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I’m currently tending an extra 10 G tank because I wanted the fish that were in the tank.  I’m waiting to see if any baby pygmy sunfish make an appearance.  In the mean time, I’ve gotten about 50 shrimp out of it so far and need to net out a few more.

I can’t complain too much since I’ve been thinking about moving full shrimp to a few tanks.  Well, here’s my culls.  I moved the darkest reds to my 2 gallon since I’ve been fighting some hair algae in there - already greatly decreased, thank you, reds.  The 20 long now has a good number of culls and I may yet move some of the darker reds into the 2 G so I have better mix of genetics in this small group.  I was popping everybody into the 20 long when I decided halfway through to put the strongest reds into the 2 G.  🤷🏻‍♀️ 

Most of these culls are clear to brownish, some orangish, a couple greenish, one barely blue, a couple are a fairly nice chocolate color.  😆 Not bad for free shrimp!

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On 7/5/2023 at 6:02 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

@Guppysnail I am going to hang a media bag of stuff in the shrimp tank. I want you to tell me how long it will take for a shrimp to land on it.

In my tank less than 10 seconds. I put a prefilter sponge over a hose to remove water at water change. Shrimp are usually on it before I get the siphon started. 

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On 7/5/2023 at 8:19 PM, Guppysnail said:

In my tank less than 10 seconds. I put a prefilter sponge over a hose to remove water at water change. Shrimp are usually on it before I get the siphon started. 

It was 1 second. The bag was halfway in the tank and the shrimp was already on the way over. LOL!



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On 7/8/2023 at 12:37 PM, TeeJay said:

Good gravy there so chunky. They need something to assist them in swimming 😁

They got chunky while I was trying to recover Light from her near starvation at the pet shop. Aether is the only one that actually looks like she is pushing to big a belly. They are on a much more restrictive diet now. As soon as I can find a minute of time I’ll redo a 10g for them so they get more exercise. 
That entail redoing another 10g for the fish currently in the tank the frogs are going into. The other tank has way too many pothos roots so I fear them getting tangled. I want to go to the jungle river large sand and both. 
Realistically I need to clear an entire day to gut and redo them both. 

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On 7/8/2023 at 12:44 PM, Guppysnail said:

They got chunky while I was trying to recover Light from her near starvation at the pet shop. They are on a much more restrictive diet now. As soon as I can find a minute of time I’ll redo a 10g for them so they get more exercise. 
That entail redoing another 10g for the fish currently in the tank the frogs are going into. The other tank has way too many pothos roots so I fear them getting tangled. I want to go to the jungle river large sand and both. 
Realistically I need to clear an entire day to gut and redo them both. 

That's gonna be a full days work right there but it will be awesome when dine

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On 7/9/2023 at 3:51 PM, Odd Duck said:

Need to get like 5 more, see who doesn’t bicker (Mom, he’s touching me, he’s touching me!), then rehome the bickering ones or spread them to other tanks.  They are cute little fellas!  Such gentle “fighting”.

Reminds me of little kids walking shoulders touching trying to edge the other out. 
When it cools and I rehome more snails I’m going to try to get a few more and some black tiger badis for Diego. I find the personality in the black tiger badis to be much more interactive with me than the scarlet badis. 

For now I’ve decided both the hillstreams and anchor cats like cooler water than my other tanks so I’m going to move them together this week so frogs get a tank sooner rather than later. 



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On 7/9/2023 at 2:57 PM, Guppysnail said:

Reminds me of little kids walking shoulders touching trying to edge the other out. 

Yes, this too!  I first thought of kids bickering in the back seat on a long road trip.  😝 😆 

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On 7/8/2023 at 5:14 PM, Guppysnail said:

Well no baby Sewellia lineolata for me 😢

Definitely boys. Their bickering is comical. I just changed the wood today because I’ll be moving over my anchor cats and their moss. 


Let the headbutting commence!

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Finally got my butt in gear today a bit. 
Redid the Wizard/hillstream tank to accommodate my anchor cats. Moved those over. There are 2 juveniles that were born in my tank confirmed. 
I got some pothos root black holders I’m going to use to hide the roots. It looks full but the anchor cats live in the plants. 2BD85D28-30BB-447E-A1F5-5A330D3A08CD.jpeg.fe75cdc83e33cd107b327739300c6f67.jpeg

I got a start on the new frog tank which is where the anchor cats were originally. Pulled out everything and put the jungle river sand in. I wanted a Hobbit Shire feel without the resin decor to get the look.  Just a feel. Not from the new movie but from the original 1977 cartoon version they used to play every Thanksgiving just before Alice’s Restaurant. 
I was at the pet shop this morning and on the counter were Oase biorb green balls. I asked the clerk what those were in the bag. They look like moss ball sort of. Her wonderful reply was “Oh those are Hobbit rocks”. She was joking but it sold me instantly. 

I have the small frog betta mopani pieces in their current tank to put about their front yard. I still need to move the hornwort over and I ordered more betta hammock leaves that suction on the walls for them until the pennywort grows in more. D6D2FBFA-D601-4288-A236-D66E79EAA9D9.jpeg.98d38ba42428556b524875c490551b9e.jpeg

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What I contend with when changing a tank. I never intentionally added tiny terrorists to this tank. All migrated on stuff then reproduced. I’ve sold off/ given away at least 100 out of this tank and netted who knows how many today. This is what was left when I had no more patience netting. New jungle river sand is in the tank. 


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On 7/13/2023 at 12:54 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

Must be napping

Yes Simba Lou is sound asleep. He had a big morning. He was in his harness on the deck early before the heat kicked in. Several birds and a chipmunk visited he had to chase off the deck. He got an extra meaty morsel treat for being such a good guard cat 🥰 This required a long old man nap 

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On 7/15/2023 at 12:41 PM, TheSwissAquarist said:

Shire….Frog…. The plant pot makes the tank look like Bilbo Bagging’ house. 
Frogive me if it already came up earlier in this journal 😂

It did not come up but that was exactly the effect I wanted. 

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On 7/16/2023 at 6:44 PM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

@Guppysnail there are not supposed to be any tiny terrorists in my 29g tank. I got them all out over a month ago. Why then, did I find a perfect molt today? 🙄

I had one living in a tank for 6 months I never seen. I would find molts but never see the shrimp. When I moved the tank I finally found him. 

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