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  1. I would love to get more of my plants to flower. I just had my anubias flower for the first time this year and that would be awesome to get to see another do it!
  2. I made a short video showing what appears to be a long, brown stick growing out of the sword plant in my aquarium. Can anyone tell me what this is?
  3. It has been a long time since I've done a photo dump so I've decided it's time for that again. Today I traded a fair amount of plants for an absolute unit of a bristlenose pleco: My plants have been growing like mad though so I'm sure I'll replenish my supply soon enough: (FYI this scarlet temple is all new growth from the tiny nubbin I saved last June. Who woulda thought it just needed root tabs and tons of light!)
  4. My tank experienced some nutrient imbalance and had a nasty algae bloom that I'm still fighting off. In the meantime one of my anubias plants decided to bloom: That's the first time I've had it happen and it made me happy to see it.
  5. Here's doggo Lucy looking like a total derp: Normally she looks like this:
  6. Yep. We just finished up a DnD 5e module for the Spelljammer setting. DnD in space with magic-powered space ships is a lot of fun. Plus there are space hippos! Were you running the 5e version? We finished that up last year and it was great. That time crunch aspect to it that made things really exciting for our party near the end of the campaign. Also learned that Tensor's Floating Disc can be very, very useful when escaping the BBEG's lair with valuable loot.
  7. High of 101 today and no cloud cover. I won't be going outside much during the day for the next few months as it will only get hotter from here.
  8. I can see the java fern rhizome so it's looking good. Keep in mind even if java fern leaves turn brown they may still grow leaflets out of the little "seed pods" that are on every leaf. These can grow into a whole new plant, so your java fern may be a beastly ball of leaves when you return to the tank. Personally I love that look but it's just another thing to keep in mind.
  9. Got it. I'll work on a solution to get it more light without increasing the photo period for the entire tank in that case. I guess it will just have green leaves for now. As long as it doesn't die I'm cool with that.
  10. Thank you! I have the ACO lights running at 80% so it's probably bright enough and if not I can crank up the brightness a bit more.
  11. Does anyone know what this plant is? It was labeled as Lobelia Cardinalis but based on some Googling this seems wrong. It arrived with bright purple and green leaves but unsure if the purple color will return as those leaves are all melting off and being replaced with bright green ones: The photo from Amazon looked like this: It looked like this when it arrived but acclimating seems to have made it lose the color.
  12. Did a water change yesterday and did some trimming, replanting, and burying of root tabs. Tank looks good, fish look healthy. Here are a few pictures: This big red sword plant I got from Amazon is doing very well indeed! That leaf is huge! Barbs photobombing: The coffefolia keeps growing new leaves: Anyone know what this plant is? It was labeled as Lobelia Cardinalis but based on some Googling this seems wrong. It arrived with bright purple and green leaves but unsure if the purple color will return as those leaves are all melting off: The photo from Amazon looked like this: It looked like this when it arrived but acclimating seems to have made it lose the color. Finally, I basically killed my scarlet temple. Shoved it in the foreground into some aquasoil in an attempt to give it light and nutrients to revive it but I'm not holding my breath:
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