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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. 6 weeks into it, and you are already setting up two more tanks, yup you got it bad. welcome to the forum.
  2. you can pretty much leave the leaf in until it is pretty much dissolved.
  3. duct tape or that reinforced packing tape would be a very short term solution just to keep it from totally breaking out if it falls apart.
  4. its nice if you can turn over the tank a couple times an hour, but ideally you would have as much filter flow as possible without the current blowing the fish around the tank. just ballpark but with a 75 id probably try for a good 200gph, but like everything in aquariums, there is seldom 1 right answer.
  5. Six silent men (book one), Reynel Martinez.
  6. i agree with just swap them over. tear down the 20, put fish in 1 bucket, plants in a bowl, and substrate in a bucket. drain tank and remove. set up new tank adding in substrate, plants, decor, fill with proper temp water, add fish. your plants,substrate etc already have good bacteria, so when moving them all over, all the bacteria go with them. just dont add a pile of new fish on day 1 of the new tank.
  7. you are going to need to seek trauma counseling, and follow up with a ptsd expert!🤪
  8. 2 nets, use 1 to catch him, the other to chase it into the first net.
  9. i have a couple hygger's, and for the money i think they are pretty good. have 1 on my 20L, dont remember the exact model#, but i like it.
  10. i get that once in a while. retry and its usually back in a min.
  11. ive been fortunate, and as of yet, i have never had a water change disaster.
  12. hit the photo's/journals section of the forum, its right under this one. quite a few builds in there.
  13. nutrient imbalance, and too much light. others mentioned ferts, ill suggest cutting back the light 1 or 2 less hours a day.
  14. you might lose a couple of leafs, but id not be overly concerned. i have had anubia's grow leaves pretty well stacked on top of each other, and they seem to do ok.
  15. starting it on an established tank, 3 days will have it pretty well colonized with bacteria. if you want to be good and safe, give it 5 days.
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