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53 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

@James Black, do you have have access to a 3D printer for the rimmed option?

Congrats on your new light! I love the Nanos so much.

I have a cousin who lives on the other side of the country who has a 3-D printer. I have considerd texting him the information and then paying for shipping, and other expenses. We'll see though. We may be visiting him in the summer (really depends what covid is like, right now theres a slim chance) and in which case I could ask him to do it for me there. 

We'll see what happends. I also have a 3D printer at my school in the graphics lab, but the school is shutdown because of coivd.



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I commissioned that rimmed mount, but I did not follow-through on getting one or more made. I got suggestions on 3D-printing companies who can take a file and send me a product. I’m sure that there are Canadian companies who can do this.

I have run Nanos on glass with felt feet, and it looks like you found a similar way to use yours.

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12 minutes ago, Streetwise said:

I commissioned that rimmed mount, but I did not follow-through on getting one or more made. I got suggestions on 3D-printing companies who can take a file and send me a product. I’m sure that there are Canadian companies who can do this.

I have run Nanos on glass with felt feet, and it looks like you found a similar way to use yours.

This is defentley something I'll be looking into if I decide to continue to run with the fluval 3.0s (I have a good feeling I will even though its only been a few hours😁) Thanks!

If they ever came out with the 4.0s, one tweak they should make is make the nanos compatable with rimmed tanks.

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The 10 gallon is BOOMING in plant growth. I doubt it has anything to do with the new fluval 3.0 (because I've only had it for a few days...) But the crytps are getting lots of WONDERFUL reds on them, the Java Fern has new leaves, The Crypt Green Gecko is growng WILD. And Penny is no longer penny size but more nickel size. I have been feeding him lots to get him to grow up so that I can move him to the community tank. I am feeding him frozen blood worms every other day, and flakes the day he doesnt get bloodworms. My fish are very jealous of all the frozen foods he gets. 

and Hugos fins are SOOOOOO close to being back to his regular halfmoon. 

image.png.98ff6b6bfd8ebda729ffcb8b128435b8.pngIts probably my favorite plant that I currently own


image.png.edd57f05867e16e9c25c2ab618a691bd.pngHugo thinks Im gonna feed him so he goes straight to the feeding ring


And heres penny:



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I got some guppies for the 10 gallon today! Hoping they start breeding soon! 

1 Male and 2 Female Gold Red Tuxedo Guppies! Penny is still living with them, I am hoping he can grow fast so i can get him into the community tank  before they start giving birth.




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  • 2 weeks later...

The Plants have been growing wonderfully in all my aquariums! I also have one very pregnant guppy.

I spent the last week or so moving around plants. I moved the crypt wendetii green gecko from the 10 gallon to hugos aquarium. Hugo loves to lay underneath all the leaves, its his new favorite spot!


I also moved the hygrophillia compact to underneath the driftwood:



My madagascar lace plant has been growing a bunch too! I honestly though I wouldn't be having sucess with this plant!


The crinum has some new growth as well, and the dwarf aquarium lilly bulb has started to sprout some new leaves:


The pogostemon in the 10 gallon has really taken off too! And the sword in the aquarium has stopped melting back and has lots of new leaves.


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I had to adjust my fluval 3.0 settings on the 10 gallon because I saw some algae growth happening. I tuned everything down to max out at 30% instead of 50%. I did the short preview on it and it looks like it'll do the job. Also adusted the heater in my community tank to 80F. Its been having a tough time to heat the water to 78F. You'd think it would have a easy time due to summer but, I guess its because we have the A/C on now.   The other day I rescued a betta you can check that out in my new journal.


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Went to the LFS today and picked up some bronze corydora for the communtiy tank. All they had was 4 though, but they have more comming in their next order on thursday so im going sometime on the weekend to get more. 

When at the LFS I founf FISH MEDS!!!! I live in Canada and so most are ilegal, and the ones that arent are extremley hard to find as well as expensive. Didnt pick any up but they did have a good price on them. 10-30$ depending on the size of bottle.


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I'm really enjoying the corydoras I got on Tuesday. They seem to poop a lot. They hide underneath my sponge filters, I have found a dramtic increase in poop around the spongefilters. I fed them some frozen blood worms the other day and they loved it! 

  The angelfish has surprisingly not gone after a single one. I was a little nervous that the angelfish may find the corydora as a snack because of how small they are. Buy thankfully I dont think he has even noticed the new corycats. The zebra danios sure notice them. I saw a few danios chassing the corydora!


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Hugo has finrot again☹

I woke up today and saw multiple chunks of fins missing.

I tested the water:

0 nitirtes

20 nitrates

0 amonia

Im gonna get some api melafix tomorrow and hopefully that'll help. Im not treating with salt again. If melafix doesnt work, i am gonna be very lossed as to what to do. 



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Have been working a lot this week, so haven't had time to just sit and watch the fish. Which is a real shame because I love feeding the community aquarium and then sitting and watching the minni pookas (my upsidedown catfish) and my fleet of corydoras eating the food. Usually when I get home from work the tank lights are off. I haven't botherd to change my light settings because the time my shifts are at vary from day to day (today was 11am-7pm, so only got like 3 hours with the tank lights on.) All the plants have been doing awesome though, the lilly bulb has one hugge leaf and 4 other smaller leafs (last week it only had 2 leafs). The Madagascar lace plant now has 5 leaves instead of 3 (last week it had just 3) And the crinum is growing non stop! All though i haven't had good luck with the frogbit in the 10 gallon, I think I only have one single frogbit now. 

I also just orderd some BBS. I'm excited to start feeding everyone some BBS. But the light I got for my rescue betta, is taking foreverrr to arrive. In fact Its gonna arive when I'm away on vacation so I had them hold it for me at the nearby UPS Store.

Penny has been growing too, I'm hopping I can move him to the community tank shortly.

Also went to the LFS today. I was talking with the owner and they said: "you seem to know your stuff, you should conisder volunteering so that when we do have a position open for you we can hire you!" Looks like I'll be volunteering at my LFS for extra school credits!





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  • 2 weeks later...

I have orderd several things for my aquariums coming from amazon, and a local hobbyist that sells his plants online.

I have just received my new JC&P Light for my rescues betta tank. And along with that light I ordered a specimen container. I need to know what all this "hype" is about regarding specimen containers. 

I also finally got my hands on hornwort, I bought them off a local hobbyist as well! I have hornwort in every tank right now except the guppy tank, which has some pogostemon ocotpus. 

Hugo has made two bubble nests since i removed the tetras! He has only made one other bubble nest in the 7 month period that I have had him. So I'm thinking maybe I wont add any rasboras as tank mates. 

He hates Dobby though, didn't once chase the tetras, but constantly flares and litterly attacks dobby. I might remove dobby and put him in the rescue bettas tank.

Today I hatched out BBS for the first time today. The bettas seemed to like it. The Danios, Tetras, Guppies, Corycats LOVED IT. But the angelfish didn't eat it.





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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Last week I picked up this 5ish gallon aquarium from my LFS for only $25! 

However the LFS didn't have any nice peices of wood, so today I went to petsmart and got a nice peice of driftwood, and then later I set it up. I decided I wanted to go with a deep substrate, with 1.5" of soil but this time only 0.5" - 1" of substrate to cap it off. I saw @Streetwise reccemend this instead of going 1.5" of both the soil and the substrate.

For the soil I used some stuff I found in the shed. Not sure the brand, but it has worked really great for my rescues betta tank. 

And for the gravel I used my favorite substrate! CaribSea Peace River Substrate. I then planted it with the following:

  • Anubias x2
  • Hornwort
  • Bolbitus

For this tank I decided to go with 0 tech (no lights, filter, or heater). I was able to find a spot on my desk thats right next to the window. I'm hopping it will receive enough light, i think it should as I have gone with fairly low light plants.

I have never kept shrimp but have always wanted to. So I think the plan is to put some neocardina pumpkin shrimp. I will probably be adding Dobby the Nerite Snail thats in hugos tank. 

However I wont be adding any shrimp until the end of august, or the beginning of september. I want the plants to get off to a good start before I add any inhabitants. I'm also expecting the hornwort to perhaps shed some leaves, so I want that stage to be over before shrimp are added.


Any good shrimp food people reccemend? I heard shrimp king is pretty good, what kind of shrimp king food?


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Congrats! Neocaridina are really fun to take care of.  I really like Shrimp King Complete. Snowflake food is also really good, especially since it puffs out into a lot of really small bits. However they'll eat pretty much any food that makes its way to the bottom, I've seen them eating krill flakes (I'm guessing any high protein fish food will work), and Crab Cuisine. I'm pretty sure they've eaten algae wafers, boiled summer squash, and frozen brine shrimp, however I can't remember exactly if I've seen them while eating them. Honestly I'm not sure I need to feed them most of the time, there's usually a bunch of algae on the walls, and probably biofilm everywhere, however it's usually really fun to watch them eating, especially in groups. 

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