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Sunny Doan

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Everything posted by Sunny Doan

  1. Yea the plan was to get rid of all the loose with with some sort of wire brush since there seems to be some wood pieces that crumble and I want to try to get rid of that first before anything else.
  2. Anyone have any tips for preparing hard wood for a tank? I’ve had this piece of wood outside for around 10 years now but I’m not sure if it’s safe for use. I’ve heard that hardwood is generally safe in the aquarium. I’m going to try with a wire brush and brush off all the excess bark and soft wood inside and out. Any other tips would be helpful.
  3. Just a useful tip for the next time you need a test kit, try to look on resell apps like offerup or craigslist and look for people getting out of their hobby. Test kits are usually barely used and much cheaper.
  4. Thanks that’s good to know hopefully the endlers will get better
  5. I’m currently treating with Paracleanse although I hope it is shrimp and fry safe.
  6. Is it some sort of parasite? I’m not very sure.
  7. One of my female endlers have started to develop a sunken belly and a wobble swim. The male endlers seems to be having issues as well. The last female endlers seems to be doing just fine and so do all the other fish fry in the tank.
  8. Sorry for the late reply, Ive been busy with things here’s a picture of her. She’s now staying at the bottom of the tank here’s a picture. I’ve added salt and will be testing water later today.
  9. Any help? My female praecox rainbow developed some weird swelling on her lower jaw and is only staying at the surface of the water. I just did a water change yesterday but im not sure what could be affecting her. The male praecox is doing fine and the guppy fry in there are doing great too. Water temp is at 80 degrees, but I brought it down to 75.
  10. And here’s the 29 gallon with the beat up angelfish, endlers guppy, and two praecox rainbows are in.
  11. Here’s the 55 gallon where the 12 angelfish and Kribensis are in.
  12. One of my angelfish got very beat up and is having trouble breathing. It has scar like wounds on one side, a clouded eye, and is laying on one side at the bottom of the tank. I removed it from the tank with all the angels and my kribensis so it could rest a little. However in the tank I just moved it to, my endler guppy has just started to act strangely. He's lethargic and resting in some plants. At times he would not move slowly falling down then struggle to swim. The tank that the angel and endler are in consist of 2 praecox rainbows, the endler guppy, and the beat up angel. Is there something wrong with my overall tanks? Or could the two fish possibly just be sick?
  13. Yes, it was all fixed a day later. I figured they just ate a little too much and needed time to get it out of their system.
  14. Two of my angelfish in my 55 gallon seem to have slightly bloated bodies and are constantly swimming down trying not to float back up. I'm pretty sure it might be some of my freeze dried bloodworms but not entirely sure. Should I treat with salt? Meds?
  15. I find a large sand cap works well for me. I have 2 inches of soil and around a 3-4 inch cap. (55 gallon tank) When I started out with the dirt I dried and wet the dirt multiple times as well as packing it in really well and this helped to prevent bubbling later on. And as plant roots grow in the loosen the bubbles and they rise. I'm a fan of deep substrates so a 5 inch or so substrate doesn't bother me. But the plants are loving it, my swords are starting to sprout above water growth and maybe start flowering and crypt parva is sending out runners faster than before.
  16. I've wanted to try a shell dweller tank, or perhaps maybe build up the rocks onto a side and let some anubias, buce, and ferns grow.
  17. Definitely thinking about cardinal tetras in this one, I can imagine the scape already.
  18. Yes I have thought about that as well, but my 55 gallon has all been dirted and planted and I'm afraid big fish would not do well in there. I thought about bichirs but opted for a planted tank!
  19. I was thinking of keeping a school of angels for my 55 and if a pair comes up I can use the 29 as a grow out tank. But I also want to keep some other fish in there for when the angels aren't breeding.
  20. New 29 gallon tank on the left today. Not sure what I should do for the tank though. I was thinking of two options, I can have a breeding tank to make some extra cash or I try to go with a species only tank with like some sort of puffer or other personable fish. I have my 10 gallon shrimp tank and my 55 gallon tank that I am trying to save up money for angelfish. There are so many options to choose from. I'm not sure what to breed or what other personable fish to keep. Or maybe I could get something that's not a fish at all! Or I can do a really large shrimp tank. Saltwater fish only tank? Hillstream goby tank? There are so many options leave your thoughts on what I should do below! I'd prefer a planted tank because I'd like to expand the species of plants I have since selling plants is one of my only source of income, which is not very large.
  21. I also have 3 zebra danios in the tank but they are too zoomy to take pics of. Might transfer them to a different tank because I want to try to increase the endler fry survival rate.
  22. Kuhli Loaches have survived anything and everything I have thrown at them.
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