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On 10/2/2023 at 6:39 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Caught my tetras flaring this morning, but the baby danios are occupying the breeding tank…so i can’t really complain. 

what kind of phantom tetra is that? red or black?

Either way its a stunning fish, a school of 30+ of those guys in a big planted 75, that would be super cool.

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On 10/4/2023 at 12:28 PM, GoofyGarra said:

zebra danios? I guess call up your nearest aquatic lab, they always need zebra danios for testing things.

My chemistry teacher says she’s gonna take some, and I asked at an LFS yesterday and I expect that they’ll take the rest. I’ll probably keep 20 or so for my display. 

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Popped over to a LFS to get an Assassin snail to deal with ramshorns. They’ve slashed the prices on a group of L134 Leopard frogs (It’s what they’re calling them, I think they’re a bit closer to L333 Queen Arabesque Pleco). 250 Swiss Franks is still a bit outta my price range - maybe the danios will help me get there. 

Speaking of danios… they’ve started on the BBS, and are as cute as ever. IMG_3888.jpeg.f9044f446c88c3f009e0de4e7d7dbce3.jpeg
I’ve also added a bit of peat to the breeding tank, complete with some wild terrestrial moss from the woods behind my house. Mountain moss is nice and tufty and perfect for spawning. 
I’ve gorged my Glowlight tetras on BBS for the past couple of days, and have added 1M 2F to the tank. Stay tuned! IMG_3909.jpeg.425961bbb88285d0ac1822a1d477572c.jpeg
Spare pic of my new desktop shrimp tank. Admittedly it’s not as cool as @wes.crocketts 3D printed deco tank, but it’s fun. 😊IMG_3889.jpeg.2ceec0b29f50ff9d00fc33145c7add03.jpeg

Stay fishy Nerms! 

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On 10/9/2023 at 11:55 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Popped over to a LFS to get an Assassin snail to deal with ramshorns. They’ve slashed the prices on a group of L134 Leopard frogs (It’s what they’re calling them, I think they’re a bit closer to L333 Queen Arabesque Pleco). 250 Swiss Franks is still a bit outta my price range - maybe the danios will help me get there. 

Speaking of danios… they’ve started on the BBS, and are as cute as ever. IMG_3888.jpeg.f9044f446c88c3f009e0de4e7d7dbce3.jpeg
I’ve also added a bit of peat to the breeding tank, complete with some wild terrestrial moss from the woods behind my house. Mountain moss is nice and tufty and perfect for spawning. 
I’ve gorged my Glowlight tetras on BBS for the past couple of days, and have added 1M 2F to the tank. Stay tuned! IMG_3909.jpeg.425961bbb88285d0ac1822a1d477572c.jpeg
Spare pic of my new desktop shrimp tank. Admittedly it’s not as cool as @wes.crocketts 3D printed deco tank, but it’s fun. 😊IMG_3889.jpeg.2ceec0b29f50ff9d00fc33145c7add03.jpeg

Stay fishy Nerms! 

That's a fun desk tank! I like it.

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