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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. You’re good buddy, just fill the bucket enough to be manageable for you, they don’t need very much. If you want to be extra cautious, you may want to toss a small slump of moss in the bucket, but it’s not necessary.
  2. @IHOctopus If it were me and I wanted an intense schooler, I’d go with danios or rummynose. If you’re going for a loose shoal of beauties, then you really can’t beat the Odessa barbs. Good luck!
  3. @IHOctopus They are definitely shoalers at least with a school of a dozen. If you add more, they may school, but I’m not certain. I would say a medium flow, but definitely nothing too strong. You also may want to look at Select Aquatics. Greg Sage has the premier Odessa Barbs, they are unmatched and I’d never purchase them from anyone else. He has taken years to perfect his line, and holy wow, in person they are stunning. Good luck.
  4. I’ve kept Odessa Barbs and they can be gorgeous depending on where you get them from. I’d do a minimum of a dozen. They should do very well for you.
  5. This is probably one of the only times I’m glad I live in Florida. Godspeed to you all enduring this. Hopefully it’s just a few extra paid days off.
  6. @Reactor Axe Man Excellent read, very well written. You should check out The Offer if The Godfather interests you. Have a great day.
  7. I’ve been keeping fish for close to a decade and have never boiled any wood that goes into my aquariums. I once also used the boiling method to remove tannins but other than that, I hose it down to get anything loose off and then just pop it in. I’ve never had an issue. The use of “you must always boil” is not correct. You should boil is probably more accurate and even that can be taken with a grain of salt. Obviously, common sense rules supreme here and if you fish a piece of driftwood out of a muddy marsh, then you may want to be more extensive with preparations.
  8. If you’re going to start naming platies, I’d start at A and make my way to Z, then start again. You’re going to have more fry than you know what to do with in about 45-60 days. Good luck.
  9. Dans fish, Bioaquatix, Imperial Tropicals, The Wet Spot, and aquahuna
  10. 2 75 gallons 3 40 gallon breeders 1 29 gallon 3 10 gallons 2 110 gallon stock tank 1 40 gallon stock tank 1 300 gallon stock tank
  11. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea We also live in Florida, I’ll be checking that out. Thank you 😎
  12. I played poker with a goldfish, a flowerhorn, a great white, and a school of tetras (they kept switching off each hand). Never could remember who won.
  13. At least cardinals and/or neons are fairly easy to net out of basically any setup barring the super dense plant setup.
  14. Any old cucumber or zucchini works. I find that cucumber tends to be a bit messier. They love either.
  15. @Doc_Ho11iday Love that company, I’ve bought a bunch of stuff from there.
  16. I vaguely remember Cory saying on a live stream that you can add more than you’re willing to put in. I would go for 100 or so.
  17. Maybe it’s me, but I don’t see a reason for these sororities. Why not pick a fish that enjoys being amongst its own? Seems like a giant waste of time. Not judging anyone that has one, just my opinion.
  18. You can use cinder blocks with a 1” sheet of plywood running across it, this should disperse the weight over the whole board rather than 1 spot on the block. Also, you can paint the blocks to match.
  19. I’ve thought long and hard about this about a month ago. I was faced with the same problem and as I pondered, I realized that my fish room, which is more of a display room has bare walls above the aquariums. The one thing I came up with that could possibly improve my hobby was wall art. I have beautiful aquariums, but bare walls. So I requested for some cool wall art, but nothing to compete with the aquariums. At the very least, it warms up the room a bit. I’m seeking a very cozy experience while sitting and observing the aquariums. Not sure what your room looks like, but hope this helps a bit.
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