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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. I tried using the coop powerhead for water changes from a 32 gallon trash can to a 75 gallon tank. The uplift wasn’t sufficient and it took 10x the amount of time to complete. Now I use it to move water in an aquarium as it’s only use.
  2. Yes it definitely happens and it’s most likely not going to correct itself. If you ordered them online, I would email the company and let them know. Maybe they can do something for you.
  3. @Gannon With that said, let me give you a quick run down of what I do. I can totally relate to that “something is missing” feeling. I start off with a school of species I know I want to keep. For example, if I had a 29, I would add 6-12 Staeck Endlers. After adding them to a planted 29, I sit on it for 30-45 days. I would stare at the 29 daily until ideas would come to me. I would add slowly, but only as it comes to you. Truth is, after a couple of years of doing this intensely, there aren’t many fish or ideas I haven’t heard of. Those ideas or past YouTube videos come to me as I get lost in the 29. It’s a process that requires patience, however 9/10 times, my aquariums stay up for long periods of time because I added what I absolutely wanted. Hope this helps.
  4. Cichlids are gonna cichlid. I love them, you just gotta love them for what they are.
  5. Sounds good, go with what you like. No one can tell you what you enjoy more than you. I think you may have answered your own question. I love cherry barbs. Good luck!
  6. $8-$10 is the going rate from what I’ve seen in the past 30 days. I’ve added a ton of fish in the past month and I almost pulled the trigger on a school of CPD’s, but my preference led me to other species. Good luck, they’re beautiful.
  7. I picked up a 180 gallon instead. Delivery is this Wednesday. Lighting still remains the same, I went with 2 36” Coop LED’s.
  8. I would purchase fish food and Fritz complete. As it runs out, I’d replenish on Amazon. Depending on how many aquariums you have, it could last a few months. That’s a few months you wouldn’t have to think about it.
  9. The problem is that it doesn’t factor in plants, so it’s mathematically inaccurate. It kind of defeats the purpose of the whole calculation.
  10. @TheBlueBeetle You just validated what I was thinking. I just placed my order for a second 36” light. Thank you
  11. @Dana I’ve bought Odessa’s from Greg and it’s an experience. His email replies are lengthy and it’s a glimpse into the time and effort he puts into these fish. This experience is unlike any other fish buying experience, IMO. Get ready for the most beautiful, healthy fish. They don’t fin nip, they just dart around and act pretty. It’s literally one of my fave barbs, but only if it’s Greg’s line. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
  12. @Rita Beautiful fish!! I have 14 Pseudomugil Gertrudae Aru 2 (there are various locales) in a 40breeder with a dozen long finned white cloud mountain minnows. They are highly entertaining. personally I’d go minimum 20 gallon long (length is more useful than height). They will zoom around constantly and their courting behaviors are gorgeous and very hypnotizing. Enjoy! Welcome to the tremendous world of rainbow fish, rainbow fish in general are my all time fave fish.
  13. @SuzanM I’ve kept bichirs before and fed those exact pellets. I also started to notice first signs of bloat. So what I did is, I dropped as many pellets as needed in a coffee mug with aquarium water for about 5-7 mins or so. Just enough to fluff the pellet up. Then I toss the contents of the mug in. Basically the pellet is given the opportunity to swell with water before doing so in the belly of a fish. I’m no expert, but I think this would be an excellent start. Good luck!
  14. @Rube_Goldfish You are the coolest person of my week. Thank you, I love MD
  15. @TheSwissAquarist I literally just received my 36” coop light for a 40B I have. I am highly impressed with this light. I can butt 2 36” together for a 6’ light. They really have thought of everything.
  16. @TheSwissAquarist I don’t know much about other types of lighting, it’s never been my strong point. I’m guessing you can hang those off the wall or ceiling?
  17. @TheSwissAquarist totally understood. If you can’t factor in plants, then it’s mathematically inaccurate no matter how you dice it, so it doesn’t give me much peace of mind. In my experience, if you’re on top of your water maintenance and pay close attention to your fish, the likelihood of something going wrong reduces dramatically. And if it doesn’t, this is all one giant experiment. Thank you dude, your input is appreciated
  18. @TheSwissAquarist The wooden slat is an idea, but I’m looking for a much more clean look. I’m probably going to have to go with some sort of hanging light. I am not concerned about the stock levels. Aqua advisor is a guide at best. There are too many factors that aquaadvisor just doesn’t take into consideration. To be honest, it’s probably been 7-8 years since I’ve been on that site. Thank you
  19. Hello everyone, I am picking up a 125 gallon this weekend. Question is, what lighting should I use. If the coop made a 72” then it would be a no brainer. I could add 2 36” lights, but I hate the idea of them resting on the glass. Would that make them crooked or slightly slanted? If so, then it will probably drive me nuts. I’ve owned the beamswork 72” but it wasn’t a very good light. Very subpar in every way. As for the stock, it will be planted with a ton of Java fern so it doesn’t have to be super high end. As for livestock, it’ll house: 8 Denison Barbs 1 Gold Denison Barb 4 Blue Pinoy Paraiba Angelfish 7 Geophagus Pyrocephalus 1 Albino Geophagus Pyrocephalus 10 Congo Tetra Long Fin Green Dragon Bristlenose Pleco
  20. @Pennsylaniaeric This would all depend on a few factors. First off, if you go with a hang on back, I’d go 110, no matter what your stock is. Personally, I prefer the aquaclear filter. The tidal has issues if you are keeping shrimp or fish fry. Will you be planting it? Go into more detail about what the goal is and it will be easier to guide you. Your filtration will look very differently if you keep 1 guppy in a 120 rather that 5 Fancy goldfish, for instance.
  21. @evilgenius If it were me, I’d focus on getting a larger school of the 2 types of tetra that will thrive at a higher temp. I’d bump it up to 12-15 of the rummynose and at least a dozen X-rays. Or you can just bump up the rummy’s to 20 or so and enjoy one of the best schooling behaviors in an aquarium. In a 75, you have plenty of room. The behaviors you begin seeing when there is at least a dozen of said fish is unmatched and cannot be viewed when there are less than. Hope this helps.
  22. @Fish Folk I knew most people probably weren’t aware of these guys, but those that are, become enamored instantly. I would venture to say he is the most outgoing in the tank. He has geo’s triple its size, and it doesn’t seem to phase him. Almost like he always has to be in the middle of whatever is going on in there. It’s pretty remarkable and I highly recommend these guys.
  23. @Rube_Goldfish Thank you kindly. Here is a stock list: White Cloud Mountain Minnows Gold White Cloud Mountain Minnows Rainbow shiners Platinum Medaka Assorted platys (high fin, wags, variatus) Assorted Guppies 8” Gold Dojo Loach Panda Corydoras Long Fin Green Dragon Bristlenose Pleco
  24. You can feed flakes right away. Feedings basically stay the same. That aquarium is going to be full of babies before I end this sentence. It’s intense but really fun. Good luck
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