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Sunny Doan

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Everything posted by Sunny Doan

  1. Sadly the one stiphodon Goby did not make it the other one has been doing fine and the change doesn’t seem to have affected it
  2. Rainbow tiger endlers doing fine all survived. Been a few months since I got them but haven’t been any fry yet. Might try to remove the zebra danios to see if they were eating up any fry.
  3. Before class I was in the process of moving my 10 gallon tank to a higher table right next to the stand it was on to make space for a 29 gallon. BUT in the process I managed to further crack the tank when there was just a tiny sliver on the top edge under the black trim. Luckily I had a spare 10 gallon and used it to redo my tank. Lots and lots of broken down aqua soil and almost a silt like substance. But in the panic of it all I managed to put the 10 gallon back onto the same stand it was on and forgot to place it onto its new stand. Do I have to completely redo the process and remove everything just to move it a few inches over onto a taller table? Anyways during class the explanation to my teacher of why I was busy was... complicated. Anyways here’s some pics of the new ten gallon.
  4. Would not recommend the shrimp with the fry, if they can they will eat them. Saw one grab a cory fry trying to rip it apart.
  5. Okok I think for now I'll place them into a fish net that I use to hatch them, since I can't go out to go get any. And for the time being I'll be working on making a diy filter for the 10 gallon tank for preparation for the future
  6. i just retested and there seems to be some ammonia, what's the best way to go about this. Because I have extra cycled media, but no filter. Could I raise them in a 10 gallon shrimp tank with 3 stiphodon gobies, 4 danios, a pair of endlers and 3 kuhli loaches. Or could I somehow raise them in a fish net in my 55 gallon that will keep the water quality good but I'm scared for stunted growth since there's so many.
  7. I try to feed twice a day and the tank temperature is around 76
  8. I’ve been feeding bbs I’ve been trying to feed enough so that I can see most of not all the cories are full. And then I do a water change of 50% or more. I tested for ammonia 0 nitrite 0 and nitrates 10
  9. The fry constantly dying has been stressing me out I'm not sure whats wrong.
  10. For some reason it won't let me create a new post so I'll put it here
  11. Can someone help me out. I’ve had a bunch of Cory eggs and they all hatched now I’ve put the fry in a 10 gallon. But every day around 2-6 die and I can’t seem to figure out why. Since there’s so many should I be doing more water changes less? I don’t really have a filter on hand so I tried an air stone and leaving a cycled sponge in there. I've been feeding bbs, but today my bottle leaked out so will they be okay if I skip a day of feeding?
  12. Will shrimp actually clean up the eggs? That's interesting. I might try that out.
  13. It's funny because I keep thinking about collecting them, but the eggs just keep on coming. How long does a spawning session usually last?
  14. I haven’t been personally struggling but I feel like it might be a nutrient issue. My Crinum loves my dirted tank and has sent out many little shoots off its side where as my tank with sand and aquasoil and root tabs does well but not as well.
  15. Will putting them in a breeder bet box and placing it in the flow of the aquarium help?
  16. I’ve never kept rainbow fish. But have been really attracted to the Madagascar rainbows. Not as colorful but I just have this strange attraction towards them after seeing them at my local museum.
  17. Any pictures? I’m not a fish expert either but I feel like a picture would help a lot of other people identify what it is.
  18. My emerald cories just laid a bunch of eggs this morning! Heard some splashing last night and didn’t think too much of it. Anyways, how do I keep them from not fungusing over? I don’t have methylene blue what other products will help to prevent eggs from rotting? Also how should I collect them? I want to hatch as many as possible to give some back to the friend that gave me the cories. Any other tips like where should I keep them and such would help. I’ve seen people use jars and place the jars in the tank until the eggs hatch. I’m planning to put the fry in my shrimp tank until they grow old enough to go back into the 55!
  19. I know salt will be okay with some shrimp, because they are pretty hardy and nerite snails eggs actually hatch in brackish water so salt will be okay. And as far as I know maracyn has had no effect on any of my inverts.
  20. Is there any way to replace his slime coat? I know API Stress Coat has aloe vera and such but i'm not sure if it will help in this situation
  21. Okok he's in the tub he's acting completely normal but I am treating with maracyn, will keep you all updated
  22. Could it be Nitrates? Tested again and today’s water parameters were 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, were around 20 - 30 ppm. 20 when I look at the test tube off the paper. And 30 if I place the test tube on the white strip next to the API test kit Nitrate bars. Even though all my other fish are doing fine my Krib could always just be a little more sensitive? Should I still quarantine him? Or should I do a water change on the tank and see things from there.
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