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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. I got the bladder snails. Asked for 2. Neighbor: “oh, I bagged 3 on accident! Tee hee hee!” Me: 😳 But I expected this. I already knew she had a population explosion. Feeling terrified. Could 3 become 1,000,000? And are they already mating?! They did this twisty turny thing and they haven’t even been here 5 minutes. Welp, it’s an experiment. Just gonna ride it out and see where it takes me. But from this point forward, nothing gets moved from the jar to a tank.
  2. The bacter ae seems to be helping, as I see shrimps lingering longer when they land on something. Bacter AE also will introduce some microfauna. The only thing with bacter AE is that it tends to get shrimps "in the mood", but it seems necessary in such a new setup where algae hasn't claimed its turf yet. I expect to pick up the 2 bladder snails from my neighbor today on my way home, and the bladder snails will "manufacture food" for the shrimps. While the shrimps do not directly eat the waste, they will consume the biofilm off of it (I think). Bacter AE will also be serving as a starter food source for the bladder snails. Also bumped up the light timer to 13 hr, keeping the 1 hr siesta, to promote algae growth. Water test this morning was fine. Everything was the same as the shrimp tank, except nitrates dropped from 20 to 10. The plants are doing their job. The temperature dropped about a degree. It's at about a 73.4F or so. Temp was tested around the same time the light clicked on, so I believe it will raise slightly (.5 - 1 degree F) throughout the day.
  3. Thank you @nabokovfan87. Back to basics. I got lazy with it. I was like a mad scientist every day, usually twice a day (!) when I was raising the baby snails, with my API vials. A lot of little lives depended on me, and especially when they were moved into the 10 gallon and were growing fast! I had some spikes but since I was on top of testing, everybody was ok w/ the help of water changes (2x/day!) and Prime, and they were adopted out succesfully. Each adoption, usually 10 snails at a time, was like a sigh of relief because I knew parameters would become more stable. And yet sad, because I had less cute snails. But the testing - I was enjoying it. Wake up, grab a cup of coffee, run the tests, sip on it while I wait on results, watch the tanks, etc. But then, ya know, life happens, not home as much, stressful things (taking exams), etc. I use strips almost exclusively now (ACO or Tetra), unless I think there's a problem and I need to verify it. I will verify it with a second, liquid test. I'd say I test once a week. Things are coasting, no parameters change except nitrate, but the change is so slight it's kinda like, eh, whatev. I had also been writing everything down, but since I haven't had much variation, I would just be writing the same parameters over & over or the word "same", so I skip it. Now if I add things, I will write that in my cop notebook - added [type of plant] on [date], added [type of critter] on [date], and I do document when I put in root tabs, so I know I'm not adding those too often or too infrequently, as I do have swords and the aponogetons have gotten huge and are getting hungrier. Still doing weekly water changes on everything. QT tank has been sitting there empty (no fish) with dissolving catappa leaves because that's what my last patient required. I do need to sanitize and dry that out. That could be my project this weekend. I think I will dedicate a specific day of the week just for water tests, to keep myself accountable. I will choose the day before water changes, so I can get the real picture of how things look after sitting for a week (mainly, how high does nitrate actually get up to the point of water change?). This is what I've been trying to do, but having a set day to do it would be better/more consistent. Up to this point, when I test it the day before water changes, it's been at like 20, which is good with me.
  4. Added a few granules bacter ae. Thanks @Guppysnail for the tip (sand looked too clean). It's new sand so, makes sense.
  5. Mondays be like ⬆️
  6. They are calming down now. I didn’t add any food or anything, but a little bit of hair algae, and more ceramics from my hob because I noticed they have been repeatedly landing on those.
  7. We have some wilds in the jar now. They are going all crazy so I am turning the light off for a little bit. I wonder if they are trying to find food. Not sure if I should add anything. I moved a little moss from the tank and I placed a small piece of catappa leaf. And @TOtrees here you go
  8. That’s great. And there’s no substitute for face to face interaction. Even better you’re doing this at a gaming space. It gives you the opportunity to hear what’s going on at the tables nearby and it can spark creativity in your campaign. Plus the game gives your group an incentive to come to the counseling, rather than view it as a chore.
  9. I was going to use this one on the right but I didn’t like the fluting at the bottom, and it didn’t even hold a gallon.
  10. I moved over some used ceramics from the 29g tank. Perhaps they will help with microfauna but they will also accumulate algae which will be a food source for the shrimps. I tucked them in the back so as not to detract from the scape. I also set up the Christmas light timer last night. I have a 12 hour cycle to start including a 1 hour dark period around lunchtime (in Walstad's article her dark period was a dim period, but my light doesn't have a dim feature). I'm not sure the reasoning behind the "siesta" but I'm just rolling with it.
  11. It’s an antique 🙂 I will post another photo later. Andre and Hulk are on the other side with Junkyard Dog I do see a film. I plan to add floating plants. Otherwise an airstone. Depends on the availability of the plants.
  12. Share how you think it went wrong. The wood is the chunk that I had previously stuffed with moss and put in Geppetto’s tank. The LFS sells these little chunks for like $2.50. This is how the jar looks next day. Everything has settled and the parameters match the tank, except temp which is 73. Nitrates are present, reading at a 20. Expected since I used tank water. I guess I will need to drip acc the shrimps I move due to temp diff? How long til I can move shrimp over? It’s my understanding these are instant setups.
  13. This is the channel you want to check out. Info here for new and advanced players alike. https://youtube.com/@HowtobeaGreatGM
  14. My husband is a DM and we have both been playing D&D since we were teenagers. It’s true that as a DM you play all the characters and all the monsters. My husband takes DM’ing further by writing the story, building the maps, and planning what loot is found, particularly magical loot that will do things based on how the player(s) try to use it. D&D has quite the learning curve, but it has practically no limits. Whatever someone wants to do, they do it, they just have to roll to see the outcome.
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