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lefty o

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Everything posted by lefty o

  1. for me personally, gravel is easier, and day old guppies like to get down and hide in the nooks and crannies in gravel.
  2. agree, indoor/outdoor, or find some of the junk they put in bar's that stuff drinks a lot, and is durable.
  3. substrate and filters are totally subjective, but for plants, java moss or any plant that gives fry places to hide in.
  4. i'd be ticked off. 200 for shipping, it should be put in a crate for that kind of money.
  5. plenty of people make sand work. i on the other hand stick with gravel because its easy, and nearly fool proof.
  6. ya need an exothermic cutter for that. might be a tad spendy to give your fish.😈
  7. IMO betta's arent well cared for before they get to their final home, so anything could be wrong with them , and its unlikely that it is your fault. puffers are one of the more difficult to keep period. i might suggest if you are considering getting out of the hobby, but still enjoy fish, to try an easier to keep species. one thing to know, is you are not alone, we have all had fish die on us, and sometimes its our fault. it is part of the learning process.
  8. bottom one looks to be a female, top one could go either way.
  9. sometimes ya just need to take a really big one.
  10. not too much has changed. welcome to the forum.
  11. she looks pretty darned close. things can happen that can stress them and cause them to hold or abort, but id bet yours is just now getting close.
  12. im going with green wendtii. i have lots of it, and the stems are very dark on the older plants.
  13. that is unusual behavior out of a guppy.
  14. in theory, an aquarium heater would do its best heating of the entire aquarium if it was at its lowest possible position, totally horizontal.
  15. sorry, i cant help. my phone has a cord that plugs into the wall.😎
  16. for egg layers, it doesnt get any easier than bristlenose plecos' take 1 male, and 1 female, give them a cave, log, or ornament they can get in and hide, and soon you'll have a bunch of mini pleco's.
  17. do like a 30% water once a day for a few days until you get the nitrates under control. dont go crazy and do huge water changes, as that can be detrimental too.
  18. for long term use, id lean towards oil filled, or infrared.
  19. as above, plain old aquarium gravel in mesh bags will hold the general shape, then can be covered with about any substrate you choose.
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