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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. i would say it probably largely depends on what finish is being put on the floors. an oil based or water based finish, close the door to the fish room and open a window. if a poly or any of the nasty toxic smelling finishes, id open a window in the fish room, and stick a fan in the window drawing air from outside, pushing it out towards the rest of the house, and open a window on the other side of the house.
  2. did you at least have some mood music playing for them?🤪
  3. just do it, buy more tanks. its in your mind, its going to happen eventually. one thing ive learned in life, is once something gets in your head, you may as well go ahead and do it. do it now, and save the days and weeks of hemming and hawing over should you or shouldnt you, because you're going to do it anyways. may as well save the aggravation. and yes, i am an enabler, but i know of what i speak. been there, done that (many many times).😈
  4. 10 gallons is a lot of water to have on your floor. 10 gallon tanks are very inexpensive, replace it, dont even think twice about it.
  5. i have about 4' of it on my sidehill, come get all you want!
  6. yup, many pleco's like to hide under objects. some like clown plecos can just vanish they hide so good.
  7. i got 3" of snow yesterday morning, but its melting!!!!!!
  8. sintered bronze filter. been used in lots of air moving equipment for longer than ive been alive.
  9. give it a go. gamefish are great. i suggest a 75 or bigger, but ive kept various sunfish, bass, bullheads, sturgeon, gar (the last two arent a good idea unless you have a swimming pool). only real downside is, with the bigger fish comes bigger food, and bigger poop. the local bait shop is a good place to buy food for them, as most fish stores/pet stores wont have real good food for them.
  10. the only time weight is really an issue is if it is directed onto a tiny area, such as a sharp corner on a rock. i mean that tank bottom is going to hold close to 400# of water.
  11. much is dependent on state regulations. some states you can keep them, some frown upon it.
  12. im not a huge fan of the 125's, prefer the 120 being deeper and taller vs long and skinny. in the end, more gallons is more better.
  13. 3 gallons would be fine to QT a pair of guppy's.
  14. do you take penicillin for the heck of it? i say no, will do more harm than good to medicate when there are no issues.
  15. yup, mine is 25+ years old, and ive replaced a couple of fittings over the years.
  16. growing algae is a good sign that things are going well , but do not rush putting shrimp in. im a guy who can and has many times had fish in a tank on day 1, but when setting up for shrimp, i wait.
  17. if you are talking about the fuzzy stuff hanging off the leaves, thats the roots to the baby plants that are growing. i see nothing wrong in that picture.
  18. no problem at all having both. clown pleco's are wood eaters, and hide 90% of the time, and are about as non aggressive as they come.
  19. ive never touched an aqueon, but the python is worth the money. like the old adage, buy once, cry once.
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