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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. yup, cinder blocks and 2x4's especially for only 1 tank are very sturdy. no need for building. set blocks on floor, place wood over top of blocks. many places will cut 2x4's to length for you, so can be done with no tools.
  2. they will eventually come off on their own, once they get to where the leaves are about 1.5" or so, you can gently pluck them off the parent leaf and then put where you want them.
  3. i never saw any real aggression from any of them.
  4. reducing or eliminating pest snails can be done several ways, first and foremost as mentioned, reduce the amount of food in your tanks. after that you can trap them, poison them (you have to really dislike snails to go this route, and can possibly harm other tank inhabitants), and mentioned in the post above is my favorite, assassin snails. reduced food in the tank, and a handful of assassins will keep the number of pests in check.
  5. i dont currently have any endlers, but did keep them for about 12 years. when i first got them, for the first year or two i could not get them to breed, no matter what. after i gave up on them, and lost them all i went back to guppies, but there must have been a surviving baby or two, because after a short while i had endlers everywhere, to the point i couldnt give them away fast enough. endler females seem to run bigger than the males, but even if your females are guppy, guppies and endlers cross breed quite easily.
  6. some of the more delicate plants cant handle it well, but the hardy plants could care less about moderate amounts of salt. ive salted tanks for decades, and have always had at least some plants in them. heavy doses can for sure put the hurting on most plants. ive had anubia's never even notice high levels of salt while treating illness in a tank. the whole 1 grain of salt will nuke your plants is so over blown, its just not so.
  7. yes you can leave them. some folks leave them in there forever. they will grow better out, but no biggie to leave them in the pot until you are ready to plant them.
  8. if you dont want inbreeding (its going to happen no matter what), i would suggest 2 males, and 5 to 6 females.
  9. i would say it probably largely depends on what finish is being put on the floors. an oil based or water based finish, close the door to the fish room and open a window. if a poly or any of the nasty toxic smelling finishes, id open a window in the fish room, and stick a fan in the window drawing air from outside, pushing it out towards the rest of the house, and open a window on the other side of the house.
  10. did you at least have some mood music playing for them?🤪
  11. just do it, buy more tanks. its in your mind, its going to happen eventually. one thing ive learned in life, is once something gets in your head, you may as well go ahead and do it. do it now, and save the days and weeks of hemming and hawing over should you or shouldnt you, because you're going to do it anyways. may as well save the aggravation. and yes, i am an enabler, but i know of what i speak. been there, done that (many many times).😈
  12. 10 gallons is a lot of water to have on your floor. 10 gallon tanks are very inexpensive, replace it, dont even think twice about it.
  13. i have about 4' of it on my sidehill, come get all you want!
  14. yup, many pleco's like to hide under objects. some like clown plecos can just vanish they hide so good.
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