  9. @Theplatymaster I’m not sure I understand the question, so here goes what I think. If you’re looking to breed a particular color in platies, it all boils down to genetics. If you get assorted platies, the issues you’ll run into is what other genetics do they carry, so you may be culling out a large amount. When it comes to platies, I always buy a particular school. For example, I purchased 12 Gold Neon platies and if I choose to breed for a particular trait, it’s going to be a bit easier because they basically are a straight line to breed. With the unknowns or the randoms, it’s going to be a much bigger undertaking simply because you don’t know the history of the fish. Hopefully, this helps.
  10. @kcochran When you ask what kind of bottom dwellers can be tank mates with tiger barbs, the answer solely depends on the size of the aquarium. For example, a school of clown loaches would be perfect, however they reach 12” each so they would be inadequate. If you’re just looking for a random list then google is your best friend. However, if you are looking for experiences, then they will be catered to the experience of the fish keeper, not necessarily what you want to hear. Good luck to you.
  11. Take the money you’d invest in more fish and use it to buy a larger aquarium. 11 Tiger barbs in a 10 gallon is really not ideal. @kcochran
  12. Size of aquarium? How many tiger barbs do you have?
  13. One thing I’ve learned is not many are warm to unsolicited advice. I grew up in The Bronx and “mind your business” is the mantra of the land. I’ve given suggestions before, but 99% of the time, I was asked. The idea of having a shop that welcomes new ideas and knowledgeable advice is a dream or the coop.
  14. I’ve moved a bunch of times. The tote would be more than adequate. Just remember as soon as you get to the new location, I’d set it up immediately. I’ve done it with numerous tanks, never had an issue.
  15. @Xaos seems to me that the med trio has nothing to with it. 2 bn pleco’s and a mystery snail is a ton of bio load in 1 shot. Adding water conditioner can also mess with your beneficial bacteria. Do you have a larger aquarium? 2 full grown bristlenose’s in a 10 is really, really tight and as you just learned, water parameters can and will change in an instant.
  16. @knee it looks suspect, but I would just keep an eye on it. Most people think they are going to have some giant explosion which rarely happens. Usually for our use as hobbyists, it will almost always start with a leak. Just keep your eyes peeled and have a plan B.
  17. @knee I’m assuming that’s a $1/gallon sale tank?
  18. @Monkeypoint If it isn’t leaking then I’d leave it be, but keep an eye on it. If you have the money to spend in the name of being proactive then by all means.
  19. I’m not sure about hydra, but I can tell you my endlers kick the snot out of my cherry shrimp.
  20. I just picked up and resealed a 180 with stand and fx6 for $800. A brand new 180 is $1000. I will only buy large aquariums used and the price must make sense. Resealing isn’t difficult, it’s just intimidating if you haven’t done it before. I agree with @Pepere anything under 6’ isn’t even an option.
  21. @nabokovfan87 really? I guess we both learned our lesson. I wanted pots because I wanted to drop them into easy planters. I was still able to do so, but it made a mess. I emailed them, let’s see what they say. It isn’t the end of the world, but it is misleading.
  22. Today I received a plant order from another company. The coop didn’t have these particulars currently in stock so I took the shot. I ordered 4 potted anubias nana. I received 4 nana with the roots wrapped in rock wool, no pot(s) in the whole package. It doesn’t seem like a major catastrophe until I have loose rock wool all over the aquarium. Why advertise something as potted when it’s truly not. Anyways, never again, from now on, all plant orders also go to the coop only. Live and learn.
  23. @Louise02 I would root tab it. In the previous post, when I said it was dying, I meant the bulb, not the plant. I believe it can live without the bulb, but you have to be rigorous about your root tab schedule.
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