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What did you get done today?


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Take that, hair algae! I painted the back of my 29g so I can stop battling the shaggy stuff. This tank sits in front of a window so I had to stand outside with the window open to do it, but I got it done.
I also reversed the position of the driftwood to hide the filter previously hidden by a giant sword, rearranged the stones, removed about half of the corkscrew Val, and did an intense gravel vacuuming “monsoon” water change. I stuck the HOB on the help clear the monsoon debris.
Next I will remove the last four male guppies out to the pond, tidy the remaining plants and plant my new aponogeton bulbs. I’d like to add a couple of mollies to help with cleaning but can’t QT anyone until after vacation so for now the tank will only hold six green neons, my breeding pair of swordtails and their month-old fry. A good day with this tank.


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Pics of my tiny baby guppies and parents.  They’re lousy pics, but they’re pics.  😆 The parents are spectacular and the babies are already developing color at just under a week old.  There’s a bit of duckweed to the left of the babies for scale (of course it’s in better focus than the tiny fish).

The parents have more purple in their color in real life.  Mom was more cooperative for pics than Dad.  As soon as babies are big enough, I’ll probably put some outside in the tub to see what kind of color I can get from them.





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Most importantly, after a year of fighting it.... I ordered some stinking MOSS.  😂

I think when I had first joined the forums, first couple of days I was talking with Odd Duck about the awesome mosses used and how badly I wanted to get back to growing them in my tank.  I went down a rabbit hole of a moss wall that never showed up right, but..... I officially have everything I need to get the moss wall going.  One side I have some susswassertang on the way and on the back wall / hardscape another variety.

I ordered my first tissue cultured plants for the main tank, specifically hygro pinnatifida just because there was a slight sale for the holiday weekend.  I also planned to order from a different source just to see any difference in the plants adjusting to my water given all the issues I've had.

Which leads me to tonight, the main reason for posting anything here today.

I think I beat the worms going on in my tank (Edit: NOPE), hopefully, and I did the water change required following treatment of paracleanse.  I ended up re-scaping the tank, moving plants around, trying to unbury them from the depths of the substrate.  I had added the substrate from my QT tank back into the main tank.  It was originally from the main tank and now it's back.  I am assuming, when I added it back in I did a terrible job of monitoring how the plants got covered up which led to a few getting choked out.  I think I only lost one, but I will potentially lose another given the adjustments made tonight.  Everything had been struggling, having to add meds with the salt didn't help, but I think the tank is back on the correct course yet again.  I think that's the 5th or 10th time I've said that, but I mean it every time I say it. 

Originally when I setup the tank it had a pretty good arc to the substrate, higher in the back, and it was pretty pleasing to the eye, especially with the wood setup in place.  I have a giant seiryu stone that I can fit in once the BBA dies back a bit more and it'll be pretty awesome again.  It's a small change, but it's a big one for the eyes day to day.

I'll dose in some easy green tomorrow, check things out after the muck has had a chance to settle, check for parasites again, and try to sort out the filtration, plants, and lighting stuff.

It's a journey..... today was a good day, thankfully, and I hope the fish didn't get too stressed out on me.

On 7/2/2022 at 1:05 PM, Odd Duck said:


I really dig the pattern on the tails. Very unique!

Edited by nabokovfan87
clarification, capitalization
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On 7/4/2022 at 12:51 AM, nabokovfan87 said:

I really dig the pattern on the tails. Very unique!

I still can’t get over how colorful the female is.  The male has more pattern and much more blue/purple metallic, but her color is outstanding for a female which is exactly why I purchased this pair.  I just couldn’t pass them up.  This is the first guppies I’ve bought in decades.  I’ve been amazed at how much color the babies are showing, already.  One has full color to the tail at just 8-9 days old.  It’s stupid hard to get the babies in focus.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Edited by Odd Duck
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Not fish related so just scroll past if you don’t like plants.  😉 😆  This wasn’t actually today, but this is what I got done on Saturday.  I ordered a bunch of succulents, some plants, some cuttings.  I had bought a few the other day for a project I’ve had in mind for months.  I had a large pot break just right for this project.  It didn’t turn out exactly like I had in my head, but I think it turned out pretty good overall.  I also had enough left over to share with friends.  I broke off some leaves to try to get some starts going that way, too, in the little pots.

I’m going to trade one of these pots and some of my pothos clippings with my niece for some different varieties of pothos clippings.  I’m hoping to grow different varieties in some of my cubes as part of my “display” tanks in the fish room vs the rack that holds my 10 G’s that are intended for breeding and not going to be the “pretty” tanks.

Back to plant pics.

1. The display I was going for.  Some are cuttings and not rooted, so they may not all survive.  We’ll have to wait and see.

2. The little group I started with but I ran out of room in the display planter I bought them for.  😆  They are nicely rooted, so if any of the cuttings fail in the main pot, I can always put these in empty spots.  But I’ve decided it’s cute as is for now, so it may stay this way for a while.  The heart shaped leaves will develop into long chains of heart shaped leaves, so this will really outgrow this little pot eventually (possibly years before that happens).  Until then, they can hang out here.

3. The grouping that will go to my niece.

4. The grouping for my best fish buddy’s SO who is much more into terrestrial plants than my fish friend.

5. Another group for a local vet nurse friend that’s very into plants.

6. Some burro’s tail that I had planned to put in the big pot but ran out of room.  I can always do a cutting if a hole develops in the big pot.  This is likely better than trying to cram it into the big pot.  Burro’s tail has more potential to overgrow and dominate the big pot than anything else I added except possibly the 2 sedums on either side at the top.  I’m hoping to train them to grow over the backside of the big pot.

7. The group of small pots.  Looking pretty good all together.

I spent way too much on plants (about $75.00 for plants and shipping except for the cluster in the heart-shaped group) but I feel like I very much got my money’s worth and then some.  Succulents tend to be kind of pricey since they’re slower growing than most plants.  Considering how many plants and cuttings I got, I feel like it was a great deal.  I hope I’m OK putting in a link to this nursery since they do not sell any aquatic plants, only succulents.  She’s a one person show so it takes 7-10 days to ship.  Her shipping was reasonable price, well packed, and she has gorgeous succulents with loads of variety.  My pics just barely scratch the surface of what she has.









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I've been away a lot this past month and only really able to interact with my tanks for water changes and necessary maintenance, so today it was time for the fun stuff!

First, did water changes (boring) and checked up on everyone. I did lose a betta recently and I'm not really sure why, but the other girl in the divided tank is completely fine a week later. I took the divider out to give her the full five gallons, which is what she has when I'm in my own apartment rather than imposing on the in-laws. My ramshorn snails and cherry shrimp are THRIVING. I'm going to have to heavily separate out my blue dreams, red cherries, and the wild type babies that have snuck in once I get to my own place in August. I'm still getting some good red and blue babies along with the wilds, so I'm not super worried. Plus a lot of the wilds are really dark, so maybe I can do something with them to try to breed them towards a black line. 

That shrimp tank is something else. The Java Ferns needed some pruning. I ended up with a nice cup full of baby plants that I'm going to try to grow out in a separate tub. I also moved a bunch of ramshorns out of the shrimp tank into my other tanks. I'm going to have to call my LFS and see if they want feeder snails if this keeps up. They're very cute, but the tanks being by the window means a lot of algae, which means more snails than I'm comfortable with. 

All in all, it was a productive day! I'm itching to be able to set up a new aquarium, but that will have to wait until August. 




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I spent 3 hours washing nerm glitter out of plants to add more hornwort to my Palaemonetes paludosus tank as I now have 2 females that are berried. I think I have blue dream shrimplettes, but I can't see them on the black gravel substrate.🤷🏼‍♂️ The ghost shrimp/grass shrimp should be finished with quarantine about the time the big tank is ready for them. I'll encourage breeding, and then get the NANF this fall when it's safer to ship.

My LFS in walking distance has had yet another turnover in management, so I'm re-evaluating long term breeding projects.

I finished up the water changes/topping offs I started yesterday, pulled more males out of my breeding tanks & transitioned them to the bachelor tank, and moved the longfin zebra danios fro the guppy tank to the endler tank in spouse's room. Researching a good form of population control for spouse's T4' tank, as I counted over 120 fry in there today.😲 

Drank my coffee on the patio this morning, and watched the endler females eat the mosquitoes that risked proximity to the water. It's monsoon season, so mosquitoes are aplenty... resulting in very fat, very ready to breed, endler females that match the phenotype I saw in the wild, so pretty excited to see how the summer tub goes this year, especially as at least 3 of the females in there survived our winter😍 I'm guessing they were fry I missed? When I was cleaning out debris and getting ready to refill the pond, I saw something dart. Since endlers are the only thing I've had in the outdoor ponds, and the single sword endlers at that, I know what they have to be... just a heckuva lot sturdier than I expected, since I didn't get serious about the tubs and proper (read regular) maintencance as I thought I had caught all the fish and brought them in....

Anyway, 13 tanks happy, healthy and running. Plants recuperating from underffedding fish/shrimp/snails. Will need to replace my red plants, only a few survived my covid relapse and underfeeding. Java moss is growing for the first time I've had it, and thriving. Stem plants told me today how unhappy they are with my post stroke memory, however the pogostemon, apogenoton, anubia nano petite, anubia golden coin, windelov, and 3 plants I forgot their names are thriving! Pearlweed might carpet for me, java fern is taking off, and the turtle has managed not to eat the entire amount of plants I added to the turtle pond, leaving nitrates under 20 ppm for a change.

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On 7/9/2022 at 3:06 PM, FLFishChik said:

I spent my rainy Florida evening glueing rhizomes to rocks 😂

I spent my day removing one.... so frustrating! 😩 I'm legitimately having issues actually keeping anubias attached and having super glue on hand.  😞

It wasn't a "crazy day" in terms of anything in particular but I will call it an eventfull one.

I checked the main tank, I desperately wanted an excuse to gravel vac the tank, but with worms in the water, the open sore on my hand, it was not to be. Nitrates under 10, KH slightly lower than I'd like, but not too low. I adjusted the HoB level slightly to make sure it was setup as best I could.  I was annoyed because of course it was bypassing slightly for no reason whatsoever. (thanks seachem)

I checked the living room tank and I know it's time for a WC so I didn't waste a test strip and just opted to clean the filters and changed 30% of the water.  I didn't do it the past weekend just because of being tired, needed to be done.  The pups weren't having it and it was a bit of barking but the tank is fine.  I flipped the rocks around, moved the scape a bit and moved the sponges. Installed the lovely new aquarium co-op airline holders and then adjusted the back trim on the lid so it wasn't crushing the airline hosing. 

I checked the fish, checked on everything and just finished up adding everything.  I'm certain KH is an issue, but because I had dosed dechlorinator I'll check it in 24-36 hours and then make any adjustment need be.

Again, not a crazy day, but a critical one because now I know both tanks are good to go for at least another week or two.

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Today was Maintenance day. Checked parameters on the 29g Community tank, the 5.5g Betta tank and the 3g Cherry Shrimp tank and water changes accordingly. I always get 'Angry Murder Fish' face from the Betta on cleaning day. He's never happy when I mess around in his tank. Then... it was also 'Big Breakfast Sunday' in my house. Sundays are when everyone is home, so homemade Buttermilk Biscuits, Scrambled Eggs and Sausage  and then the rest of the day was just a relaxing day... gearing up for Monday Madness at work tomorrow😜

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On 7/10/2022 at 5:43 PM, FLFishChik said:

Big Breakfast Sunday' in my house. Sundays are when everyone is home, so homemade Buttermilk Biscuits, Scrambled Eggs and Sausage 

What’s your address and what time should I be there next week?  😆  Sounds terrific!  My mom was the champ of big breakfast Sunday so this brings back good memories for me.  Thank you!

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On 7/12/2020 at 2:06 PM, Danny said:

Today, and yesterday, I painted one of my walls black, got new dressers for the aquariums, and got a new desk

I really like the room setup.  The black wall makes the tanks really stand out.  Well done.

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Been a busy summer but I finally finally got around to making a light for my DIY BBS hatchery. Designed and 3d printed the lid, wired up a couple led's with a regulator, and covered with ample hot glue to seal it up. I'll be getting my slightly better hatch rate now per the study in this thread 🙂





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On 7/13/2022 at 5:09 PM, TheDukeAnumber1 said:


I can totally design some "cool stuff".  Why do I feel like this goes down a rabbit hole of fixing issues and we all end up with 3d printers!

Nice work!

It's a mildly quiet day here for me....

After watching the pups and being on bark patrol while the construction is happening, I think I might end up moving a tank.  I've tried to replace the lid twice and for whatever reason companies can't see to figure out how to measure the tanks that they design lids for.  (or use the correct thickness glass so it doesn't warp).  I added a HoB to the tank this past week and because it's located under some stairs I am having balls of pet hair falling through the steps and into the HoB.  I can't imagine this being good in any way, so very likely the tank gets to move, again.

I am on worm watch in the big tank, not noticing any the past few days.  I am monitoring nitrites as a result now as well and things seem to be going ok, knock on wood.  The new meds hit the fish on sunday, the plants are seemingly doing awesome, and I am just waiting for the algae to decide it's doomed and leave the tank alone for good!

Edited by nabokovfan87
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Water tested. Nitrates we’re high (more than 40 ppm) so I wasn’t sure if it was because I started dosing easy green this week. I did a (roughly) 25%-30% water change. I’ll re-test tomorrow to see where I’m at. Hopefully they’ll come back down. If not- I guess I’ll do another water change 😐

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On 7/16/2022 at 5:27 PM, FLFishChik said:

Water tested. Nitrates we’re high (more than 40 ppm) so I wasn’t sure if it was because I started dosing easy green this week. I did a (roughly) 25%-30% water change. I’ll re-test tomorrow to see where I’m at.

What is ammonia and nitrite?

On 7/15/2022 at 5:51 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

After watching the pups and being on bark patrol while the construction is happening, I think I might end up moving a tank.  I've tried to replace the lid twice and for whatever reason companies can't see to figure out how to measure the tanks that they design lids for.  (or use the correct thickness glass so it doesn't warp).  I added a HoB to the tank this past week and because it's located under some stairs I am having balls of pet hair falling through the steps and into the HoB.  I can't imagine this being good in any way, so very likely the tank gets to move, again.

Tank moved.  It's rotated so instead of only being able to see one side of the tank, I can see the entire front of the tank now.  I realized walking around the tank I need to add some tint due to the fish being spooked.  It's now an "under the stairs peninsula tank" for a week while we try to figure out is this works or doesn't.

Main tank seems to be doing well.  Testing was perfect in both tanks. I'll keep an eye on the fish because I had to drain it for the sake of moving the tank.  Hopefully Grace the shark isn't too stressed, she didn't look happy with me this afternoon.

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Cleaned out plants, examined shrimp molts, and still recuperating from all the re-arranging last week-end. I finally have a rack system in the apartments!!!!

New incentive to finish going through boxes and boxes left from my MiL passing away a year ago, and BiL moving away a couple months ago:

All boxes are now on the rack, so we could reclaim our living room (along with the 3 tanks that were already in the living room). Every box I go through, and determine a place for things to live (if we are keeping) or get things donated away (or shipped to BiL), I clear up room for another tank. Bottom of the rack will be new and improved Turtle Enclosure for Karma, along with improved endler ponds (for snacking of culls). I'll have room for a boys' pond and a girls' pond (twice the current available enclosure space) to reduce breeding of culls. Eventually will have 5 breeding 10 gallon tanks and a 40 breeder, plus a plant grow out rack inspired by Seattle_Aquarist.

For now?

I'm just happy all water parameters are stable, molts look clean on shrimp, shrimplettes are growing, and plants are growing faster than I can trim.

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On 7/17/2022 at 12:24 PM, Torrey said:

finally have a rack system in the apartments!!!!

oh snaps! That's huge!!!!

On 7/17/2022 at 12:24 PM, Torrey said:

I'm just happy all water parameters are stable, molts look clean on shrimp, shrimplettes are growing, and plants are growing faster than I can trim.

Always nice when this is the state of things.

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