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Everything posted by FrozenFins

  1. This will be a gourgoues tank once the plants start growing in! Good Luck!
  2. @Guppysnail Almond Leaves are a great suggestion that I somehow never though of till now when you mentioned that. I will go looking for some!
  3. I got Hugo on Janurary 25th 2021, here is a picture of the day I got him: Overtime he quickly develepoed a water dog personality and became one of my favorite fish. Unforatnetley in late Feburary of 2021 I started seeing signs of finrot, I treated it and thought it was all gone so I put him back in the main display tank. However about a week later I noticed it most defentley was not gone and it had appeared to get a lot worse. From this point on his finrot only develeped and got worse and worse. With being in Canada fish medications are incredibly hard to come by and when you do see them its about double maybe triple the price then what it should be. The only medications I could find were salt. I used salt for about a week and noticed he got dramatically worse and the salt was defentley not helping if anytning making it worse. However over the course of a few weeks I let him rest with 0 medications in the water and it seemed to help. So his fins started growing back. It wasn't until earlier this month I started seeing signs of finrot again. I knew this defentley wasnt a good sign considering the fact that it was a miracle that he survived the last time. But as I did before I let him rest and monitored him. However over the course of the week he has gotten dramatically worse. I'm fearing his last days are coming. He has develeped severe popeye, and a small bump on his side. He is very week and lately has been staying at the same spot at the surface of the water. His immune system is obviously very week. This is a picture of him this morning: This morning however I saw him swimming. Usually hes been staying in the same spot all day long. But today I guess he needed some movement. He swims in little twitches but will still come to visit me at the front of the glass every time.
  4. I would agree with placing the root tabs in only once you see some nutrient defencies. If you just added root tabs it may take a day or two before you start seeing improvement. If you haven't, you could probably add another one. However they could also just be melting back, which is completley normal to newly added plants especially with crypts.
  5. Hugo is really not doing well and im fearing his last breath of air is coming. As some of you know he has had finrot troubles through out the course of the year that ive owned him. His finrot returned a few weeks ago and its only getting worse. No treatments have been helping. Testing the water almost daily! He now looks to have popeye as well. I'm thinking its only a matter of days before i say my last good bye.
  6. Well Boxing Day was sunday! Every year I try to make it down to the LFS on boxing day to take advantadge of their sales. 30% off all freshwater plants and fish 50% off soft corals 30% off SPS Corals 20% off LPS Corals I didnt care so much about the saltwater sales as I dont own a saltwater aquarium. But they are a fish store that specializes in saltwater with still quite a nice selection of freshwater. I gave back the Guppy Breeding Trio and moved Penny the angelfish into the community tank. Within the next few weeks everything in the community tank (inlcuding penny t) will go back to the LFS. Im still planning on doing a Apistogramm Breeding Project in there. Just have to source some. So what did I get at the LFS?! Zebra Coral Platys x8 Gold Dust Hi-Fin Mollys x4 (I bought every last one of these as there wasnt much left) Bag of Hornwort Pack of Frozen Blood Worms I put the Platys into the 10 gallon, hopping they will breed. I haven't sexed them all out completley, as I havent had time. The Mollys went into the community tank. These are the only fish I plan on keeping in the community tank. It looks like I have 2 males and 2 Females. One of the females being already very pregnant. The Hornwort also went into the community tank but I will be probably moving these around as it grows bigger. I went on a skiing trip sunday evening and just got back earlier today so havent had the time to write up this post. I got back to one dead platy, but everyone else seems to be doing just fine. Before I left I forgot to turn off the light to hugos tank, so its got some black hair algae.
  7. You could probably drain the tank down to about an inch or two. Just being careful when you lift it. I would suggest to put the betta in a cup that way if you do drop the tank the betta himself is still fine. Ive found bettas to be easy to catch. They are slow with their long flowly finns. And I often put my finger in as bait (the betta thinking its food) and then quickly scoop him with the cup.
  8. My betta, Hugo has defenetley become my favorite fish. He is going thruogh some finrot troubles and Im hopping he'll make a recovery but im doubtful. My favorite foods to feed him were... -Hikari Betta Bio Gold (staple, almost every day) -Northfin Betta Pellets (also a staple, but not as much as the hikari) -Fluval Bug Bites (once a week as a treat, this is his favoirte food and is a must for all bettas IMO) -Frozen Blood Worms (also as a treat, once a week)
  9. @Beardedbillygoat1975 all my water parameters seem to be fine (Nitrates: 25, nitrites and amonia: 0), none of my foods have expried either. Ive been completley puzzled on what the cause of stress is. To change the topic a little bit. I found these gourgoes Albino Kribensis, would these work as breeding them in harems?
  10. It appears that hugus finrot has returned. For those who dont know march of last year Hugo had a severe case of finrot and almost died numerous times. His finrot hasnt come back since then. I have a journal of his finrot recover journey here if you wanna check it out. anyways i tried almost everything and nothing had worked. Keep in mind im in canada so most methods of treating fish diseases are incredibly expesnive and hard to find. The plan for now is to moderate him and make sure he is living a happy life. I wont be treating him with any medication as i found that last time it only made it worse.
  11. So from my understanding Harem Breeders would breed in groups? That would be a REALLY COOL setup. Perhaps 1 male, 3 females and some livebearers. I was looking at The Blue Panda Apisto, would those work in a harem?
  12. Well a little bit of an uodate. I did lots of matnience on hugos tank and did a 90% waterchange. The water is looking crystal clear. The community tank is looking just fine. And my 10 gallon guppy setup I would like to move the guppies and find a new fish to breed. Im thinking perhaps some rams or other livebearers. Now for the bad news... My angelfish died this morning. I woke up to him floating with his nose up and eyes popped out. He was the first fish I ever got and was probably my favorite fish. Kind of like my mascot fish, everytime I thought of my fish I thought of him. Here are some pictures I found of him... This was the day I got him And here was my most recent picture of him: I am still deciding what I want to do with the community tank. Im thinking maybe getting rid of all the livestock and starting new with a breeding project in here. My intial thought was a breeding pair of apistos. Maybe by 6 juvinille ones and let 2 of them pair off giving away the 4, is that a good idea? For the guppy tank I have no idea. Im wanting a species of limia or goodied but i cant find them at alll. So maybe something like least killifish. Or maybe I do another south american cichlid like rams.
  13. I havent been in my LFS in a VERRY long time! So today I changed that and walked over to my LFS just to look. I was paritcularly looking for a male and female pair of German Blue Rams. I'm wanting to replace my guppy trio with a new breeding project...RAMS!!! Ive been watching a crap tone of videos on them and im think im ready. Im looking for my breeding pair. The plan is to have the parents raise their fry, I'm breeding for fun and not for profit. I feel like one of the "funner" things of breeding is seeing the parents raise the fry themselves. I have a 10 gallon aquarium that has the guppies that will soon be gone. Its quite heaily planted but i willl be adding the flower pots like dean suggested in his video. I will setup a storage rubbermaid up later for when the fry are older and need more space. This is great cuz its a perfect excuse to start some Live BBS again! I saw this fish at the LFS, do you know what kind of fish it is? Looks like some type of garra, correct? And heres a picture from my walk:
  14. Its officially winter here. We had our first snow about three weeks ago. Today was -23Celsuis (-9.4 Fahrenheit).
  15. So i have been quite absent from the forum as of lately. I've been completley worne out lately and barely have time to take care of my aquariums. Often when I have free time I just want to relax and not have to care for my aquariums. So I'm downsizing back down to 3 aquariums. Here are my plans: Have the 40 gallon community aquarium and Hugos aquarium. All will remain the same Tear down vaders aquarium, tear down the guppy tank, and forget about the shrimp bowl Get a female betta and use the 10 gallon the guppies were in Possibly make this a betta community aquarium with the shrimp i was wanting, and some more schooling fish. Let me know what you think! Okay now for my options on the betta. Last time I purchased a betta (hugo) it was a halfmoon from a petstore. A month later he fought a tragic case of finrot and just barely survived. And theres no way im gonna go through that again. So I'm going to buy my betta through a reptuable online breeder thats located in Houston, Texas. I know I'm not allowed to share links here so i wont, but if you want the source private message me. I want a female this time as they seem to be more timid and shorter finned. Do you think shrimp and some neocaridna shrimp (Pumpkin shrimp to be exact) would coexsist peacfully?
  16. I've decided that 5 aquariums are too much for me to handle right now. So I'm holding off on the shrimp bowl. Vader just passed away, and I wanna get a female betta to replace him. Vader was a rescue better I equired less then 6 months ago.
  17. I havent been very active with my aquariums after the shrimp death. However today I took down the bowl, and I plan to set it back up with a new scape when my plant order arrives. Heres a picture of my cart: I have decided that Im going to rescape hugos tank aswell. I dont like that the big peice of wood in the tank doesnt allow me to put many plants in it. I'm going to replace the wood with some dragonstone I have lying around. The anubias, java fern, and buce are for hugos tank. All the other plants are for the new bowl. I found these really small sponge filters on amazon that I'm going to use as well. I would like to use a fluval 3.0 on this bowl, but because the tank is round I dont think I'll find away to mount it. So I'm going to use this one. The plants should be here on tuesday.
  18. I would leave him but keep an eye on it. I doubt its finrot, but defentley keep an eye on it. If it gets worse treat with a anti-bacterial infection medication like Maracyn, Salt, API Melafix. The Med Trio is a great way to start for right now.
  19. My shrimp food came today! So I dropped a pellet in, but I found that the bowl smelt wierd. Like something was rotten. All the shrimp are dead. I tested water parameters immediatley after. Nitrite, Amonia, Nitrate all in check. However my PH was at a 6.6!!! When introducing these shrimp a week ago it was at 7.3!!! So the massive swing in PH is what seems to be the problem. I have a busy weekend coming up with Canada Thanksgiving, however I do plan on taking the entire aquarium down and restaring. I will still be adding in shrimp, but this time perhaps from a more reputable seller. Still Pumpkin Shrimp too. I don't know if I'll keep the deep substrate, with soil on the bottom. But I know one thing will be for sure, I want a light, and not nearly as manny tannins. I couldn't see any of the shrimp because of the tannins. And possibly with water movement. A few of the shrimp had fuzzy feet when I got them, would this be something bad to look out for?
  20. I'm very sorry to hear that @Maggie, knowing how much cosmo meant to you, is heart breaking. Couldn't imagine loosing Hugo like that.
  21. I'll add a few comments on the chat every now and again. Currently watching the ball game and the livestream at the same time. I'm a bluejays fan, so I'm cheering for the yankees. The red sox victory against the nationals, which eliminated the jays from the playoffs left a sour taste in my mouth.
  22. Corys going live in 10 minutes! Its either the Livestream, or the MLB Postseason Wild Card Games, what will it be?!?!?! Hope to see everyone in the chat!
  23. Yeah, orange pumpkin shrimp are neocaridna. I beleive they are often refered to as Orange Sakura Shrimp.
  24. I've never used string or anything to propergate my anubias to my wood. I either glue it using what @Patrick_G reccemended super glue gel, or I would use the crevices in wood as a holding place for them. The first time I used superglue for my anubias, I got it all over the rhizome, the wood and my hands. It was a mess. Well done!
  25. The shrimp bowl their in was setup near the beginning/ middle of august, so a little over a month. It has a decent amount of hornwort, and pogostemon stellatus octupus. As well LOTS of tannins. Thanks Guys!
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