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Everything posted by Cory

  1. I'm enjoying this thread, I think a lot of us are learning right along side you.
  2. Back in the day, they allowed us retailers to purchase replacement remotes for $5. I have no idea if they are still doing anything like that. But definitely worth a try. This is one of the reasons I don't support lights that have to have remotes, often they fall into water, or get lost leaving an awkward situation for the customer. Come to think of it. I believe they stopped offering the remotes for us to buy as replacements and that was a nail in the coffin for those light series for us.
  3. Different weldons have different viscosity. I think I've used 4 and 16. one is like water, the other is like gel.
  4. I've added an experiments build. The Builds forum sounds like what is supposed to be going on in journals, unless i'm misunderstanding?
  5. I don't feel this is in line with the CARE forum guidelines. Now before you say, you're just on the manufacturers side, you sell some of those products. You are biased. This was presented in a way that doesn't really help. The claim is that manufacturers making things seem better than they are. I would argue that you are making them seem worse than they are. I believe a proper way to discuss such a thing would be, how does product X accomplish Y. Then we can crowd source papers or heck, we could even ask the manufacturers. I'm locking this topic and a new one can be started with a more narrow scope in mind to actually accomplish the desired effect if that was the original goal.
  6. I actually have no idea when it comes to thread size.
  7. The only power banks that would do something with a normal plug are going to be much larger batteries. I showed one in a video, cost was $1200, but you can find some as cheap as $300. However you'll need to do math to see how long they'd run and many of them aren't meant to be pass through. So you'd need to be there to switch it over. As for USB devices, you can get much cheaper like $50 and under level devices that'll keep USB going devices going.
  8. Prime will work just fine with Ich X. Also your name was inappropriate. You'll need to pick a new one.
  9. My silent business partner, Ground out Grand Marshall in classic last year. We are still gamer nerds, with just less time to play lol.
  10. Driftwood can definitely cause ammonia. it's essentially always rotting. A normal cycled aquarium processes it faster than anyone notices.
  11. I think it won't be until 2023 till the light is fully available in all sizes.
  12. I would go with getting gallon jugs of drinking water from the normal grocery store isles until I got a point where you can get your well water back on track.
  13. I'd wager you're fine with only 5 mins of it being in there.
  14. Expel P is what I'd start with.
  15. Focus isn't on the fish. Could be camallanus red worms. If so it is contagious, but without a better pic, it would be hard to say.
  16. I only have the one from my talk as someone else took the members picture.
  17. Flying home now. Totally tired. Thanks to everyone who came out. I’ll see everyone at aquashella Dallas.
  18. Originally it's meant for more like a bucket or a tote. If I was going to start the process to find the best way to mount them. I'd be finding further ways to isolate vibration. I might try like a board with 2 screws that stick out then tie twine onto each one, then hang it from the tine to see if that would even further isolate the vibrations that the feet do. Also you could screw the screws in or out to get the perfect sitting of the feet.
  19. Hi Torrey, I am working with TheDuke currently. I actually ordered my own printer that should be here in like 6 weeks. Excited to learn.
  20. Sounds like you got out while you still could. I've seen lots of red flags here. The nurse and yourself should have been no where near this aquarium. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. Hospitals almost exclusively rent aquariums so that the maintenance company carries the high insurance policy. Everything in a hospital is astronomical in price, the damage from a 120 gallons of water like that could shut it down for quite a while, requiring new flooring and drywall work at best. Shorting out power and causing power surges to equipment can be millions. As for bacteria from an aquarium, sure the odds are low. However a business has virtually nothing to gain by providing an aquarium and will see it as a liability. I run a store with aquariums, no matter what we do, virtually you always have the public putting their hands in water. You can detour it as much as you want, but nothing will really stop a kid or an adult from getting into the water. Short of physically stopping someone. Which isn't allowed either due to lawsuits. Steps can be taken to mitigate risks, such as building the aquarium into the wall with access only through a locked door. Having a 3rd party carry the insurance policy etc. Using thick acrylic instead of glass and other factors. Aquariums are beneficial, however they are also a liability. It's up to a business to evaluate the risks and do what they think is right to mitigate it. It seems especially unfair after being in place for so long, but people are just doing their jobs. I found it best to focus my efforts away from things like hospitals and more into co-op schools and schools in general. With co-op schools being the most open to an honest aquarium in the class room for kids to be a part of. I'll commend you if you change their mind, but in my experience the more it's fought the more they just dig in against it and maybe even pass policy that is even more restrictive. I've seen that happen in schools.
  21. @CT_is there a go to lux meter in the planted community? if I'm gonna do it, may as well make it as easy as pobbile. Apogee was the go too PAR meter.
  22. I didn't find the answer easily. What would a conversion factor be used for?
  23. This is a neat experiment. If I find the time, I'll try my PAR meter vs iphone under water. I don't believe my PAR meter has the latest firmware though. But would be accurate enough for a comparison within the scope of a project like this.
  24. Mine are eating well. Saw some color on them the other day. Haven't had much time to do anything with them though.
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