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Everything posted by Whitecloud09

  1. Like @NOLANANO said, asking for advice is asking for people’s experience, at the end of the day, you were just asking for advice, and at the end of the day also, it is your decision. I am sorry you didn’t get the advice you wanted some might say that is good choice for a good sale with other’s saying no don’t buy that. Your joining is NOT a mistake. This forum is great, but that does not mean you will get all the advice you want. I hope you make a good decision and since you say it sells higher at other places, you can get it if u want, I say that looks good, like the shape and other cool things, I am not saying this to stop u from not following this forum. I hope this was an encouragement tho to stay @WVWade 🙂 Plz update us on the tank u got @WVWade, I am interested in bigger tanks because I don’t have any huge tanks, just nanos.
  2. Yeah that is EXACTLY right, experience is the perfect word!
  3. Uselly opinions is what you will get on this kind of topic, it is up to u @WVWade
  4. Welcome to the forum! Yeah I want a pea pufffer so bad but all frozen foods uselly is what they say…I don’t think I could do that. Another reason, no room for him in my tanks! lol
  5. Amazing looking fish! Like everyone else said, it might be wood or even the back drop makes it look more green (just a thought). But yeah wood eventually = tannins, but some wood does not turn the color. Same Q here, what are the paremeters @Abby?
  6. Yeah looks kinda cheap looking, if u do, like @NOLANANO said, be CAUTIOUS. Idk tho, I say to risky. IMO
  7. Wow awesome! Welcome to the forum! I remember a topic you posted before but welcome!
  8. Yeah, take the advice @TMartins said and it will also it will go away eventually, I mean diatom algae stays and stays and stays so yeah.
  9. Your going in the right direction because test kits usually is better than strips but API is my choice and the other, u could get that as well, your choice I also uselly get strips for gh and kh. With the ammonia nitrite and nitrate with the api test kit
  10. Yeah with everything else you get to start it, you could drop 200+ bucks on an aquarium, that is just what happens sometimes, and a 55 is over 100 uselly anyways but petsmart is my 1. Option for cheap or normal priced aquariums @WVWade
  11. Very odd looking, that is for sure, never in my life, but I am sure with time (which usually is always a good thing, to wait it out) it will go but if u have corys like @TMartins that is an option
  12. That is super weird, it looks like something that might be in a saltwater but this is a freshwater correct? @pdmeighen
  13. There is a good possibility that is was a little bit older when you got it and is aging, my betta I have did the same thing @MRCABDRIVER. That is a very interesting color, the orange I mean, If you wait it out, I think it will be fine, said ich because I never saw this, my betta changed a different color.
  14. Looking good, I suppose you fixed the base that you were talking about earlier on this tank?
  15. Nice, can’t wait for the updates and all that from u @johnnyxxl!
  16. Sorry that this happened. Also welcome to the forum, anyway, nitrates is kinda high there, not saying this is the issue, do u have live plants? What size tank? Any other fish in there? It is prob ich. Melafix and bettafix don’t work at all, but not super sure about the others, @Colu should see this, he is helpful
  17. Yes I have thought about that but went with a 5 gal bucket and dechloranated it and then used a funnel to pour into a clean 1g bucket ata time
  18. I would look at all these places people have mentioned and see what has the cheaper option, marketplace is a good one, others as well, I was gonna say Amazon but not sure how “cheap you are wanting”? @WVWade. Petsmart is the best tho IMO, sometimes they have sales on their topfin aquariums, for example I got mine super super cheap for a new year sale, jus have to keep an eye out, if u have a local petsmart that is @WVWade
  19. @pdmeighen, I have never seen that before….maybe @Tony s has some input, he is very helpful on a lot of things, not saying he knows everything (nobody does) but he is helpful, also welcome to the forum.
  20. Yes is also depends on the bettas personality, it definitely depends on it, bettas have a lot of personality and some might be cool with a whole community tank even if it is a male sometimes (actually prob not lol). But some males and even possibly females will be bully’s to the other fish. If u got one just figure out their personality. How? Risk it with other fish if u want others @Gideyon
  21. A shrimp only tank has some options and one of those is more room less waste (ammonia) and u can have up to 10. A general rule is 1-2 shrimp per two gallons is what people say, u could have up to 15 of those. They say a 20 gallon is best for breeding, so I prob would not worry about them breeding. A betta and them…u can but I would do some research on that @Gideyon, they need coverage and hiding places tho.
  22. I would go for some anubias. The anubias nana as it is a small plant.
  23. That’s ok, I was just curious, no rush, @Supermassive, it is your journal so post whenever 🙂
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