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On 1/13/2022 at 9:03 AM, H.K.Luterman said:

I'm lazy and don't clean out my sponge filters often, but I cleaned the one in the 40 today and it made the blackest poop coffee ever.

No pics, sorry. 😉

I also dug out Pooka's (my featherfin catfish) cave, because she's gotten so big she had to squeeze into it. 

My plants LOVE that water.  I take it outside and poor it on a different plant each time.   

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On 1/12/2022 at 1:33 PM, anewbie said:

Cleaned the fx6 today while doing water changes. Hate that thing; only took an hour which isn't the end of all end but still annoying.


A long time ago not knowing better I purchased a dwarf lily (Nymphaea stellata) from aquarium coop. Now this is my experience with the plant the past 30 months. At first i was so excited - it was a lovely red colour and quite attractive and not too large. Then after a few months it went dormant. Hum. Did it die? hum... wait wait wait. Then after a while (6 months)? it came back in fury and where I once had 1 plant i now had 4 or 5 scatted around the tank (i think it creates these little planets that break off). Ok not so bad still a small lovely plant. But eventually it works it way to the top of the tank - ok a few leaves on top isn't so bad but then they get bigger and bigger. This is not the largest leaf and it is over 6 inch (picture below) - now one plant with 6 or 8 leaves isn't that bad but each time it takes a nap i get 4 or 5 more plants - now i must have 20 or 30 of them scattered around the tank (most are small but over time....) 30 plants 8 leaves 240 leaves at over 6 inches each.... well you can see where this is going:


(taking a picture holding the camera in one hand a ruler in another is well...):



Anyway they call this a dwarf lily - i'd hate to meet its non-dwarf daddy....


They call this a dwarf lily, too, but the leaves can get 8” across, easily.  This is nymphaea lotus “Zenkeri’, which is better behaved as far as producing plantlets, but no better as far as growing to dominate a tank.  It will still produce the occasional plantlet, and behaves itself a little longer - I haven’t had it go dormant although it slows down occasionally, but once it decides to shoot leaves to the surface, it’s difficult to get subsurface leaves back.  The second pic is after cutting it back, some.  It does have excellent color.



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On 1/12/2022 at 12:33 PM, anewbie said:

Cleaned the fx6 today while doing water changes. Hate that thing; only took an hour which isn't the end of all end but still annoying.


A long time ago not knowing better I purchased a dwarf lily (Nymphaea stellata) from aquarium coop. Now this is my experience with the plant the past 30 months. At first i was so excited - it was a lovely red colour and quite attractive and not too large. Then after a few months it went dormant. Hum. Did it die? hum... wait wait wait. Then after a while (6 months)? it came back in fury and where I once had 1 plant i now had 4 or 5 scatted around the tank (i think it creates these little planets that break off). Ok not so bad still a small lovely plant. But eventually it works it way to the top of the tank - ok a few leaves on top isn't so bad but then they get bigger and bigger. This is not the largest leaf and it is over 6 inch (picture below) - now one plant with 6 or 8 leaves isn't that bad but each time it takes a nap i get 4 or 5 more plants - now i must have 20 or 30 of them scattered around the tank (most are small but over time....) 30 plants 8 leaves 240 leaves at over 6 inches each.... well you can see where this is going:


(taking a picture holding the camera in one hand a ruler in another is well...):



Anyway they call this a dwarf lily - i'd hate to meet its non-dwarf daddy....


I once tried a lily.... the leaves were round and big enough to serve a turkey on😅

Check out the ones at the London Water Gardens for the ones that made my pond Lily look like a dwarf.

I really appreciate your humor streak, and thanks for the information on how the dwarfs replicate. I think my NMAS will appreciate my investment in a year or 2.

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I took out my rotalia, I killed it all by trimming and replanting. It literally turned into slime and came apart as I was removing it. I ended up turning off the filter and air stones to let it all settle. I vacuumed three five gal. buckets so I got a 30% water change in as well.

Maybe delicate stem plants are just not going to work in this tank...at least for now. I have coarse gravel so perhaps that makes things difficult.

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Cleaned my 36g hob. I had been sick so much in past few months or working long hours. I hadn’t gotten to it. got coffee colored funk out of the sponges.🤢

Ordered my new piece of manzanita 😁wood for my new aquascape for this tank. Researching what else 🐠 🌱  I’ll be adding to this as well. Looking at gbr and angels maybe a bristle nose pleco. My albino aneaus corydoras have been in here 10 month and breeding happily since. Got 16 of them for now.
 might split up between my other tanks. 
my beautiful new piece of manzanita wood. And my Amazon inspiration for the tank. Via: Md fish tanks. will be ordering more aquascaping rock and sand and pebbles soon. Then mass amounts of plants 



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Got my “new” stand touched up on the few small dings, and painted.  One coat inside, 3 coats outside.  Not the best post-painting pic, but it was still drying.  I will get a better picture tomorrow before it comes inside (at least if it isn’t stinky anymore).  Then the tank can go on the stand!  I still have to epoxy my magnets in place on the slate, but once the epoxy is set, I can do my moss slurry and get the “dry start” going once the moss paste is painted on.  I finally decided on Fissidens geppii that I have.

I know that particular Fissidens isn’t a South American native, but I figured there’s some kind of Fissidens nearly everywhere and I have plenty of this, most Fissidens look similar, this will stay reasonably well controlled (assuming it grows for me) with minimal maintenance, and will look gorgeous if it does grow.

My fish buddy brought me some pieces of petrified wood that I will add to the petrified wood pieces I already have to give a “broken, crumbling branch” effect running across the tank from left to right.  I’m hoping that will enhance the “washed out stream margin” effect I’m trying to achieve.  I’ll be putting assorted sword plants tucked up against the “wood” pieces trying for a “I was floating down the stream and just happened to snag on this wood and start growing” effect.

If I can pull all this off, it will look great.  If not, it will still be pretty, interesting to look at, and should still look at least a little bit like an angelfish habitat could look if you squint just right. 😃 


Edited by Odd Duck
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My stand is painted, dry, and in place.  I’ll post an inside pic once the tank is on it.  The tank is still on the floor in the back bedroom because I have 1 more magnet to epoxy into place.

Today I learned that painters tape is not quite strong enough to hold strong magnets into place if they’re just a little too close together on the slate piece to which you are trying to adhere them.  No glass was broken, no fingers were pinched, and no magnets broken, but it’s a good thing I’ve got nerves of steel and no heart condition. It was a bit startling when the magnets decided to jump ship and get closer acquainted even after their epoxy was partially set and tape was heavily applied.

The magnets got quickly separated and wiped free of most of the quickly setting epoxy, then placed where they couldn’t reacquaint themselves.  Magnets number 1 and 2 behaved themselves.  I went back later and epoxied number 3 into place. Number 4 will get applied shortly, then we can still get the tank on the stand tonight.  The wood/slate combo should stay in place tomorrow after the silicone is cured on the other side of the “outside the tank” set of magnets.  Note to self, make sure you’re thinking about the polarity of the magnets that will be on the opposite side of the glass when you’re creating their silicone bumper gasket.  🤦🏻‍♀️ 🤷🏻‍♀️ It works sooooo much better if the silicone is on the sides of the magnets that will be against the glass.


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Here’s the tank and stand in place, lights on only long enough to snap a quick picture.  The slate on the left will be up high and flat against the glass on the end.

I have a bunch of petrified wood that I have sorted out into a tentative plan but didn’t want to be fiddling with it on the glass bottom.  I think I need a bigger piece and I might rob the one out of the 6 G Volcano cube.  I’ve got about 3-4 weeks to find something else for a focal point on the right side.  I don’t want it to take too much attention from my gnarly “roots” on the left.

I do have the cool looking chunk we cut off the base of the biggest piece, but it’s a little smaller than I’d like for a second focal point.  I may look for more wood to go with that.  I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for something a bit taller than what I have.




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Added crushed coral to Snakeskin Guppy breeding tank…


Added a powerhead + air + pre filter sponge intake after WC and sponge filter squeezing…


“Rescued” young BNP from uplift (and removed uplift entirely)…


Did lots of water changes today…

WC & gravel vac on 20 gal. Rainbow Shiner Fry Growout tank…


WC Xenotoca Doadrioi colony tank…


WC Redbelly Dace & Rainbow Shiner tank…


Huge WC for Ram Growout tank…


WC on both of these 10 gal. guppy tanks…



WC on the Banded Darter tank…


WC and added Indian Almond leaf to Emerald Killi breeding tank…


And there was definitely NO hot water left 🥶😂


Edited by Fish Folk
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