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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. How are you going to raise them with all the other fish In the tank?
  2. Food tabs and spinach work fine, but normally they don’t need any dedicated feeding.
  3. Good Luck with your new fish. They're supposedly the one of the easiest Corydoras to breed.
  4. Gravel usually works well because plants can root well in it, but sand is best if you’re thinking about stocking the tank with Corydoras.
  5. Rainwater works just like RO water, all you have to do is put a container outside when it rains
  6. Fertilisation happens outside of the females body.
  7. Welcome to the forum, but just remember: whatever you do, fish will die, but as aquarists we try our best to keep losses to a minimum and half the time it's not even our fault.
  8. I’ve had a colony for about 2 months and they’ve all reached adult size, water parameters are fine; I was wondering if anyone had some tips about how to stimulate them into breeding.
  9. Discus and Neon tetra with Siamese algae eaters or guppies and swordtails with Amano /snowball shrimp or Oticinclus
  10. I'm with @Fish Folk for the colour and fins, maybe a female???
  11. Wow, I'm surprised they even had double tail goldfish back then.
  12. @Alec , take the average wholesaler price of mystery snails, multiply it by 200 or 300 and you’ll have what you’ll get if you sell them to some LFS. 😉
  13. Congratulations!( I think mine are on their 6-7th generation now) just make sure to get some new individuals over time so your future fry don't have any deformities.
  14. I'd say absolute minimum is a 30 gallon for a pair, 55 for a group of 3-4
  15. Maybe planting some more val could help, and then hiding some other plants here and there
  16. A banana plant would probably get pushed into a corner, but could root there and start spreading. Have you considered moving the Black Tandan, or giving him away?
  17. I'd try a 'shrimp paradise' 10 gallon or a killifish 15 gallon planted tank.
  18. Have you thought about weighting them down with a stone or putting them into an Easy Planter?
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