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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. agree, in most cases people make out like a small amount of salt will nuke every plant within 5 miles, thankfully that is not the case.
  2. im no plant guru, but the iron supplement should help the reds out a good bit. the other plants like it too, but the reds seems to really require it to do their best.
  3. it would probably be fine with 1. my own thinking though is if there are two up tubes, i would try and get flow from both so as to draw more evenly across the bottom thru the under gravel filter.
  4. with 2 of them, i would try at the 25% setting. i like water flow, and lots of filtration, but you must meet the needs of the fish. if the filters are blowing the fish all over the tank, and they cant find a space to rest, thats a problem. id start 25% on each, and if that doesnt seem to be enough, turn one up to 50, if still not enough turn the other up to 50 too, repeat as needed.
  5. i believe maple is also useable.
  6. most plants will tolerate quite a bit of salt.
  7. im not great with snails, as i tend to not like them, but i believe that is a malaysian trumpet snail. someone will be along with the correct answer soon.
  8. do 20-30% water changes. this is especially important in tanks that havent been established a long time. with big changes, can come big problems.
  9. just me, and im not the expert here, so... i would discontinue the medication, let them get their strength back for a few days, and try treating with salt.
  10. this dyslexia is funny sometimes. i read the title as club fed talk.🤪
  11. alien life form. snail eggs is the likely winner.
  12. im adventurous with things like this. id be tempted to remove the screw from the clip, and if needed find another longer one same thread, drill a hole in the board line the hole in the board up with the one in the pump and screw it down. making sure not the screw is not so long as to enter the pump housing far enough to damage it. attempt at your own risk, just an out of the box idea.
  13. welcome, finally. no dice on close, im on the north side of the cities.
  14. that is a good thought. a good thin layer of epoxy will self level.
  15. a few factors to be considered, bigger tanks can go longer without concern for water changes, also any plants? plants give a good source of food as they tend to have micro organisms grow on them fish can nibble on. give more info please, tank size, how many danios, etc etc.
  16. hard to say without knowing what your goals are. i would say that tub can probably support those 50 fry for at least two months
  17. first thing i have to say is, that stand is some serious overkill. i like it. while i would make no guarantees, a good dense foam pad under the tank will likely make it safe.
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