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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea no not really. Goldie’s can get sick very easily and I simply never enjoy betta’s. I’ve had a few and it’s always very underwhelming.
  2. How about a pleco cave, apisto cave, any hut or cave with a trap door for no net removal.
  3. @Gannon Unfortunately fish farms contribute to this simply because they don’t cull their lackluster fish. From my understanding, it’s basically a free for all, hence so much hybridization. I’m usually pretty casual about where I get my fish (no big box stores, usually aquabid and other breeders), but with rainbows I am a purist. They are expensive and the pay off can be breathtaking or the underwhelming feeling you received. Whenever you’d like to purchase some great rainbows, feel free to PM me and I can possibly guide you in the right direction. I don’t sell or breed them, I’ve just done a ton of research on the subject is all.
  4. @Gannon depending on where you purchased your boesmani from will depend on how it turns out. The “aquarium strain” of this species can be very lackluster. However, if you can locate reputable breeders to buy from or if you can locate locale’s like Aves Creek, Lake Ajamaru, Aytinjo, etc. Good luck
  5. Not to be a buzzkill, but for the work and effort involved, how does this differ from what we already get? Seems like basically the same content, in a different format with a few extra’s tossed in that could easily be implemented into the current format.
  6. @B7gwap I have so many plants in front of my sponge filters, I can barely see any sponge filters in any of my aquariums.
  7. Hello all, So I noticed 1 of my Aponogeton crispus threw up a shoot for a flower. As My eye traces it up I notice that there is no flower at the end of it but a leaf instead. Is this normal? I’ve seen other Aponogeton species throw up flowers, but never a leaf. My theory is that the flower could not find an opening so it instead decided to remain a leaf. Sounds ridiculous but I’m stumped.
  8. I’ve lived in NYC and currently in Florida and in both places I’d float to balance the temps, then plop and drop. Never had a loss from the acclimation process.
  9. Get more, the aggression will be spread out. Personally I’ve never noticed them being aggressive in any way other than their little breeding ritual. I’d add as many as I could without messing with your water parameters. You could always keep strictly white clouds for now. Once you can purchase something larger, then you can expand your collection. Good luck PS I’d go back and ask that sales associate how the fish know they’re in odd numbers?
  10. @Anjum I want her to be into the hobby so badly that I try to expose her to what she can relate to. I try to do as much maintenance with her somehow attached to my body. With that said, as she gets older, if it isn’t her thing then that’s just it. @Jazz Pizza Hahahaha fortunately my wife is super cool and could care less what I do with my hobby. She trusts me and has always said “at least I know where you are, not out partying or doing something silly.” With that said, I set up a new tank whenever I get an idea I want to expand on.
  11. Hello all, I was pretty stoked when she showed interest in aquariums. The movement, the color, the maintenance as she is in a sling, she loves everything about it. The other day I came across this and I had to buy it for her.
  12. This might be a good idea for a short format video.
  13. The Seattle area is saturated with fellow freshwater hobbyists. You should have no trouble getting rid of any and all that stuff. Good luck
  14. @NofishB4 I actually have a school of a dozen or so LF white clouds. I’d like to keep them in their aquarium because they are gorgeous. I wanted to keep their short finned cousins in the 300. Cory’s are a must, I’d like to add 50 or so, but I also don’t want to spend an arm and a leg.
  15. IMHO, anything that can live it’s entire life comfortably in anything 20 gallons or less is what I consider to be nano.
  16. Hello all, I’ve recently moved my goldfish out of their pond and into an aquarium. That leaves me with an empty 300 gallon stock planted tank. I’d like to purchase white clouds, golds and normals. Possibly a dojo loach for bottom lurking. Any suggestions or ideas are greatly appreciated. What would you do with an empty 300 gallon stock tank? Thank you kindly
  17. Luckily I live in Florida so I don’t run any heaters at all. I use a laser point and shoot temp gun and it suffices. I never struggle to change water chemistry or temps (but I also don’t keep discus).
  18. As a general standard community flake, I feed the majority of my aquariums Xtreme Krill Flakes. Everyone devours it and they don’t seem to get as excited about any other food. I also feed bug bites and Sera O nip tabs (strictly for sentimental purposes because these new ones definitely don’t do what the old ones did). And of course, BBS…
  19. @AllFishNoBrakes Thank you and I guess, technically, we’re amateur scientists first and pet keepers second.
  20. @Herefishie We all have a lot to learn, it all depends on subject matter. See everything as an experiment and you can’t go wrong. Don’t be discouraged by being discouraged, it’s too easy. This isn’t the easiest path, however if mixing science, art, and a love for life in general, is your thing, then you just entered a rabbit hole of wonder, curiosity, and fascination. Welcome, enjoy the path, and good luck to you. You’re in the right place. 😎
  21. @CJs Aquatics It doesn’t really matter, a little bit of baking soda goes a long way. Besides, as long as you’re rinsing afterwards, it really won’t matter. I’d probably use a scrub brush with a handle so you can really get into those nooks and crannies.
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