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Made some Repashy. A little batch for the betta - he loves it! And a larger batch w/ calcium for the snails and shrimp. The shrimp will also receive my “Repashy mixers” so, zero waste! (I’m sure there’s a way to coat the whole stick without making a huge mess, but uh- I don’t know that way..)


Then I made some catappa tea for my betta.


My husband came through the kitchen while I was making the Repashy and commented on the “aroma” 🤣

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 7/7/2023 at 7:46 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Made some Repashy. A little batch for the betta - he loves it! And a larger batch w/ calcium for the snails and shrimp. The shrimp will also receive my “Repashy mixers” so, zero waste! (I’m sure there’s a way to coat the whole stick without making a huge mess, but uh- I don’t know that way..)


Then I made some catappa tea for my betta.


My husband came through the kitchen while I was making the Repashy and commented on the “aroma” 🤣

Especially those green mixes ..quite fragrant

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On 7/7/2023 at 9:46 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

I’m sure there’s a way to coat the whole stick without making a huge mess, but uh- I don’t know that way..)

Tall narrow drinking glass. 

On 7/4/2023 at 2:17 AM, Odd Duck said:

Some clown loaches just love to flop over and sleep on their sides.  They’re goofy that way.  Just like some plecos will sleep upside down, just laying on the substrate.  Usually they’re under something and it’s like they were hanging onto whatever was above them and they got so tired / sleepy they just let go and flop down on the substrate.  One of my blue-eyed lemons will do that in my 100 G nanofish - just forget he was hanging on to his favorite wood piece and just flop down.  I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve stared at him to make sure his gills were moving!

My dad Lemon does this all the time. I about had heart failure the first time. I also stare looking for gill movement 🤣

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Began overdue maintenance on the large community tank: Did another small water change, added a second air stone, cut the Pothos free, and scrapped the grate covering the tank.  I washed the roots on the Pothos.  It turns out, they weren't dead, just algae covered.  With the lids, lights, and Pothos out of the tank, it was a good day to finally capture the single Tiger Barb that has been terrorizing his neighbors. 

I went to the LFS with intent of rehoming the Tiger, replacing some fish, and picking up new air stones. I picked up 3 Embers and 3 Cherry Barbs. I was surprised at some of the prices.  I guess all trumpet snails are not created equal, because they were now selling them for thirty cents each!  I had planned on buying some smaller SAEs, but they were now $7. each and there were no small ones.

Finished the aquarium related activities by acclimating the fish and replenishing the Duckweed that had once again disappeared from the large community tank.😂

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On 7/7/2023 at 1:45 PM, mountaintoppufferkeeper said:

Especially those green mixes ..quite fragrant

They don't smell bad to me.  They smell like one of those cold-pressed juice shops.  You know, the buji ones where a cold-pressed juice w/ the greens in it and whatnot is like $10.  

On 7/8/2023 at 1:52 PM, Tanked said:

I guess all trumpet snails are not created equal, because they were now selling them for thirty cents each!

What the-- ?  Places actually charge for trumpet snails?

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aqua-huna is a cheap place for tetra - given their low shipping cost they make sense if you are buying more than just a couple of fishes. Mind you i don't like them for loaches or cichild but for rasbora and tetra... as good as most local stores - though not as good as the better stores that carry wc tetra.

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I finally found the ditherfish school to my 90-gallon archerfish project! (the archers are currently lurking about in a grow-out tank).  I've been looking for the right species...something with goldilocks-perfect size (not edible-small like little danios or eventual tank-busters like roseline barbs etc.). A bit of pizazz or color for visual interest but not so fancy it would distract or clash visually from the archers. I liked diamond or congo tetras but wanted a SE Asia counterpart for the archers. Barbs are regional but I didn't like the bold looks of some red/yellow/stripy options.

Aquarium co-op dollar bin to the rescue! I visited yesterday and they had a school of "Pearlscale Barb" (Pethia stoliczkana) that I'd never heard of before. Supposedly they stay fairly small and are fairly peaceful (vs. tiger barb). They have rather lovely red markings on the males' fins and have just the right amount of subtle shine. I brought all 20 home. At 1$ each who could resist!

So far I love them! They are busy busy (I'll have to watch who joins them so the other fish don't get outcompeted for food) but look great in this tank moving about as a school. And as they are settling in they are starting to show some unexpected color near their tails- sunny yellow and an irridescent green sheen with hints of pink. So pretty!




Next step once the water adjusts to these guys: bring in the archerfish and see if everyone gets along!


Edited by Emily in Everett
Misspelled scientific name
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So.... i did the usual sunday water change on the 40b. As usual i had to clear out the top (which is a weekly exercise). One of the really painful effect is what these plants do to the light below and how swampy they make the aquarium by the end of the week. Conversely the 100 or so guppy fry love surfing around in this swampy mess. This is the picture prior to water change:


and a close up - was trying to show the guppies but i don't think they are visible for the most part:


Of course one interesting effect is the pso and rotala both break the surface in this mess and quickly convert to emersed form - the pso in particular love to bloom once it converts. This is not true of all aquatic plants - for example the val in my 120 which has 8 feet long leaves will sometime get a portion of the leaf stuck out of the water due to density of other leaves and the portion out of water will quickly die killing the leave from that point on ward (however the leaf keeps growing so eventually it will reach 8ft again).


This is after the water has been removed:


The tank needs major thinning and re-organization but i'm moving in 4 weeks so i'll wait till when i move and have to tear it down - the replacement is 72x30 so nearly 4 times more area for all these plants.


This is after it has been refilled and i can now wait till next Sunday to repeat:


And yes all those plants i moved will quickly regrow in a week.

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I actually did some plant trimming in my cube tank yesterday. This morning so far I have topped off my 2 mini ponds, tested them & added easy green. Thinned the floaters in the mini-ponds and the 2 gallon water garden (and, y'all, duckweed is taking over the 2gal again - ugh!). Took these photos of my cube tank and admired my ricefish fry. 




On 7/4/2023 at 9:01 PM, Cmike15 said:

I bought a 40 with plans to scape it for a living room show tank. 

It will be fun to see your progress. I recently noticed a spot in our house that would be great for a tank, but I don't know if I can manage another tank between the mini ponds, water gardens, nursery & display tank.

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Water changes, uprooted some PSO to plant in the fish jail with the recovering Angelfish,  Planted some TopFinn bulbs that have been sitting on my desk for awhile.  I don't expect them to grow.  Six bulbs for six bucks 

On 7/8/2023 at 6:23 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Yeah.... last time I bought a couple of tetras it was $35 at the register. Ouch.

On 7/8/2023 at 6:17 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

What the-- ?  Places actually charge for trumpet snails?

I managed to get out for only $25.  I don't know if it was due to the time I was there, but there were a few new faces behind the counter.  Hopefully the management hasn't changed.  The snails were larger than mine, but not worth paying for.  Shrimp are no longer even a consideration.  Another reason for going in was to purchase a specimen container.  Their price had always been cheaper than online.  It was now almost $19. so I still don't have one.

Edited by Tanked
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On 7/23/2023 at 12:52 PM, Tanked said:

to purchase a specimen container.  Their price had always been cheaper than online.  It was now almost $19. so I still don't have one

It took me some time to buy one but now that I have one I use it all the time. Next time you have a co op and you need that little bit extra cost to get the free shipping, you can add the specimen container.

My LFS sells the specimen container for like $18, so it’s about the same as online. Just think, it will last practically forever so in the long run it’s worth it and will make your life easier.

On 7/23/2023 at 12:52 PM, Tanked said:

Shrimp are no longer even a consideration

Is that due to cost? Locally I pay $4.99/each for Neocaridina. You don’t need that many, and they will multiply.

Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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On 7/23/2023 at 1:20 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

It took me some time to buy one but now that I have one I use it all the time. Next time you have a co op and you need that little bit extra cost to get the free shipping, you can add the specimen container.

My LFS sells the specimen container for like $18, so it’s about the same as online. Just think, it will last practically forever so in the long run it’s worth it and will make your life easier.

Is that due to cost? Locally I pay $4.99/each for Neocaridina. You don’t need that many, and they will multiply.

Cost is a factor.  I tried Amano Shrimp once.  Bought locally @$7.50 each, they lasted 3 months.  I've haven't tried Neocaridna -yet.  The care info is contradictory.  The LFS price is similar to the Amano price from 3 years ago. I was checking other local sources just now.  If I drive an hour, one Big Box store might have Ghost Shrimp for $.59.  All other shrimp must be ordered!  A single amano or cherry would cost $5.40 plus $30. shipping:classic_ohmy:

If I buy again it will likely be from Aqua Huna.  They are sold in lots of 8 -10.  Shipping included, most Neos will be well under $5.00

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On 7/24/2023 at 10:29 AM, Tanked said:

Cost is a factor.  I tried Amano Shrimp once.  Bought locally @$7.50 each, they lasted 3 months.  I've haven't tried Neocaridna -yet.  The care info is contradictory.  The LFS price is similar to the Amano price from 3 years ago. I was checking other local sources just now.  If I drive an hour, one Big Box store might have Ghost Shrimp for $.59.  All other shrimp must be ordered!  A single amano or cherry would cost $5.40 plus $30. shipping:classic_ohmy:

If I buy again it will likely be from Aqua Huna.  They are sold in lots of 8 -10.  Shipping included, most Neos will be well under $5.00

What contradictory information have you seen?  I have several years of experience with them and may be able to help.

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Shrimp are one of those creatures that, I don’t think the care instructions are cookie cutter. Sites/videos will guide viewers toward RO water. I bought locally and asked my shop, do these guys need RO? And they said, no, they are acclimated to the tap water in this area. So mine are in tap water with like 120 TDS and an gH of 180, kH 80 and they just keep on breeding. Now, of course the tap water is different everywhere so I can’t speak to/advise of anything re: water shrimp should live in to thrive. I’m only speaking of my own experience. I don’t do the minerals and stuff either. Just calcium mixed with Repashy Soilent green, shrimp lollies, and boiled veggies. Seems mineral additives would raise the hardness even higher than what it is.



Edited by Chick-In-Of-TheSea
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shrimps are a mix bag; i purchased them several times before they stuck - but now i can't get rid of them 😉 My fishes do eat a lot of the shrimpets but a few always make it to become adults. Unfortunately they have been trending towards clear and i suspect that is because they are harder to see and less get eaten. I have them in tap - my tab is around 120-140 tds - kh 3 gh 6 - ph around 7 or 7.1 Tank is kept around 78 as the fish i have in there a - not too uncommon dwarf cichild called a. pucallpaensis in a 10. I can say that if i were to remove the fishes the shrimp would do better but on the bright side even if i don't feed them bbs a few frys seem to make it anyway probably eating similar size shrimpets.

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On 7/24/2023 at 11:47 AM, JettsPapa said:

What contradictory information have you seen?  I have several years of experience with them and may be able to help.

Basically water parameters are my biggest concern. Nitrates must: zero, low, >20 (I think they meant<20).  PH. ranged between 6.4- >7.  Sights seemed to prefer 6.8-7.2.  Temperatures ranged from 59-89 Fahrenheit.

Water must be pristine.  Water should have leaf litter and plant matter, Water must be changed twice weekly. Water must be low flow.  Shrimp eat everything. Shrimp must have supplemental food.  Shrimp must have calm, peaceful tankmates like Tetras.

We are already off topic, but I do have two questions: Are Shrimp compatible with: (1) SAEs, (2) under gravel filters?  This would eliminate the planted community tank.

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