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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @Streetwise I am the most neurotic person I know and I understand your symmetry needs completely. Well done and thanks for the review.
  2. Until the coop releases their own HOB, I will always favor the aquaclear.
  3. @GameCzar Joe is tremendous at describing the fight game. Whether you’re new to the sport or are a practitioner, his detailed analysis are on par with the best that’s ever commentated. I’m looking forward to listening to @Cory on his podcast. Maybe, one day.
  4. Hello everyone, Wondering if there are any UFC fans in the forum? I’m an avid MMA fan, though the UFC is the pinnacle. There are some tremendous fights tonight, wondering if anyone else is watching.
  5. @Patrick_G I have faith in you buddy, I’m sure it will flourish.
  6. You could always purchase a large piece and cut it into smaller pieces to ensure every tote has the benefit of having some driftwood in it. If going and hunting for one is the goal, then I’d google where in your area has useful aquarium wood. Good luck!
  7. @Zac I am definitely no Discus expert, but I’m pretty sure you do not need to focus on ph as much as you think you do. I live in Florida, which has super hard water and I know of a very well known discus breeder down here. Motto is “work with what you got, rather than chase the numbers.” If you do want to lower ph naturally, you can use driftwood and catalpa leaves. I am also aware of using peat or peat pellets in your hang on back or canister, though I do not know how much to add for the desired drop in ph. Good luck!
  8. @lmhicks101 hahahahaha I’ve never seen that. I’ve had both species in the same aquariums and it never even dawned on me that they would or can do that. On the positive side, I think a decorated mystery snail is way cooler than white specks all over the glass. Excellent photo!
  9. Wow this is an incredible thread. I have never given my green thumbs a chance, however recently I picked up the smallest, skimpiest Venus Fly Trap. I wish I had a before and after photo because it has grown a ton compared to how it arrived in my care. All I do is give it good old Florida sun and aquarium water. In no way is this a comparison to the gorgeous plants and gardens previously posted, however it’s the best I’ve got. 😎
  10. @WhitecloudDynasty Wow thank you for the info. I literally almost spit my coffee out laughing at them eating their eggs. I may go with goldies in the 300 and these little guys in a 110 stock that I have set aside. Thank you for the video, the reason I mentioned rummynose’s was for the schooling behavior, the shiners covers that and then some, while being a new and unique fish. I’m sold. As far as supplemental oxygen, I also have a few 4” airstone disks that I can hook up to take care of that problem. Wow thanks again for that really cool video, I wish I could like your comment twice.
  11. @Torrey Thank you very much for the kind words, It means a lot to us. I just showed my wife what you wrote and she started crying. We appreciate you! Thank you, thank you, thank you
  12. @scott the fishman You’ll get there buddy, just keep on keepin’ Good luck to you and you are definitely in the right place. The great thing about this hobby is that no matter how experienced you may be, there’s always something to be learnt.
  13. @Gio If the filter floss is stained black, then I’d change it very very often. Water changes will help, but my guess is the blasting sand needs to be rinsed more thoroughly. Whenever I’d clean any substrate, I fill 25%-40% of a 5 gallon bucket with it, and rinse, empty out, rinse, empty out, until the water is crystal clear. Then and only then is it ready for the aquarium.
  14. @Gio Does your hang on back have filter floss on it? If not, that would clear it up in a couple of days, tops. If it does, I’d change it every 2-3 days before adding any chemicals.
  15. Very cool, one thing I’ve learned is that plants of the same species look better when bunched together, much like a school of fish. It could just be my preference. Personally, I wouldn’t pull anything out again, just cut the dead leaves off while in the aquarium so you don’t consistently disturb the roots. Patience is key, but eventually it’ll start to look like whatever your brain tells you it should look like. Just my 2 cents. Also as far as stock inventory, I’ve had plecos, corys, and loaches that I haven’t seen in months. I knew they were in there and if they did pass on and I didn’t see a body, then it would be a fish and snail snack, and in turn provides more fertilizer for the plants. Fully functional eco system has always been my goal. I love the aquascape, it looks great dude.
  16. I’ve used the black diamond blasting media in the past. Did you rinse it thoroughly before adding it to the aquarium? To me, it looks like the dust from the media.
  17. @Patrick_G I’ve always loved goldfish and was leaning towards the goldfish pond over anything else until the rainbow shiner idea was presented. The more research I do, the more I am beginning to realize that it’s all going to depend on what temp it ranges from. The pond is going on my lanai, for those that don’t know, it’s a covered patio of sorts, in Florida. Obviously Florida gets super hot, however it will always be shaded under my patio. In my old house, this meant a fairly steady 75 until winter came along. However, it may be different because our new house which is being built an hour south of the previous home, could differ. It’s a wait and see. The house should be done and we should be able to move in by mid-January at the latest. At that point I will set it up and monitor the temps daily. That will give me my range and then I can make my final decision. Problem is that to get a true range, I would have to wait until August to see that variation in temp. Once again, patience leans in and says “remember me.” If I were to go the goldfish route, I could stick to about 6 and if it gets too hot out there, they could be moved to a 110 stock tank I have indoors or I could just buy them a 75 gallon at the next dollar per gallon sale. Time will tell and this is why I posted now, to see what you folks would do or have done. Thanks for your input dude.
  18. It almost looks like a cross between a flying fox and tinfoil barb. @AnsleyBleu Can you go back to the store and see what they have mixed into their aquariums or what is living in the general vicinity? @BenA Hahahha it is definitely not a white cloud…
  19. For immediate results, manually remove them. You can also run to your LFS and purchase some assassin snails. I believe they should leave your shrimp alone, however the snails will be assassinated.
  20. @Mongo_like_fish Is it particular shade or size? I know supernaturals has sand, but I wasn’t aware they made gravel as well.
  21. @Fish Folk Hello @WhitecloudDynasty, I call upon you because you seem to have a lot of experience with these guys. I have a ton of questions, first being, is there anything you can keep with these guys that won’t eat their eggs? Seems highly unlikely, but it’s worth an ask. Thank you kindly, my interest has been sparked to say the least.
  22. @Fish Folk I actually just read the thread you started about these little guys. Just when I thought I narrowed it down, you come along and teach me stuff. 😎 Thank you tremendously, native pond has an excellent ring to it.
  23. @Fish Folk Duuuuuuuude, those are ridiculous!!!!! Have you kept them? They look like they’d cost at least a zillion dollars per fish. I am going to search the interwebs for more info, but is there anything you can tell me about them from experience? Those are ridiculous photos, I’m assuming those are their breeding colors. Holy cannoli!
  24. @Fish Folk I screen shot this from Cory’s latest fish room tour.
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