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Everything posted by mynameisnobody

  1. @lefty o So I gathered 2 nets and was about to do exactly what you said, but the pleco was resting on a dwarf aquarium Lily’s leaf, so I attempted with 1 net to just scoop it out. I got it!!! First shot. I instantly thought “what a dope I am” I probably should have attempted before posting, but it seemed too busy in there to not cause a ruckus. Well that’s that and thank you very much, I will use the technique you listed in the future. Good stuff!
  2. Hello all, I have a 3” or so long fin super red bristlenose pleco in a heavily planted 40 breeder. I’d like to net it out and place it in my 40 gallon pond, however I don’t see it possible without removing most wood/decor from the tank. Are there any hacks/tips for netting it out without removing anything from the aquarium? Thank you kindly
  3. @Torrey @eatyourpeas @Biotope Biologist wow these are all excellent ideas. I believe the best way to attack this is with trial and error, as long as all of the animals involved are cared for properly. As with spiders, patience is the absolute key. I’ve been keeping fish much longer than tarantulas. I learned patience with fish because as we all know, things take time. The fish keeping hobby has so many factors involved which makes patience a necessity if you are to enjoy the hobby long term. Once I began keeping tarantulas, I was blown away by how much more patience is REQUIRED. I now have the patience of a monument. I will be implementing all of these ideas and through trial and error, it will decide which avenue is best. Your comments have made me proud to be part of this forum. I will begin a journal when I begin and it probably will be filled with “uh-oh this didn’t go as planned.” I’ve also been researching on a tarantula forum and apparently this has been tried, only to fail. It appears to me that the issue was the lack of aquatic experience. This won’t be a problem because I am fairly well versed and I have you folks to help me out. I appreciate you. PS @Biotope Biologist I love your username, it’s tremendous!
  4. @gardenman That is excellent info, will do, and thank you very much. I’m in Florida so I will most likely use this type of paint everywhere in the house. Good stuff!
  5. @Hobbit wow, Thank you very much for the info and options. I really like the purple grey color. I wasn’t planning on painting the ceiling, but you do raise an excellent point. I guess it’s better to paint it while it’s empty, rather than later. Thanks again, this helps a lot
  6. @Patrick_G Hahahahahaha brilliant. I have installed those before and they look incredible. I didn’t even think of that as an option, but that’s actually a great idea. Brilliant dude!
  7. @Zenzo Thank you for the input. I am very familiar with your fish room and I absolutely love it. The only issue with something that dark is that this will be part of a living space. I wish I had a basement, however a Florida basement doesn’t exist. I actually used your room as reference and that’s why I was going with a deep grey. Again, thank you kindly for the input. Love your channel dude.
  8. Hello all, When building a fish room, what do you think is the best paint color for the walls. I’m thinking a deep grey. Black would probably work, however I don’t want a black room in my home. I may do 1 black wall, yet predominantly grey makes sense to me. I am aware this is strictly opinion, however I’m asking more for experience. Anyone have any experience on what made their aquariums pop more or more importantly what should immediately be disqualified as an option. Thank you kindly
  9. @Dwayne Brown Definitely go talk to Robert, he will best guide you.
  10. @CalmedByFish The pond is actually in my living room, temp around 75-76. I live in Florida so it’s hard water. I’ve been thinking Apistogramma’s, but I’m not 100% sold yet. I am aware that they are softer water fish, however I’ve purchased tons of soft water fish from fish farms down here and they all were perfectly happy and healthy.
  11. @Shrimpgang noted, however I’m looking more fish, not so much inverts. It would make a really cool shrimp pond, but I wanted to see what my other fish options would be. Thank you
  12. Hello all, I have a 40 gallon planted pond that is 40”l x 27”w x 13”h. Currently it houses 11 Gold white clouds and 1 long fin red bristlenose. What would you add to this if it were yours? I’ve gone back and forth with a ton of different ideas, but I want to know what the community says. Thank you kindly in advance.
  13. @Scapexghost I believe it would depend on the size of the aquarium. I had a 75 gallon with only multies and some Malaysian trumpet snails. I never wanted to disrupt the natural behaviors I was observing so they remained the lone species in the aquarium. Also they can get quite aggressive. Personally, I’m a rainbow fish fanatic and I did ponder adding about a dozen bows, however rainbows do best in a planted aquarium. Planting a multie tank can be a pain in the neck because they are literal bulldozers. It’s part of their appeal, so again I just left it alone. I’m not saying it can’t be done, I just didn’t think it was necessary. Good luck and if you do find a winning combo, please let us know.
  14. I have no idea if this would or wouldn’t work, but what about introducing 2-3 assassin snails? These guys would have a field day munching at baby snails and you’d be feeding another animal. Just a thought.
  15. @CalmedByFish you are a wealth of suggestions. That is brilliant! I can keep the platies in the planted 40 breeder and every week or so I can net out 6-8 and place them in the spiders aquatic setup. Very cool idea. I love fish and in no way am I trying to terrorize anything so this makes everyone’s life better. Kudos to you!
  16. @CalmedByFish Hahahahahaha excellent input. Funny thing is I have a 40 breeder with a ton of platies and it didn’t even dawn on me (I’m a dope from time to time). You, on the other hand, are excellent.
  17. @CalmedByFish Excellent question! Guppies are actually too small. Normally I would feed a full grown Gigas 2-3 large adult roaches or crickets. They are much larger than guppies. However, I’m drawing a blank on which species of fish is approx double the size of a guppy, yet reproduces just as easily? I’m thinking guppies because the spider could eat as many as it would like and guppies aren’t very fast.
  18. @Ogpulchra hahaha love the name. Funny part is I have been searching for a grammostola pulchra sling. Not the easiest spider to find at that size. I will keep you posted, even though this is going to be a loooong process.
  19. I’ve used baking soda and water for years. Rinse thoroughly and I always make sure it is completely dry before placing back on top of the aquarium. It’s literally the easiest thing in the world.
  20. @Streetwise Thank you dude. I find it quite fascinating. I’ve also posted the same idea on a tarantula forum and was given many ideas, as well as precautions. It’ll be interesting to see how it turns out if it does come to fruition. There are a few things I didn’t consider, however I believe it is nothing a 3-D printer can’t fix, so we’ll see. Worst case scenario, I’ve learned something new, so it’s a win win. As long as the spider and fish are cared for properly, then it’s a win for them as well. Thanks again
  21. I just stumbled across 2 species that I would love to add to my collection. They may not be currently trendy, but time will tell. Red laser Cory’s and platinum white bristlenose plecos.
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