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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. What did you change to? Did you change brands or something or just increase flow?
  2. Very likely temp is an issue, I'd have to double check What type of plants specifically? I don't think anything you mentioned will be an issue. Adding a cave for the pleco will pretty much diffuse everything you're mentioning. It depends where you want the algae removed from. Otos are better at certain things like going into the hardscape or cleaning certain type of plant leaves. I don't know if I'd call them "good" at cleaning glass.
  3. Could it be some flesh eating something? Severe case of PH burn? Fish TB? I would call the place where you got the fish, be very careful when working in that tank until you know what it is.
  4. I've never seen a rubberlip do it. I had issues when I had the temp up (76+) and I ended up treating them similar to barbs and cooler species. Essentially, between BN and the RL, one of them should be able to fit your water. I don't think they both like the same water (at least that was my experience) and especially when getting them from the big box store, I have had a LOT of success with clowns and had issues with basically everything else. The clowns never looked healthy, partially why I'm treating for internal parasites again. Usually the behavior I'd notice with the BN and clowns is they will be sleeping, lose suction and fall asleep on their back. It's extremely terrifying. The blotchiness and losing their color also really bugs me. Fingers crossed. I wish things would work out for you!
  5. Wordle guessed in 4/6! Can you do better? Try this wordle: https://mywordle.strivemath.com/?word=hoiyli ⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩⬜🟨🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 #mywordle maybe expand it to easy medium hard with a theme?
  6. Plecos do this when they sleep. Sometimes
  7. Agreed. I use fine foam it's a green color
  8. What are you seeing that makes you think he is dying? Could it just he due to acclimation?
  9. It's definitely work, but it was fine for me. I used a small 10G tank and my cheapest light and was learning what I was doing. It's fun. It's a fun little project in my view.
  10. Just a quick aside. On a 29G tank I run a 50G filter. The flow isn't too much. I tried it with a 75G filter (turning it down) and it was too much. On the AC filters I usually run two sponges, 1 ceramic media bag. I don't know how this relates to your setup, but just something to keep in mind. How the filter is stocked is going to help or hurt stability. The tank looks fine, the readings all look fine. It will hopefully be something where the snails don't go too crazy and the tank itself can catch up.
  11. Yes. And yep, those are definitely some nice larger amano shrimp. Correct. -Zoeys hatch out in your main tank, during night time you use a flashlight and you have 2-3 days to collect them and move them to a brackish tank. -You have the brackish tank set for them and feed them greenwater / rotifers daily. -Then they grow up over time, but that's the process for a few weeks. It's definitely not easy, but it can be done if you have the drive and setup. I got them to survive for about a week before I just realized they weren't surviving, but they were slowly dying off. So yes, I have tried to, was unsuccessful, but determined.
  12. Sounds like a 15G long rimless tank to me!
  13. For those that can't go, but want to experience some of it. Bon Appetit has a series with Brad Leone and he does indeed go to Hawaii. Highly recommended. Very cool to hear. There is also whale watching trips on the west coast too, depending what time. (and maybe if you're lucky you'll get to see a great white shark!)
  14. For those with Anubias farms. Aquasky 24" on a 29G tank. This is the settings and results after a few weeks. Again, this is the tank where I have a lot of ambient light and want to outcompete the horde of BBA. The logic is that I want the plant to grow using the ambient light, the light itself is very underpowered as well. Second to that, I want the fish to have a "longer" afternoon cycle. So this tank is specifically set for very late light time in comparison to the day/night cycle in the room. A wider window of low light so we can enjoy the tank, but not enough to let algae grow in any form. (and hopefully get removed over time). I cannot stress it enough, manual removal helps so much for hair / BBA algae. In John's case, the lighting is going to be very different for stem plants. But I think it's cool to show the contrast and how things work over time for both lights/plants.
  15. I would fast for 2-3 days and see if the swelling goes down. If you can, I highly recommend something with pea protein, spirulina, or (frozen or) freeze dried brine shrimp to help ensure he doesn't get too backed up from the pellets. The Xtreme nano food and or Xtreme betta pellets are also pretty awesome too.
  16. Everything I'm seeing is specifically calling these two as your steps for treatment. Epsom salt specifically because that will help to encourage them passing waste and help reduce swelling.
  17. Yes. and I would suggest giving some rest days too. It might help him digest to have breaks.
  18. ziss bubble bio would be what I'd think. Very difficult for them to go crazy on, then gravel vac whatever else you need to.
  19. I would leave the back glass to have algae. It gives them something to graze on as well as give them some comfort. Meaning, one side of the tank where they aren't exposed. As for the other issues, they sell "nano tank" siphons that are short but have a wider opening. I would think that's a good bet because it allows you to vac an area without taking out too much water. If your siphon doesn't have a short intake, I'd look into that. Ultimately, when I have issues like what you're describing, I'd scrape the glass, vac the substrate, but that's it. Eventually you'll catch up and get a feel for where all the mulm is coming from. The substrate is a larger pore size, which just means it's easy for food to get stuck to where the shrimp can't access it. Just something to keep in mind.
  20. Looks like swelling on the abdomen? Do you feed frozen brine shrimp at all?
  21. King of Queens. S6:E12 They were going back in time to when they first bought a house. There was an "older style" house with this hex countertop tank somewhat built into the wall. Very good movie!
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