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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Let me see if I can find some engineering documents. Do you have a specific light you're looking at? It's a lot about angle and spotlight for me on deeper tanks. Some lights have a good, what's the term used.... Offcast? It's basically how tight is the focal point on the beam. Some LEDs are a lot better about it. Polarizers and lens shape also play a role.
  2. You can also look up different bitters. Another method with low/no sugar. 🙂 I use a lot of extracts and stuff as opposed to cream or anything.
  3. Nooooooooope. Not even close. I enjoy my nice planted tank too much.
  4. Yeah. I am glad he is defending himself now. He should be the tank boss but was a very meek fish at first. Considering how he was pestering the females and she ended with the fin rot I was really trying to keep an eye on things. They've been together for a few days now 🙂
  5. Feels like a newt tank. Really beautiful.
  6. A few things at play here that are pretty relevant. 1. What is the composition of the substrate and the tank, is it planted, etc.? 2. What is the bioload and feeding schedule? 3. What is the filtration method, what types of media, and how is it setup? I've had tanks with nothing by a small sponge filter, even some with a sponge and a ziss bubble bio. I have also had bigger tanks with.... 5 filters running. There's a logic and a reason for ease use case, sometimes it makes sense, sometimes it doesn't. I'm not going to hook up an FX6 on a 5G nano tank. If I see the fish literally pushed against the glass and unable to swim, that's an issue as well. There is a balance between "crystal clear" water, mulm, and what the fish want. I have one tank right now that has one filter and a pumphead and it's like looking into a pane of glass. I have another tank that has two sponge filters and the water is much worse in terms of clarity. It doesn't mean one is better or worse. They have different water opaqueness factors and that's really the difference. I have a preference to have some ceramic media in my tanks. Be it hardscape, substrate, or in the filter itself, I find that it gives me a more stable system and less issues. It also definitely isn't perfect and I have had good filters not work because of bioload issues. Location, flow, and oxygenation is what matters between these two scenarios you're describing.
  7. Not at all. But you do need to take a step back and understand the stability of your water.
  8. Definitely true that there is more out there. On the app store(s) check out Aqua Illumination lights as well as Kessil. Pecktec has videos on his Kessil lights. I don't know who has a video on those that I would point you towards. One day I'd enjoy having some AI lights, I enjoy their app design specifically. I currently run the fluval lights because of the ability to tune them as I see fit. It's a very helpful feature.
  9. It happens. What kind of corydoras? My apologies if I should know this! 😞
  10. I would say try 24 hours before, with a heavy feeding that night. Say the storm is tomorrow, then I would do a big water change the day before, feed them at night a good meal, and then the storm hits in 8-12 hours after the big feed. I can attest to this. It's not a pure... it's raining and now they are showing behavior..... type of thing. They have to be ready to and that can be one of the triggers. I've had probably 4-5 storms where I had the window open, noise, even simulated noise during a storm outside (tablet near the tank), and they still were being stubborn with me. It takes time. Sometimes weeks to get some fish to spawn, and others it's ridiculously easy. Sometimes there is a water hardness component as well. Water evaporates, hardness changes, new storm has a certain PH/KH/GH and that's the trigger as well as the temperature.
  11. That's really awesome. Nice work! You'll have to offer some up on the buy/sell/trade section. I truly know what it feels like to try for "a while" and wait for a spawn from fish. Hopefully it's some relief now that you're seeing the results you were hoping for. 🙂 Really beautiful patterns. Can't wait to see how it changes as they grow.
  12. @modified lung ^^ Has a lot of experience with testing tools. There was a particular brand mentioned previously that I would check out.
  13. Fun. I always think gingerbread or chai spices for holiday times. I've been staring at the pine needles wanting to make some needle tea. LOL.
  14. It wont hurt necessarily. You'd be better off running carbon though. As far as results, you'll notice it might slightly polish the water for you.
  15. Mighty Magnets! https://www.mightymagnets.com/
  16. Today's coffee is really, really messed up. 😂 I think it would definitely quality as turkish style. I went to adjust the grinder up (turn to the right), but my dyslexia got the best of me and after grinding I realized that was the wrong direction and I adjusted it more fine as opposed to course. Needless to say, I'm thankful for the coffee, but might have to run an attempt two here shortly. @TeeJay hope things have settled and the kid (and anyone else) is feeling better these days! Going through some of the same stuff here with regards to the younger sibling being under the weather. Did you happen to feed out the vibrabites at all? What do you think of it? Very fancy! Looks interesting. Makes me wish for my nespresso pods and setup to be alive and well again. How was it!?
  17. Also definitely helps to not have the toe teeth on there when learning to skate. 😂 Very cool. Which team have you watched most? I've been to a whole lot of ducks games. We did have tickets once that were bottom bowl. Avs game, my grandma was an avs fan and she got the tickets. One of the times when she first was sick I'm sure. I opted to stay home so someone else could go, despite being the one hockey person in the family. A little while later, my uncle won some extra money in vegas and he used that to take us to the stanley cup finals. I sat on the middle tier, no obstructed views or anything, right over Brodeur's right shoulder. It was literally one of the worst games of his career, but it also one of the most impactful ones. I got a Giguere jersey that day, first time I was ever able to get one, and it was special because it was a stitched one and has the patch from that series. That was the year he won the Conn Smythe. My other memorable game..... yet again involves a story, but I looked up to the sky the day before deciding to go and there was a gigantic shark in the sky. It was my first "home game" for the sharks so to speak. Hosting the kings up in Levi's stadium. Not a joke, they added some of the cheap metal chairs zip tied on the top balcony of the stadium. Yeah, you're not seeing the puck there, but to be at that game was really special. I was a sharks fan from so cal, sat next to a kings fan from Oakland and we just enjoyed the game and tried not to freeze to death. Just one of those things, a slightly different opportunity as a kid and I know I would've at least gotten to a semi-pro/professional realm. Not saying I was that good, but that's the love for the game that I have. I definitely miss it. Would like to coach one day.
  18. You have what is called old tank syndrome. Meaning, you need to change more water volume or to change the current amount more often. Your water might be very unstable. You also need to run an off gas test. Aerate your tap water for 24 hours with and airstone and then test that for PH/KH/GH. That is what your tank sees when you change water.
  19. You can change water with warmer water as well if possible. Heat If on the stove or something until it's slightly warmer.
  20. Very understandable. Same thing happens in engineering, but just less important issues. My mom is a nurse, works in one of the most rewarding and difficult departments, has worked a lot of different ones including ER. Your work doesn't go unnoticed or underappreciated. Hopefully the next day, week, and moments are better. Keep doing what you do, needless to say the world needs more nurses, medical staff, and vets who just actually care. It's a very heavy job.... But there is a world of good there too. Essentially, usually, it's from a specific kind of breakdown in the chain. Usually CO2 and or flow/equipment. It is what I would say the most difficult to remove once it's.there.
  21. Agreed. I hate that. Everything WAS fine. It's that situation where you might have a clogged airstone or just too much back pressure. It happens. Always check pumps, air pumps, and heaters!
  22. What is the temp in the garden tub vs. the pond? Usually pond will have better temps because of the depth and being buried in the ground itself. Depending on those two factors would be a good way to view your options.
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