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On 10/24/2023 at 6:14 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

My Zebra Danio fry aren’t looking very Zebra to me…🧐 (Sorry for the picture quality) 

that part of the pattern probably hasnt developed yet, when i bred platies in the past their various colors would develop as they matured, these ones are young so the stripes probably just havent happened yet.

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On 10/24/2023 at 1:23 PM, JoeQ said:

Zebra/neon cross breed? 🤣

Also do you breed for fun or to sell? 

For fun……..with some thoughts about selling. I try to make enough fish for my local clubs annual swap, but I’m easily outshone by the guys with 20+ tanks. 😅

I caught a ramshorn snail munching a tetra egg today - the war has begun ☠️

I really should build a rack….but my parents would definitely not stand for it.


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On 10/25/2023 at 1:03 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Has anyone got a good solution for snails in mind? My WCMM eggs have been munched, and I suspect that all my other eggs have met the same end 😖. Not fun. 

snail trap maybe? Ive put food in a tank that the fish didnt eat, and a few hours later i couldnt see the food, it was so covered in bladder snails, i could've easily caught out many of those snails at that point.

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I’ve been putting a small glass jar in the feeding area, about the size of a baby food jar, laying on its side with pellet shrimp food & pieces of veggies in it. I leave it for a full day to a day and a half since the food is mostly contained and then carefully pull it out.  It’s always full of snails. Next time I have to trim the population I’ll take a picture.

I use the wide top jar (as opposed to one with a narrow neck) because besides bladder snails that I want out, I catch my trapdoor & trumpet snails - as well as usually several shrimp! It’s easier to dump them all out so I can sort them - what I want back into the aquarium, and the bladders in the snail container. Not sure what I’m going to do with them all because I don’t really want to kill them either … 🤨🤪

Your dog is adorable!

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On 10/25/2023 at 8:03 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Has anyone got a good solution for snails in mind? My WCMM eggs have been munched, and I suspect that all my other eggs have met the same end 😖. Not fun. 

I find it a bit strange, I have managed to have eggs hatch in a tank with rabbit snails and ramshorn snails and there was a study saying that ramshorns wont eat healthy (killifish) eggs. Other snails sure, ponds and such, but not ramshorns.

I place in cucumber, leave overnight and then lift them up, but it is not 100%

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On 10/26/2023 at 9:34 AM, beastie said:

ramshorns wont eat healthy (killifish) eggs

Might be just killis then. I’m all tetras & danios, and ramshorns are the only thing that could be responsible for an empty breeder box where I had eggs. 


On 10/26/2023 at 9:34 AM, beastie said:

not 100%

Nothing is , but I’ve already got my friend Boba Fett the assassin snail on the case. 😎

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On 10/25/2023 at 11:03 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Has anyone got a good solution for snails in mind? My WCMM eggs have been munched, and I suspect that all my other eggs have met the same end 😖. Not fun. 

You could hit the tank with a med or salt (if you don't have plants in there)

Another option could be to set up a little tub that you put pairs in for a few days then pull the fish. That way there's nothing to eat the eggs.

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On 10/26/2023 at 4:20 PM, Schuyler said:

You could hit the tank with a med or salt (if you don't have plants in there)

Another option could be to set up a little tub that you put pairs in for a few days then pull the fish. That way there's nothing to eat the eggs.

That thought has crossed my mind… draining the breeding box/tank/tub before use. 

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:35 AM, TheSwissAquarist said:

That thought has crossed my mind… draining the breeding box/tank/tub before use

There's a guy in my aquarium club who breed neon tetras that way. I think keeping fish simple on YouTube bred neons and danios that way too.

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I haven't tied it out yet, but my plans for my next trumpet snail removal plan is this.  Hang a coop specimen container overnight with bait in it, along with a full siphen tube running from the tank to container. Snails climb the tube and become trapped in the container. Another idea is this, cut a waterbottle top off, invert the top and secure. Place bait in the bottle add a cover for the size snails you are targeting and let soak! These are plans not tried! I usually just scoop them of the glass with a net & cut back on feeding because im much too lazy to build stuff and far from mechanically inclined!!! (that included use of glue, knives and general product assembly!), 🤣

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Anyhow I seem to have created my own strain of floating snail IMG_4100.jpeg.1158eec238ff577c042ecce00fed18ab.jpeg

And my bettas have started bubble-nesting in the spawning tank🤓… if there isn’t a spawn by tomorrow noon I’ll pull the bettas and blitz the tank. My LFS got a shipment of usb air pumps and HOB filters in last week, so I might brave the 2 hour train commute to grab some for the spawning tank - seeing as HOBs have compartments for pest & such. IMG_4099.jpeg.ae72fead4e412bf0971f1997354f00f7.jpeg

Bonus pic of a snail riding my frog. He managed to get rid of it when surfacing for air. IMG_4102.jpeg.1928c27cd0a816a28288db4c23a5b9d2.jpeg

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On 10/26/2023 at 6:07 PM, Schuyler said:

Haha like a classic yellow jacket or fruit fly trap but for snails. You'll definitely need to share how well that works

It’ll probably catch fish as well, but I’ll give it a go. 

On 10/26/2023 at 6:10 PM, Schuyler said:

The guy in my club used alder cones and oak leaves because they can be collected locally here

Good luck finding an oak in the alps! 

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On 10/26/2023 at 12:08 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Anyhow I seem to have created my own strain of floating snail IMG_4100.jpeg.1158eec238ff577c042ecce00fed18ab.jpeg

And my bettas have started bubble-nesting in the spawning tank🤓… if there isn’t a spawn by tomorrow noon I’ll pull the bettas and blitz the tank. My LFS got a shipment of usb air pumps and HOB filters in last week, so I might brave the 2 hour train commute to grab some for the spawning tank - seeing as HOBs have compartments for pest & such. IMG_4099.jpeg.ae72fead4e412bf0971f1997354f00f7.jpeg

Bonus pic of a snail riding my frog. He managed to get rid of it when surfacing for air. IMG_4102.jpeg.1928c27cd0a816a28288db4c23a5b9d2.jpeg

Snails float to escape conditions not conducive to them. Are you positive all those bubbles are from the betta?  I see them along all edges in your photo. 

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On 10/26/2023 at 6:36 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

What kind of snails are they?  The bladder snails put air in their shells on purpose, but I don't think other snails do that.  Unless it's a ridiculous mystery snail playing on an airstone...

Sidenote: do I spot a glass catfish? 😍

Ramshorns. Yep, my dad got me some as a present at the end of the school year. 


On 10/26/2023 at 6:28 PM, Guppysnail said:

Snails float to escape conditions not conducive to them. Are you positive all those bubbles are from the betta?  I see them along all edges in your photo. 

I scooped some off the top with my net…they don’t like the conditions, but my danio fry love them! The bubble nest has grown to take up that entire part of the tank😄


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On 10/26/2023 at 12:07 PM, Schuyler said:

Haha like a classic yellow jacket or fruit fly trap but for snails. You'll definitely need to share how well that works

This might actually be the post that motivates me to build it! May just be time to roll up my sleeves, break out my trusty safety scissors, try to resist the urge to eat the glue stick and put my small arts & craft skills to the test!!! 🤣

Edited by JoeQ
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