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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. Or for when you feed zucchini or squash Jetec 8 Pieces Fish Seaweed Clip Plant Suction Cup with Clip Feed Holder Clip for Aquarium Fish Tank Accessories https://a.co/d/gVfxRxA
  2. @Millie I just noticed your profile pic. That is so cute! Here's the one @Katherine made. Not sure if it's working well or not, but maybe it will give you an idea. I've seen people use those clear soap dishes w/ suction cups in their tanks as well.
  3. Welcome Millie! Oberon is so beautiful.
  4. You can put food inside a cave. The snails can smell it and will find it. Make sure Puck gets some calcium to eat for his shell too (for example, Hikari Crab Cuisine, Nano Banquet Blocks, or a piece of cuttlebone).
  5. Terra cotta works well. @Katherine made some kind of balcony feeder for her snails as well.
  6. Correct. You'd have to add weights to new growth as needed.
  7. I wouldn't think so. They just go around the base of the stem. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/plant-weights
  8. That's starting to happen with the anacharis. It's so unruly though, and I'd like to have a different look for the new tank. I wish I could get it to at least look like it's growing out of the substrate, but every time I put a plant weight on the end, it becomes unhappy and usually dies. So I just let it float around. My little neon in the recovery unit (10g) appreciates the extra cover at mid- and top-level anyway, I think, since he's not in a school right now. I think it's safe to let him rejoin his crew this weekend, though. I haven't seen any sign of illness in quite some time. I think the people that have the growth explosions use special substrates (ie: stratum or eco complete, or even soil). Maybe one day I'll try it. I thought about it for this tank, but the pH craziness scared me off.
  9. I hate medicating fish, but we've got to sometimes. They're our pets. 🙂 My guy has been doing well, eating well, very energetically. Still has the black spots. Ammonia went from yesterday's 0 to today's .25 ...annoying... So he got another water change this morning w/ extra Prime. Still no salt or anything added back. The salt has all been water changed out now. I'm letting him rest from meds now and enjoy the best quality water I can provide. His energy is encouraging.
  10. I think that’s for people with a lot of tanks/plant overgrowth (not me! LOL!). I only have 2 tanks; this would be a third (well 4th if you count the qt tote). I tried to pull 2 anubias from the 29 but ended up putting one back because it left a bare spot. Plus I would have had to cut a ludwigia in the 10g to have more stems for the 5.5g, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to go forward with this plan/design yet and didn’t want to mess up a happy plant.
  11. That’s awesome! Yeah. I’m not sure what to make of it, but at least it got smaller. I’d stick with the salt and test for ammonia because salt tends to mess with beneficial bacteria, which is what is happening to me. I’m not sure columnaris affects the eyes..(???) I think this is a great idea. And your plants would agree. I’m actually surprised the moss doesn’t mind the salt.
  12. That makes total sense to me. Like how a person can lift up another person in a swimming pool.
  13. Have you tried boiling it? @Guppysnail’s BNPs like veggies. I don’t know why the clowns have different preferences.
  14. Thanks. This is just a start. I feel like it needs more. Wouldn’t fish get bored? It could totally change later. I do like how the filter is hidden though. Irene made an aquascaping video discussing a book she read, and there’s certain patterns of aquascaping. Left tapering to right, right tapering to left, convex, concave, and jungle. This would be left tapering to right where the right is negative space, but I’m not sure I can do that much negative space. I like to watch aquascaping videos and there are some beautiful ideas, but then you see how many plants they put in and it’s over a hundred dollars’ worth, easily. Very discouraging and impractical. I like watching The Small Scape because she often gives budget friendly ideas. But other channels like Simply Betta and Aquarium Info spend soooo much money. Small Scape was saying a cryp is a good choice for a 5 gal because it will really fill in, but not so much it crowds. Maybe I will try one of those. Never had one before. This video is an example of high expense. But super relaxing to watch. Very ASMR.
  15. I created a minimalistic aquascape without buying anything. Not sure if I like it. Also toying with the idea of a tank of just vallisneria. P.S. I don’t know jack about aquascaping.
  16. Not gravel but large rocks. Is there some sort of rule? Pounds per gallon or whatnot?
  17. What's up @BAT? How's the Snail Empire?
  18. Water test yesterday was .25 ammonia. Surprised that small reading burned him. He got a 50% water change though, and this morning I read 0 ammonia. However, I still changed 25% water today, just as a precaution. I didn't add any salt back. How's it going for you @Mahi27?
  19. @Fish Folk @Guppysnail @dasaltemelosguy
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