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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. im a stresscoat user, and it is quite a bit cheaper to buy it by the gallon vs. the small bottles normally sold.
  2. i see no problem with it. that basic design can support a huge amount of weight.
  3. im no engineer, nor did i sleep at a holiday inn last night, but id think a piece of 3/4" plywood should adequately support the tanks bottom.
  4. Lest we forget. william c. meacham. vietnam helicopter pilot that flew lrrp missions. one of the better vietnam helicopter pilots books.
  5. i fill to leak test, then when draining it out, i give it a good wipe out with paper towels.
  6. if you get things in harmony, they can go very long without changing water. there's people that literally never change water, myself ive gone as long as 2 years in my 120, normal is 6 months between(usually algae on the glass bugs me, so i tear into it), and its not exactly lightly stocked. currently my 55 which is fairly lightly stocked has had 1 water change since last may.
  7. dont run bleach through it. besides being bas for anything fish related, bleach will do a number on o-rings, and seals. i would run warm water, and vinegar through it. put the vinegar/water in a 5 gallon bucket with the intake/output, turn it on and let it clean itself for a few hours.
  8. agree, in most cases people make out like a small amount of salt will nuke every plant within 5 miles, thankfully that is not the case.
  9. im no plant guru, but the iron supplement should help the reds out a good bit. the other plants like it too, but the reds seems to really require it to do their best.
  10. it would probably be fine with 1. my own thinking though is if there are two up tubes, i would try and get flow from both so as to draw more evenly across the bottom thru the under gravel filter.
  11. with 2 of them, i would try at the 25% setting. i like water flow, and lots of filtration, but you must meet the needs of the fish. if the filters are blowing the fish all over the tank, and they cant find a space to rest, thats a problem. id start 25% on each, and if that doesnt seem to be enough, turn one up to 50, if still not enough turn the other up to 50 too, repeat as needed.
  12. i believe maple is also useable.
  13. most plants will tolerate quite a bit of salt.
  14. im not great with snails, as i tend to not like them, but i believe that is a malaysian trumpet snail. someone will be along with the correct answer soon.
  15. do 20-30% water changes. this is especially important in tanks that havent been established a long time. with big changes, can come big problems.
  16. just me, and im not the expert here, so... i would discontinue the medication, let them get their strength back for a few days, and try treating with salt.
  17. this dyslexia is funny sometimes. i read the title as club fed talk.🤪
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