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I took advantage of the recent plant sale at the Co-Op and ordered a few: pogostemon stellatus octopus, mayaca fluviatilis (looks neat, never tried before)  and some more windelov java fern, since it seems to be doing well in the 75. They all arrived last night, so they were plopped in tanks in their cups until I could get to planting.

Igor immediately started trying to arrange the java fern.



Pooka got to baby sit the other two. She knocked one over during the night. She's not a very good plant baby sitter.



Obligatory photo of the Pooks I took before working on the tanks. What a face.



Java fern! I love the windelov kind. I glued most of it to a rock but kept two little plants for the 29.



After adding it to the 75, I also took the opportunity to place some more rocks in the tank, because I like rocks. 



I added some more around Igor's vase and she was very angry about it; my hand took a beating. She then stared angrily at the new additions for a few minutes. 



As I've mentioned, the 29 is a mess. The limia have come down with some mystery illness, which I've been trying different things to try to cure. It's these flat, white patches that slowly grow over their backs over time, and does not respond to either anti-fungal meds or erythromycin.


It IS, however, responding to heat and salt (1 cup per 10 gal). They are all back in quarantine and will be there until its resolved - I'm happy to say I have not lost any over the course of the month I've been trying to cure them.

So anyways, I felt like it was time to replant the 29, since it all got destroyed from removing the limia (twice). The stellatus octopus had really nice roots and were ready for planting right out of the cup.



I decided to let the mayaca float for a while since it seems a bit unhappy. I also made Tesla a cave, which he immediately swam through. I also added the two java fern glued to a rock. 



It's going to be a work in progress for a while, but it'll be fun getting stuff growing again.

Took a nice pic of Tesla too. Looks like he bonked his head. He did get scared when I look the limia out, it must have happened then.


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Checking on the quarantine kids this morning. My one complaint about using a clear tote as a Q-tank is that it's a bit hard to see through the plastic. So I took a top down pic with flash as well as just photographing through the plastic. Zooming in, I don't see any trace of the mysterious white patches. And there was one male who was showing symptoms of swim bladder problems who seems better today. So heat (78-79 F) and salt (1 cup per 10 gallons) seems to be doing the trick for whatever infection this is.

Here's what the illness looks like. This was after anti-fungal, erythromycin and the first round of heat and salt (each treatment done one at a time, not all at once) - they looked better so I took them out of quarantine, but it all came back within a few days. The white patches would start as a cloudy film and slowly get bigger and more opaque as it developed over their backs and sides. 



Here's the pics I took today (also just a full tank shot of my quarantine set up). It's kept in a spare room.










I don't see any more white patches, but I'm keeping them in there until maybe mid Feb just to be sure. My theory on the cause so far is that perhaps their tank was too cold - it's been really cold this winter. I bumped the tanks heat up to 75-76 via the Inkbird thermostat for their eventual return. But yay, I'm glad it seems to be under control.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Time flies! I was just looking through my photos, and I noticed February marks the 1 yr anniversary of getting both Dinky and Igor! 

Dinky baby pic:



Dinky now. It's so weird his tail ended up being bent.





Igor baby pics (including riding home inside the Aquarium Co-Op insulation bag):





She's gone from being a timid little thing to a giant, jerky butthead. But I love her to pieces. Weird she still hasn't lost all of her baby spots.






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On 2/7/2022 at 5:31 PM, laritheloud said:

I love your babies so much. I wanted to ask you about blood parrots because I'm considering one... but Igor doesn't seem like she appreciates tank mates very much, huh? 🤣 She's so cute though!!!

She definitely has an attitude and is "the boss." I wouldn't ever put another cichlid in with her after she started locking lips with the blue acara, but she tolerates the ctenopoma and bichirs fine; she just chases them away if they get near her vase. She's the most aggressive with me, I get a beating whenever I do anything in the tank. XD

I wouldn't discourage getting a blood parrot, but have a back up plan in case you end up with a bossy one. 

Edited by H.K.Luterman
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On 2/7/2022 at 6:40 PM, H.K.Luterman said:

She definitely has an attitude and is "the boss." I wouldn't ever put another cichlid in with her after she started locking lips with the blue acara, but she tolerates the ctenopoma and bichirs fine; she just chases them away if they get near her vase. She's the most aggressive with me, I get a beating whenever I do anything in the tank. XD

I wouldn't discourage getting a blood parrot, but have a back up plan in case you end up with a bossy one. 

I'm a little jealous that you have a ctenopoma 😍 But thank you! I was hoping to add one or two cichlids to my tank, but if I were to add more than one, I was going to try adding them at the same time so neither has a chance to declare the whole tank their territory. I'll have to think some more and live vicariously through your videos and pictures.

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