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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. Hello everyone, I’m super stoked to introduce this little guy. I just picked up an albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus (formerly red head tapajos). He is enjoying life in a shoal of 7 other normal Geophagus Pyrocephalus, some Denison barbs, and some angels, and a longfin green dragon pleco. I am awaiting the arrival of a gold Denison barb sometime next week to add to the school of barbs. Here are some photos I took this morning. Although he is the smallest, he is by far the most outgoing. When the others seek shelter, he just derps around, it’s quite hysterical. Thanks for reading.
  2. I’ve ordered from aquahuna a few times and even with the cheap shipping, some times it isn’t worth it. I’d say it’s a 50/50. I’ve received nice fish from them, but I’ve also received deaths and just ugly specimen. Not to say, their customer service isn’t on point because it is. They rectify everything pretty quickly. When I weigh it out, spending an extra $40 to be able to keep and enjoy the best version of the species is well worth it to me. So with this, livestock is something I never cut corners on, I’ve learned that waiting is always best. It always ends up being worth it in the long run. This is by no means bashing aquahuna, I think they’re great, but so are others. 😎 Hope this helps
  3. I can’t reply with definitive scientific proof, however I’ve been doing nightly water changes for years with no issues. Not too long ago, @Cory mentioned he was doing all his water changes at night at some point. I never altered the light schedule, I just turned them on if I needed them on, turned them off when they aren’t needed. Again, never had an issue.
  4. I would fully brace the bottom. Even though the stress is small, over time it could lead to a leak. Better safe than sorry, I wouldn’t take the chance.
  5. @nabokovfan87 I just bought 6 XLarge Amano’s from aquahuna, they’re big and beautiful.
  6. @ccurtis Thank you for the kind words.
  7. The white cloud mountain minnow or gold form. I’d get a dozen of these in a 20 with some anubias and Java ferns. Everything will basically be bulletproof. Easy, peasy, and super enjoyable.
  8. @TheSwissAquarist not the best photos, but you get the idea.
  9. About 10 years ago, I used to heat a 125 gallon with a 300 watt Eihem Jager heater. Great heater but it wasn’t subtle, it is tremendous. Fast forward 10 years, I now live in Florida. The past couple of weeks have been lows in the 30’s-50’s at night. I decided to place a heater in my 300 gallon stock tank. I ordered 2 coop 100 watt heaters. Without the heaters, the water dropped to 59 at one point. With the heaters, I am easily keeping a steady 75 with no issues. I am stunned at how much we can overdo it because it was written somewhere. Bravo @Cory and the coop team. I’m impressed. I forgot to mention, this is an outdoor stock tank.
  10. Just ordered mine. Will be ordering these from now on. As other lights die out, I’ll be replacing them with these. Anything the coop gets their hands on, somehow turns out better. It’s all just better. Happy shopping everybody!
  11. Patience, things don’t happen when we want them to. As long as your parameters are good, then I’m sure they’re fine.
  12. I believe it’s much more important to have a well established aquarium (minimum 3 months) before adding shrimp. This is much more important than temps. I’ve heard Lucas Bretz say he’s kept them in as high as 90 and as low as 50. He seems to do just fine with them.
  13. I’ve never boiled any wood that I’ve placed into an aquarium. Just dust it off or clean any apparent dirt off of it and in it goes. In all my years, I’ve never had an issue doing this. I think we love the hobby so much, we always want to do more, even if it’s unnecessary or ineffective. Good luck.
  14. @Kamen_Kaiju you can keep anything individually. Question is are you trying to get the best coloration, behaviors, and have a possibility of seeing them out and about, then I’d go with a group. When it comes to corydoras, loaches, tetras, barbs, rainbows, any many others, they all do best at 6 minimum. Personally I only add fish when I can add a dozen.
  15. That’s not a tiger loach, that looks like a yoyo loach. Petco probably wouldn’t carry tiger loaches. Yoyo is much smaller, but will still do better in a group.
  16. @TOtrees Holy cannoli, I didn’t realize I could keep them communally in a 29. I thought they were too aggressive and territorial. Sounds great, I will look into this further.
  17. @Theplatymaster If you keep it individually, however these should be kept in groups and they are aggressive. You’re probably going to come across some issues dealing with tank mates unless they are larger. Then once you get into keeping it in a group, the 75 goes out the window for an adult sized group. By no means am I trying to discourage or bash in no way. I’ve just been down this road quite a few times. So if I keep a large fish, it’s a flowerhorn and it’s in a 75 to itself. That is until I can afford that 100,000 gallon lagoon.
  18. Depending on your setup, loaches prefer to be in groups. I had 6 in a 125 for a little over a year. They are highly entertaining. Problem with keeping 1, is you’ll probably never see it. The size of the aquarium to house a school of these guys is as big as you can afford. If you are going to stick to just 1, I’d say a 125 would be adequate, however the turning radius would be tight, so personally I’d go with a minimum of 180 gallons for a 12” fish. Hope this helps.
  19. @TOtrees Thank you for the info. I’m going to look into purchasing 1M/3F from the same person. I believe he only sells pairs, but it’s worth an ask. Thank you kindly
  20. I have a piebald Denison barb and a gold Denison barb in a school of 8 “normal” Denison barbs. I also have an albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus (formerly red head tapajos) in a school of 7 “normal” geo pyro’s. They shoal together with no issues other than the gold Denison barbs is susceptible to blindness so I keep a close eye on him.
  21. I had 6 of these guys. Really entertaining and beautiful fish. The problem is that if they pair off, they will murder everything in there. If you add just 1, they your chances of success are much higher. Personally, I’d skip it because the best coloration comes from breeding rituals. Just my opinion, good luck
  22. Hello, I have an empty 29 gallon that I’d like to set up as a species only for some Gold Occelatus. I already have multies and similis and these guys are intriguing. I have the opportunity to purchase pairs. Does anyone have experience and any suggestions as to what ratios to stock for success? I know the aggression can be much amongst themselves. Thank you kindly
  23. @Gannon I’ve never kept them. I stumbled across them looking at Dans fish. From the research I’ve done, they seem to like a very laid back aquarium. For the pencil fish, they’d be perfect. I believe an apisto may be a bit much for their vibe and liking. Apparently their whole appeal is in the courting rituals. As with many other species, that’s when you get the best colors and behaviors.
  24. I would do 8-10 Drapefin Barbs. They are very slow going so they would go perfect with pencils. There are also pretty gorgeous and super flashy when in the “mood”.
  25. @FLFishChik I had a 40 gallon with a little army of pea puffers. I loved them, however it was very difficult to keep an eco system sustainable. They are little helicopter predators. They eliminated snails, shrimp (neo’s and Amano’s), a pleco, corydoras, and then I stopped trying. They are highly entertaining and are very fun to keep in a species only. This is just my experience. You can also check out aquarium coops video on pea puffers, it’ll basically tell you everything you need to know. PS any and all plants will most likely work. Good luck
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